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These 40 comments are related to an article called:

My twopennath worth

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comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

Are there SoD out campaigners? Or is it a bit of a myth.

Has for bring back Billy

Give it rest please, all of you

posted on 4/12/12

I will tell you now when Donny sacked Sean it was the biggest mistake we have ever made.

He can and will make it at Forest just give him the support and the time he needs.

As for the "I want success and I want it now" booing boys grow up as it is affecting players but in a negative way.

Give Sean and the boys a blast of

"Walking in O'Driscoll wonder land" through out the game

Thats better than booing and will get the team to improve.

Remember all teams have blips and I am convinced Forest will be in the top 6 when it counts at the end of the season.

You don't even know the man yet, he is a reincarnated Cloughie just wait and see.

comment by Hoons (U5327)

posted on 4/12/12

I'm still absolutely shocked and amazed that there are people that a) want Billy Davies back as manager of NFFC, and b) want SOD sacked already (which there are a few already).

Billy Davies was a cancer to NFFC - why people can't see past our league position under him is beyond me. He single handedly almost ruined our club, and we're lucky that we now have owners and management that are all singing from the same hymn sheet - we are building the club from the bottom up, to ensure long term stability and not just short term success.

As for SOD, he is doing a good job, but he NEEDS TIME !! We are a few points off the play offs, and hopefully in January he will know exactly what needs to be done with the team, and we'll be in a far better balanced position for it.

Completely agree with the Cohen comments Jacko. He was outstanding the first few games he returned, but he doesn't fit into a dynamic passing midfield - I'd much rather see us play Lansbury of McGugan than Cohen - but then again I guess it's the managers call. I think Reid has been awful since Cohen has returned to the team. Not sure if it is just coincidence, but maybe you have hit the nail on the head!

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

Billy Davies was a cancer to NFFC - why people can't see past our league position under him is beyond me. He single handedly almost ruined our club,


Absolute tosh.

This is what bugs me. I don't want Billy back any more than you do. But that's totally unfair and untrue. He had his faults. But that's böllocks

comment by Hoons (U5327)

posted on 4/12/12

There's a very good reason Billy Davies is still out of work Sutton, because people have seen what damage he does to football clubs. He has left an angry disguntled wake wherever he has sailed. I stand by my comments whole heartedly

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

As for SoD. I like him but he's not doing what it says on the tin he does. SoDs teams play good passing football, that's what it says.

And at first I was delighted to see a side that was always trying to do that. A side that always wanted to get the ball now where ever possible, that looked like it was a developing the attractive style that can be so successful. Fast forward a few months and its all but gone. Long humps up to a lone 5 foot nowt striker after a few balls around the back four seem to be the order of the day.

I'm not really bothered about our league position or points total. I'm worried that there's no sign of improvement since his early days. In fact we look like we're going backwards. I'd more than happy to give him a couple of seasons (not sure the owners would) if I could see signs of improvement, signs we were going where I thought we all wanted to be. But I'm not seeing it.

comment by Hoons (U5327)

posted on 4/12/12

SoDs teams play good passing football, that's what it says.

SOD himself stated he doesn't have a clue where this view came from. He said he has never done a passing session in training in his managerial career!

Think this is more a case of fans labelling him ... it doesn't mean we should automatically expect this style of football.

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

Stand by what you like Hoons. It's rubbish.

If ND had appointed a decent manager and gave him an idea of his budget when Billy left we'd have been fine. I know why he's out of work but he doesn't have the power to ruin football clubs. He's just the manager. I can't believe how many seem to think he's a proper evil genius. You should send Batman to sort him out.

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

Well if we can't expect good football what's the point? That's the reason so many forest fans welcomed him with open arms. They wanted to see our team playing the way we think it should, and we want it to have reputation for playing attractive passing football.

If he doesn't bring that he's just a bloke that got sacked from Donny after losing 20 odd straight games. If he didn't come with the passing football reputation forest fans would have gone mad at his appointment.

comment by Hoons (U5327)

posted on 4/12/12

No he was welcomed with open arms because a certain section of fans narrow mindedly claimed it was entirely his doing that we managed to stay up last year.

There's no doubting he is a clever bloke, who knows what he wants and doesn't pander to his critics. Of course he (and we) want to see good attractive football, but whether this comes from passing teams off the park is immaterial. I just don't want to see this used as ammunition to fire at him, when he has never once stated that he favours the 'passing approach'.

posted on 4/12/12

Wes Morgan kept us up

posted on 4/12/12

Against Hull, O'Driscoll set us up to not concede. I don't think that this is a slight on the creative elements of the side, but a a sign that he doesn't have much faith in the defensive elements. This is worrying, but who could deny we look hopeless at times at the back. This is the biggest issue that needs to be resolved in January. Ayala and Hutch need to be sent back if they are not fit. Ward needs to be driven back to Norwich, and we need 3 new permanent signings: a centre half, a left back and a right back. We also need two wingers, another centre forward, and to either sign up or replace Lee Camp. It's a huge job, and what would really convince me that Sean is the right man is if he acknowledges these areas of weakness and stresses the importance of of addressing them. This is is something I actually appreciated with Billy Davies. He made it abundantly clear which areas of the team required investment, and although some people argued he was moaning alot about being backed, most of his complaints were absolutely spot on. Some of the hypothetical clap trap on here re. how things may or may not have turned out had BD stayed are not even worth two pence, and those suggesting that somehow BD was a "cancer" to the club are so wide of the mark I don't know what is going on in their little heads. He did a good job, and we played wonderful football for the largest part, considering his limited budget.

posted on 4/12/12

I'd personally give SOD until Christmas 2013. Only seems fair to me.

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

No he was welcomed with open arms because a certain section of fans narrow mindedly claimed it was entirely his doing that we managed to stay up last year.


Not sure about that. I never thought that and I think plenty agree with me. The best job he could get before we employed him was Crawley. Regardless of what happened last season if it wasn't for his reputation for passing football he wouldn't have been half as popular. If that reputation is a bit of myth then I'm starting think it was a bit of a daft appointment.

I'd be happy playing more direct if it was successful. I'd be happy being less successful and playing good football. But for now I just want to see a side that's improving and looks like its going forward. I'm not seeing it at the moment. I'm seeing the opposite.

comment by Hoons (U5327)

posted on 4/12/12

He did a good job, and we played wonderful football for the largest part, considering his limited budget.

Is that last bit a joke? Seriously, should I be laughing?

posted on 4/12/12

I think there's so much work to do to put together a squad, he needs at least 2 years. January however, will be a big indicator as to whether or not we're moving in the right direction. I think some of the defenders he's brought in have made SoD look incompetent and I'd like to see him ruthlessly cut short some of their Forest careers and bring in replacements ASAP.

posted on 4/12/12

Which bit did you find funny Hoons?

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

All this stuff about giving him two years to wait and see is nonsense. The owners will have to £20 in this season maybe more if we spend in Jan. And if we're to keep "building" and improving similar amounts every year.

They will not be giving the manager years to see how it goes. They will want to get up, they will have to get up. They won't want to be pumping tens of millions in to NPC football club. I think some of you need to understand that. Financial realities mean we don't have the sort of time some of you think.

posted on 4/12/12

Sutton...whichever road you take nothing is guaranteed.

posted on 4/12/12

That maybe true, Sutton, however, looking at the make-up of the squad. There is such an inbalance, and so much uncertainty regarding players contracts etc which the new owners and SoD have inherited from the last regime, that I'm not convinced it's practically possible to address in two transfer windows. We had barely weeks in the summer to build a new defence, so it's hardly surprising that we had to patch one together with journeymen. January is always difficult to land specific targets because teams are reluctant to sell, and our best hope is to do what Leicester did to us last year and bring in players who are running down their contracts. We have to do this in 3-5 positions however, plus, we have 4/5 key players we may have to sell and replace to avoid them running down their contracts. The whole paying squad is a bit of a mess and it's a monumental task to sort it out. I think it's just realistic to suggest that SoD needs another year after this one to steady the ship. I agree that the new owners will have one eye on promotion this year because the sooner the better, but I hope they are more clued up than Doherty, in that they aren't only prepared to go half way in backing their man only to get cold feet when we're on the precipice of actually achieving something.

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

I'm not saying any things ever guaranteed. My point is SoD has had significant backing already. We're still short in some areas so the side may need even more money. You can't have that sort of backing with pressure to get it right quick.

What if we give him another year and thing carry on as they are with little sign of improvement? The owners could be £30/40m down by then. Then we need a new gaffer who'll want money and SoD makes David Platts spend look like peanuts.

You have to show improvement and fast. I don't think SoD was ever really their man anyway. I think they wanted a big name and were talked in to SoD. I also think they want to bring more big name players in and SoD doesn't. If that's good or bad depends on which players I suppose. I'm pretty sure he was offered Pennant and turned him down. I'm not sure it's the match made in heaven it seemed early doors tbh.

The more money a club spends the quicker the gaffer has to get it right. It's how these things work, like it or not

posted on 4/12/12

If it's steller signings we're after, Billy Davies would probably perfect for the new owners!

posted on 4/12/12

So you get a new manager in. He chops and changes and brings in a new style of football. Let's just say for example...this doesn't work.

What next?

The owners need to keep the faith with SOD and I'm almost 100% he will get us up next season if not in the playoffs this one.

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 4/12/12

I'm almost 100% he will get us up next season if not in the playoffs this one.


Based on what?

The team aren't improving now. He has no record of making the playoffs in this league. He has no record of managing a bigger club or a big budget.

So why?

No guarantees in this game at all I fully except that. But some have a track record that shows they're more likely that others. Right now I can't think of anyone that stands out. But I'm not saying we should sack him. I'm saying if he doesn't sort it out soon he will be sacked. And I'd totally understand why.

You're living on a different planet if you think the owners will carry on pumping over a £1m a month in plus potential transfer fees for a manager and team that aren't going in the right direction.

posted on 4/12/12

I don't think that's unreasonable Oddball. I think most of the backlash since the weekends performance against Hull is down to the negativity of the tactics. What people need to start realising is that SoD's footballing ethos is actually totally different to Cloughs. Yes they both liked to keep it on the floor, but BC's style was counter attacking. The Forest side in the 70's/80's let the opposition have the ball and hit them on the break. When the opposition are attacking, that is when space opens up which can be exploited with a pacy forward line. SoD's style is possession football, which, much like the Liverpool side of the 80's, requires a high defensive line and defenders that are comfortable knocking it around between them, patiently waiting to exploit the gaps. Speed is still important, but it's more about the movement of the forward players and acceleration in short fits and bursts. With the counter attacking football you're looking to draw out the opposition and create space behind them, whereas with possession football, your aim is to wear down the opposition, by continually moving the ball and making them chase it. Both can be used to great effect, but the differences are significant. In this respect, SoDs ways are not particuarly `the Forest way`. Both ethos depend entirely on being built upon a great defence. It's easier to be compact and play counter attacking football if you have the players to exploit the space behind the opposition, but we don't. It takes, dare I say it, `stellar` defenders to be able to keep possession and maintain a high position on the pitch without making a lot of mistakes. We have the attacking elements to make this work, but defensively we're well short, and there aren't many defenders out there who spring to mind who could slot in to this formation. Therefore, the players we bring in will have to be coached and this takes time.

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