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These 6765 comments are related to an article called:

The SG League Rap Off

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posted on 29/5/13

Yeah, I don't mind any team. I think I'll hold out joining until Tuesday (due to exams) but following that, I'll take up any vacant spot.

LRF, I'll have a look over your league

posted on 29/5/13

Got a vacancy currently mate.

Guys, you might not like to here this but I've just added 4 () new teams to the league and got 3 members already in about 10 minutes.

If I can do that, you can.

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 29/5/13

That was not a good journey...

posted on 29/5/13

Park your Sunderland page asap please

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 29/5/13

Yeah checked 21, I'd join if the team's free (and is half decent )

posted on 29/5/13

Park .

You've been invited to finally join the Dreams League . If your interested .

posted on 29/5/13

Yep, very good team left behind by Robin

All yours if you want it, just pop along to the honepage

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 29/5/13

I'll take them

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 29/5/13

Will get a team page done by tonight :D

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 29/5/13

That was meant for the DL haha

posted on 29/5/13

are transfers still done at the weekend?

posted on 29/5/13

Thursday right through to Sunday now guys . 2 in 2 out as always and 6 in 6 out over the weekend .

posted on 29/5/13

lrf tbh i havent been advertising lol

di you want to do the new homepage now or EOS

posted on 29/5/13

EOS mate .

Looks like we might get GMW - which will be great he's very experienced and will do a good job of any team he chooses.

I just wanna know if everyone else is still into the league really .

comment by Park (U13708)

posted on 29/5/13

I'm into it Even if Swansea are top

LRF seems keen to help, and he's good at getting people in, if his league's full could he maybe send out some feelers for us?

posted on 29/5/13

Punt I would rather you stay on at least temp and find someone to replace yourself
No worries, will see the season out for now and we can take it from there

posted on 30/5/13

This league is going to be revamped punting for season 2

plan to run things a lot differently. me and di are discussing what we are going to do for it and we have considered many options. may even suggest a new type of tactics formula with Di

posted on 30/5/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 30/5/13

you like your essays, dont know if cba to read

posted on 30/5/13

It's taken me 5 minutes o type out, 2 minutes to read, not all that hard. It's why my league is in a structurally sound position currently.

My potential next job coming could be English Journalism if I can't get my Exams right for my current job to take off. Depends all on if I Pass or Fail really.

posted on 30/5/13

LRF, Ludy promised he'd join Lstds league EOS, can you give him a reminder please

posted on 30/5/13

I doubt that in some way.

posted on 30/5/13

Doubt what?

posted on 30/5/13

That he said he'll join LSTD's League. You ask him, not wanting to unsettle my league when we've just got the new members in. Ask him in a week, just let everyone get settled first please.

posted on 30/5/13


He did, popped on in January time, and I asked if if he could join, but he said he was busy, and end of season he would consider joining-now he's joined yours, I'm sure he's got time to kill

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