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The SG League Rap Off

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comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 31/5/13

Yep that's no problem. Got a job interview then pub later tonight but I'll get onto it on Saturday

posted on 31/5/13

Hi .

posted on 31/5/13


posted on 31/5/13


Bring on next season I say , Villa will do much better next season. Feel i've made steps in the right direction recently with my team .

posted on 31/5/13

Di you doing results?

posted on 31/5/13

What game's or game am I doing results for?

posted on 31/5/13

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posted on 31/5/13

though i will be fair and say that ive been unreliable with results so cant expect them to be reliable with tactics

posted on 31/5/13


We'll sort this out on Monday. I'm having a 2 day break away from here.

I'm up for fining anyone who doesn't hand in tactics next week mate . Will probs do my tactics on Tuesday night mate .

Also talk to the lads about bringing the quiz back, it was the funniest part of our league .

posted on 31/5/13

Unlucky Wilshere and Di. Sometimes, it's just really annoying when they don't do them. I'd expect from you lot it is unintentional but if it's becoming a reoccurring problem like it has recently, you've got to change something.

Think once you've finished this season, you've gotta reshape a lot of things from top to bottom with only the committed members.

posted on 31/5/13

yeah the quiz made the league interested and it made people come back.

these exams have made the league like this which sucks

posted on 31/5/13

You've gotta take that Quiz into next year as well and get someone weekly to be the Quiz master and they ask the questions to each league member or something.

Exams will be over by the start of July/End of June which is about 4 weeks away so you may have a greater chance of finding members.

posted on 31/5/13

we had a great way of doing the quiz

5 vs 5 and people enjoyed it

posted on 31/5/13


Thanks for all your advice and everything but really can you go back to your league and leave me and Willy alone to get this league back into shape. Cause at the minute your starting to grating on me and I'm on the edge of losing it at you.

So go back to your league and leave us alone please .

posted on 31/5/13

Dont argue with a woman

You will always lose

posted on 31/5/13

Willy -

I'll be back on Monday mate. If LRF starts on you do me a favour and filter him again.

cya mate .

posted on 31/5/13

Well I'm sorry but I don't really recall you trying to do something to change it but chatting about it. That's what I'm trying to enhance on this on your league as mine is proving successful with people coming and joining at all angles so I thought what I've tried may have helped you but it seems your not bothered. You keep doing it then, but your going downhill so I'm trying to stop the rot and hopefully just stop the ship from sinking and allow you to build it up, but ok, you do it how you want, but your the one going downhill.

posted on 31/5/13

Why would I start on him Di? Wilshere is actually a pretty sound lad and I've tried to do this league by gratitude by offering to possibly join, by offering to help, by offering advice and even a new member, and yet I'm still getting slated for a league I was at war with 2 months ago?

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 1/6/13

Thanks for all your advice and everything but really can you go back to your league and leave me and Willy alone to get this league back into shape. Cause at the minute your starting to grating on me and I'm on the edge of losing it at you.

This. There's a difference between advice/bobbing in to say hi and unfounded patronising LRF. Be careful not to blur the lines me ol' one horse town too many horses make a town a city you ol' Flanders you.

posted on 1/6/13

I can see both sides LRF and I am pleased that you have given us advice but atm we're planning for season 2. So anything that comes into effect will come into effect in a month or so.

Im happy that you have taken your time to give us advice and Di and myself have taken it on board, I promise you we have. However while the advice has been good we do feel that we can lead this league through the tunnel by ourselves. We would appreciate it if you would give us the chance to do that by ourselves. Obviously it may not seem good atm but I believe if you leave us to it then we'll find a way.

I congratulate you on your success on your league and I have made no secret that I wanted it to be a success. not for you but the SG board. You in the past, and probably now, have thought I have tried to ruin it but I can swear deep down that was never my intention. If you asked me if I had liked it to have been a failure i'd have said yes in terms of it effecting you but no in terms of effecting the SG board. However the point im trying to make is that I feel that we are as capable as you are in making a successful league. You've found the right approach and I think we can.

I dont think we are any worse at running a league than you and yes you might think differently cause of the differences but when a time comes that you lose 3/4 members (happens on LSTDS league) and is very possible that it could happen to yours in the future im not sure how you will be able to deal with it. That is when you will be tested the most. Theres nothing worse than a league that has a few vacancies. We are experiencing that now. You have experienced it in the past and have failed (in old leagues). I think you need to let us make it a success.

Your advice has been acknowledged and we will use anything that you have put forward as long as we think it benefits the league. The one thing you must watch out for though is to try and not sound patronizing when giving out advice. I have appreciated the advice but at times with several comments I felt you were trying to show your supposed superiority over us. This can be quite annoying and it is what Di is trying to put across

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 1/6/13

So Di's still in charge until the end of the season right? And are the Cup Tactics in for today??

posted on 1/6/13

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comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 1/6/13

Alright me ol' matey skip me mucker pal hombre del amitri bruce wayne me ol' skippernickle pumpernickle half pound slice of rye bread, let's all be civil.

posted on 1/6/13

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posted on 1/6/13

Park? Why the sudden change to ye' old English Literature?

But I don't see how I was being patronising in honesty? I'm saying there doesn't seem to much effort going in behind this yet, obviously I don't know, but now I do realise and I was wondering if any of it was being taken into consideration but my point being, why try actually do something about it? Talking about it for ever and ever won't solve anything, you've said all this before, it will only happen if you do something, actions speak louder than words.

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