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20th in the Championship !!!

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posted on 2/2/13

Correct !
We are in trouble,and have been in complete free fall for about 18 months.This set of players are either not good enough or do not have the heart for it.
I really worry,spent the afternoon with my pal Benny and we were both really concerned with the match reports we were hearing.Maybe Im just a worrier but the club is decaying rapidly,it feels like the early 80s all over again.I do like I say worry about our club and imagine crowds down towards ten thousand next season if this rubbish continues,and the Bok will be like a wake without ale.

comment by AndyGee (U1737)

posted on 2/2/13

Just got home from Watford, said a couple of Weeks back we would be in the relegation zone by end of February, nothing I saw today has made me change my mind. We are in a slump and I can only see it getting worse.

posted on 2/2/13

Where there not many down today mate?.
Mrsnuns has put a stop to my away day jollies of late,fancy a weekend in Nottingham though.
Who if any put a decent shift.performance today?.

posted on 2/2/13

' looking at the league, and I haven't seen every single team play this season, it's hard for me to name three specific teams I think will be below us this season, but personally, I think there will be far more than three teams finish beneath us'

'Just for fun, if you'd like me to name three teams though, and lets check these at the end of the season, I will go for Barnsley, Bristol City and Ipswich.'

'I don't say we will never get relegated, but I am a betting man, and I wouldn't bet on us to go down even if you offered me 100/1 against it, I wouldn't give you a fiver. Absolutely no way will it happen'.

Think its about 33/1 now ? Still confident ?

In answer to your question SW, I am still absolutely confident that we will not be relegated.

There are a number of posters who are absolutely desperate to point out we are in a relegation dogfight it seems, it's a bit like the boy who cried wolf for me to be honest.

Yes, right now, we are three points above Barnsley with a game in hand and better goal difference, but this is the closest we've been to the relegation zone all season long.

In my opinion that doesn't really count as a season where we've 'looked like going down', 'struggled against the drop', 'battled for survival', 'been involved in a basement battle', 'flirted with relegation' or whatever other cliche you might prefer.

No way will we go down, not a chance in hell. Put your doomsday checklist away, it's mid table obscurity for us.

I don't change my predictions every ten minutes, I'm not as fickle as your average football fan I guess.

comment by AndyGee (U1737)

posted on 3/2/13

Wish my Mrs would stop me going to away games and home ones as well.

I'd say about 900 away fans.

Who had a good game.........er.......hang on......er......Zat Knight. Vela was shockingly bad, Ream is just not strong or quick enough for this division. Pratley, Spearing and

comment by AndyGee (U1737)

posted on 3/2/13

Sordell where all just above average.

comment by AndyGee (U1737)

posted on 3/2/13

We are 16/1 on skybet to get relegated, 33/1 at one bookies.

Don't know why you are so sure we won't get relegated, not one performance recently suggest we are to good to go down, far from it infact.

posted on 3/2/13


I didn't use those clichés you mentioned you know how seriously worried I have been for ages now I suppose from the early stages when I kept seeing messages saying we would walk this league. In fairness you have been consistent with your appraisal and confidence of a mid table finish I just wished I could share your confidence and it's not as simple as just saying negative and positive etc

I suppose what really worries me is the fact that apart from Wolves all the other strugglers are picking up 2 wins here and there and sometimes against the top clubs what I would give for one good win against the top teams !!
My confidence in that team is at an all time low, I used to think Ricketts was a good player who just needed a chance but his attitude of well I've made a mistake and it's cost us another goal so what !!seems to have spread to the rest and don't get me on Knight and Ream ! I would say that 3 points against Burnley is now a must would you agree ?

posted on 3/2/13

I sadly agree,we could get relegated.I hope and pray not and I understand where LH is coming from.We have the so called players to do well,but we dont know or understand the feeling within the club.We probably have strong/long standing characters in the club who are maybe on a cushy number and maybe resistant/frightened of change etc and that may cause disharmony.We may? have a manager who does not inspire,I dont know either.
One things for sure this is a bloomin mess!.

posted on 3/2/13

“Once you’ve lived a little you will find that whatever you send out into the world comes back to you in one way or another. It may be today, tomorrow, or years from now, but it happens; usually when you least expect it, usually in a form that’s pretty different from the original."

comment by AndyGee (U1737)

posted on 3/2/13

Anybody watching the football league show, is Huddersfields caretaker manager Gary Megsons dad?

posted on 3/2/13

'We know we are a team that are capable of picking up a run of results that can spring us away.'

Bloody hell seems to be different to we will be challenging for a play off place come the end of the season.

Seems that even DF knows the games up and it's all about survival

posted on 3/2/13

I would say that 3 points against Burnley is now a must would you agree ?

I guess so, I mean, with us having two away games after that, then it's pretty close to must win - and I think we will.

I realise you didn't use those cliches by the way, I guess I am a bit frustrated by 2 wins in 10 games and every loss being greeted by rising hysteria about relegation. I understand peoples' anger ... but I have decided that every game between now and the end of the season is something of a dead rubber to be honest, I do think we will pick up enough points from our home games to comfortably stay up, we score too many goals to become in serious danger.

I continue to feel inclined to give Freedman more time. I feel he needs a run of results to give the fans confidence in him. It's not easy coming into a club in the state we were in under Coyle, change the system of play completely, and arrest 18 months of decline. Having said that, I am disappointed we haven't got more points in his 3 months in charge. The losses at home to garbage like Sheff Wed and Ipswich were, for me, the genuinely unforgivable results which made me angry. 6 points from those games and I suspect even the most negative fan (ie nuns and benny) would accept the inevitability of a mid table finish.

I just want some stability. 6 points from those games would have granted us that.

posted on 3/2/13

Nicely put LH,good comments from a good supporter.I see both sides of this coin mate,I fear what a relegation battle will do for us,I think it could strangle us.Admitingly I dont know enough about contract deals etc to hand,but to shift this dead wood who maybe on good money may be impossible.
Sat with Benny today and listened with a few ales and we are worried not just about today,but many have seen this film before.
As for negagtive fans LH ,tut tut I could be worse and be a complete Robot and be clueless.

posted on 3/2/13

who would have thought it relegation haunted bolton v promotion chasing burnley the worlds gone mad.its also the championship live game 1st time since sheffw a

posted on 3/2/13

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posted on 3/2/13

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posted on 3/2/13

I don't really think Freedman did anythihg wrong regarding the team selection yesterday. That same team played excellently vs Everton and they deserved a chance to play again. Freedman must just be wondering how on earth a team can go from battering aggood team off the park to playing awfully vs Watford in the next game. It must be so frustrating for him.

It really does leave everyone wondering what needs to be done to resolve this inconsistency. New players will surely come in - and I don't think it's fair to blame Freedman for not playing them. He only bought them less than a week ago.

As for avoiding relegation etc, it frustrates me that fana have already given up.

"Somebody said it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied,
That maybe it couldn't, but he would be one,
Who wouldn't say so 'til he tried.
So he settled right in,
With a trace of a grin,
On his face, if he worried he hid it,
And he started to sing as he tackled the thing,
That couldn't be done and he did it.

Somebody scoffed,
"Oh you'll never do that, at least no one has ever done it"
So he took off his coat,
And he took off his hat,
And the next thing you know, he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin,
And a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He tackled the thing that couldn't be done,
And he turned around and did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands and prophecy failure,
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
That they just don't wait to assail 'ya.
Just buckle in,
With a bit of a grin,
Take off your coat and go for it,
And you'll start to sing,
As you tackle the thing,
That couldn't be done,
And you'll do it.

posted on 3/2/13

That poem was somewhat unexpected.

comment by AndyGee (U1737)

posted on 3/2/13

The poem was unexpected because no one has said we can't stay up, If I was a betting man I wouldn't bet on us going down. We are in trouble though, 3 points above the relegation zone and playing poorly whilst teams below us seem to be picking up points.

What is the average number of points required to stay up in the Championship?

posted on 3/2/13

People have said we won't go up...

posted on 3/2/13

OOFiF - since the Championship came into existence (1992-93 season), the average has been 48.1 pts to stay up.

The highest has been 53 points.
The lowest has been 41 points

posted on 3/2/13

People have said we won't go up...

So is the poem 'aimed' at those people?

posted on 3/2/13

Not really. It's aimed at whoever it is relevant to. That's for them to decide, not me.

posted on 3/2/13

That does strike me as a bit 'holier than thou' tbh TRR.

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