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Where is Glick ?

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posted on 29/7/11

A centre forward is not someone that ventures over the half way line,it's
someone that leads the line.

Well it seems to me, that's why they've brought Tyson in, to lead the line and score goals for us, cause he's the experienced championship striker that's needed!!
You mentioned Tom Glick going into hiding, I called him Lord Lucan last season, and I'm going to call him it again this season, because he's full of it!! Have a guess who's going to be the fall guy? Nigel Clough. Broken promises yet again. More than likely, when they do find Tom Glick he will say they have been busy trying to get this director of football in, cause him as chief executive of the football club, doesn't have a clue.

posted on 29/7/11

I dont like him that much but we have spent a decent amount already, and he is better than the tosh we have had in the past. Its frustrating that we cant get anyone, but I dont attach much blame to him.

It could be:

1- We arent getting rid of deadwood like leacock and bywater- we cant have a squad of 28- its not feasable

2- NC does not have a plan B on targets

posted on 30/7/11

Peni Tom Glick said at the end of last season, "there will be high earning players off the wage bill, so there will be money to spend in the Summer". Colin Gibson interviewed him and these are Tom Glicks exact words, "Derby County will be active in the transfer window, and when we finally get the players Nigel wants (they're the players we have already brought in) then we will concentrate on the spine of the team, this is our main concern, so far they have brought Shackell in, for a supposedly 1 mil. Where's the holding mid field player that we desperately need, where's the experienced championship striker they have promised, and more than anything as we all know, we need a left back!!

Right, 4 or 5 days ago I heard Colin Bloomfield say on radio Derby that DCFC will NOT be bringing anymore signings in the foreseeable weeks, and that's what he got informed of from DCFC. Just so most Derby fans know, I know most of them do, we have got rid of the big earners, Commons, free transfer, Hulse, we got money for, Varney, we got money for and Savage, retired. Can you tell me who the big earners are at DCFC now? Off the top of my head I can see Leacock , Byewater and probably Barker being one of the highest earners. All I'm saying, this board especially Tom Glick contradict themselves season after season, and they can't pull the wool over my eyes.

posted on 30/7/11

You all knew what was going to happen as soon as Glick opened his mouth.
You the opportunity to get a ticket refund if you wish.
Your call. !!
I have as yet, not renewed.

posted on 30/7/11

watching your team for most fans is a passion and to some extent a tradition enjoyed by fans all over the world.
Managers come and go along with directors and players but fans are bonded to their club with deep passion .
This offer of getting our money back was a glick pr job more spin with him knowing full well that we as fans cannot resist the excitement of a new season , even those like me who want NC out.
I go to games with my sons who are now both grown men , one being in his thirties and to go to the match together as we have done for over thirty years is part of our lives. When I was working at other clubs we still watched the Rams when we could .I managed against Derby County and I knew sitting in the dugout at the baseball ground that my family sat in the stand wanting a Rams win .
I have talked football with my lads and of course Derby County all their lives , they had Derby shirts before they could walk or talk .We love DCFC but our match day is not just about the game its the social side that we treasure so much.
NC and glick can tell me anything , promise the world and make excuses , do I believe them , NO , do I think they are fair to the fans , NO do I think they are good at their jobs , NO . Will I be at the game next saturday , YES , have I got my season ticket , YES ,
Will I go for a refund , NO .
Will I still have a season ticket in five years , yes , will glick and NC still be at the club , NO !

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 30/7/11

Robrea - maybe what this needs is for a small group of fans to bite the bullett and go down to the ground (with the DET alongside) and demand their money back. If nothing else, maybe it would cause Glick to pop his head over the parapet.

That said, I remain (by and large) of the view that GSE are doing a good job in running the club. I could be really mercenary and suggest that the PR is so slick that 80/90% of fans have fallen for it and renewed. We are being run along sensible and sustainable lines and, looking forward to the imposition of the new financial regulations, we are in a good place.

But I'd still like to see a central midfielder, goal scorer and back up full back come in asap!

posted on 30/7/11

Where is Glick? Hopefully thrashing out deals for the players he said we would sign, or did he think we would be fooled by signing players we had on loan last season?
Did Clough offer up any other targets than Eustace and Waghorn?

posted on 30/7/11

What is strange is that we genuinely seemed to steal a march on other clubs at the start of pre-season and get in the players that Clough wanted, beating other clubs in the process. When the last of these was signed Clough said we were still looking to get 2 or 3 more in, although he has consistently said that it may mean that some need to go out first to balance the wages. I think they thought that Bywater and Leacock would have been shifted by now.

The Eustace situation was odd-maybe we were led down the garden path by the player and his agent but we all think an older wiser head in that position is very important, someone who can actually do what Savage always thought he could do. Bailey and Hendrick may be able to do iit in the long term but you can see the game passing them by at the moment because of their inexperience. We have plenty of forward options but it looks like we still need muscle, and Clough seems to want Waghorn and only Waghorn for that spot. It is looking more than likely it is never going to happen. Full-back cover should be relatively easy to arrange via a loan-personally I though Roberts finished the season well and I think cover rather than replacement is all that is needed.

It isn't Glick's style to shy away from questions and in my opinion he tends to answer honestly, as does Clough. It shouldn't be beyond the ability of Radio Derby to simply ask Clough what happened with Eustace and whether he still plans to get an experienced central midfielder, or whether he thinks that what we have is enough. I don't see it as broken promises-we have signed 8 after all-but a failure to get in some key players, for which there may be reasons. If so, just tell us! All clubs seem to be having a lot of difficulty and if you look at other clubs' boards then fans are saying similar things. Perhaps it all depends on the Premier clubs letting their loans go out and then a lot more action will happen, both loans and permanent.

A bit of straight talking is what would be of most value so hopefully Radio Derby will get us a bit of info after the Exeter game.

comment by Gt_Karl (U1940)

posted on 30/7/11

Quality summary that Vidal, we my have Irons in the fire, remember last season they was criticised by some for naming targets then not getting them?.....
anyway 3pts next Saturday against the in disarray blue noses.....

posted on 30/7/11

comment by Gt_Karl (U1940)
posted 18 minutes ago
Quality summary that Vidal, we my have Irons in the fire, remember last season they was criticised by some for naming targets then not getting them?
Karl what are you going on about? every Derby fan new who DCFC was bringing in for this season, even Eustace&Waghorn

posted on 30/7/11

stabilty , wage bill , squad size , all things the board have to address , but as a fan I want to see quality exciting football and the team progressing .
We have signed eight players , but the same amount have left , from the start of last season have we replaced the likes of Bueno , Commons , Hulse , Bywater ,Savage , Addison and the injured Green .
I ask would anyone swap the above set of players for those signed.
In my opinion we have a weaker squad than last season and we were close to going down , who is going to score Commons goals , who is going to create the chances provided by Hulse , commons and Bueno.
I keep being told we have pace , Charlie George , Roger Davies , Franny Lee and Kevin Hector all lacked pace as did Commons , but they had class , vision , and an eye for goal.
My milkman can run , but he is crap at football.

posted on 30/7/11

Its slowly becoming frustrating to read the same types of comments regards 'where are the signings promised by DCFC?'

Derby started off well in advance of the other clubs in signing their targets and everyone was feeling the optimisum. The signings have stopped and a pessimistic attitude has taken over.

The way I'm looking at it is that the English transfer market is becoming difficult to negotiate in until the major transfers are concluded and the Premier League clubs announce their squads.

If you look at the Championship clubs I think Derby along with Cardiff and Leicester are the only clubs to have significant transfer activity. (The other Blackpool but they have only recently returned to the Championship with parachute funds to help)

As fans we're looking at it as we should have already signed all the players we wanted but I don't think it's that easy, especially given we now live in the recession and clubs with players contracted will be looking for a healthy fee and those out of contract (e.g Eustace) will be looking to play clubs against each other to get the better deal for their own personal needs.

It's also been mentioned that there were free agents like Lee Bowyer available - would you really want that racist thug in your side? Having Savage in Derby colours was bad enough but that twit in Derby colours would have made me very angry.

Chopra was also mentioned by fans as a player Derby should have attempted to sign. Have you forgotten about his drinking and gambling problems?

The way I'm looking at Clough's signing's is broken down into two sections - player's available at reasonable prices to meet Derby's finances (in the Free Agent to £1 million bracket max) with wage demands that fit into their pay structure.Secondly and more importantly that their personalties are not primma donnas and that they are level headed and with leadership/ influential qualities. (e.g. Fielding, Riggott, Bryson, Shackell, Maguire, Ward)

Those type of players are going to be difficult to find! You could have a gifted player but turns out to be a total tool (Mario Balotelli anyone ?) Or be highly regard and sought after to turn out to be a dud (Freddy Adu anyone?)

The only player I can think of for the defence midfield role with experience and leadership qualities would be Nicky Butt, however I think he's retired now? Alternatively I think Bryson and Pearson could cover that role until Bailey returns which allows us time to find a DM without panicking.

The central forward DCFC are after is obvious (Waghorn) and until Leicester don't get cover for strikers we're not going to get our main target.

The Left back slot has been confirmed will be filled by a loan signing and the right back slot as back up possibly by Croft (Dear God!!!)

Now it's a beautiful sunny day in Derby make the most of it with your loved ones and let's get ready for match one when Derby run riot over Thai Money Laundering City XI on Aug 6th


posted on 30/7/11

Stop being so hysyerical.

comment by Peeder (U1684)

posted on 30/7/11

Desi - I dont want to sound like Big Brother, but defamation of character can come in many guises and some of your comments were a bit litigous! BBC 606 would have deleted your post for sure!

Which would have been a shame as the rest of the post was spot on! I'm also convinced that we know who we'd like and are waiting for other things to happen.

I'm not sure about Waghorn though - talk down here is linking him with Bristol City in part ex for Nicky Maynard going to the foxes.

The other gaps will be filled once the premier boys name their squads. Must be at least 20 spares at Man City alone!

posted on 30/7/11

Peeder: definiton of defamation- "...Making of false, derogatory statement(s) in private or public about a person's business practices, character, financial status, morals, or reputation."

So, not a lot to fear, to be honest desi

and no, I would not want that person in my team.

posted on 30/7/11


Saunders & Goddard had pace they did alright

posted on 30/7/11

I see derby scored in that first half. Doh

posted on 30/7/11

Jorvik, spot on , but they had a football brain ,
Saunders knew exactly when to time his runs and goddard was a master of laying the ball off , goddards control and awareness was superb.
We cannot compare what we have now with such players I used to watch goddard in five a side games he was awesome.
I am guilty of being one of those Rams fans who still compare what we have had and what we have got , I know its unfair and I know we should move on , but its bloody hard.

posted on 30/7/11

I think its a bit rough to be saying that "everyone" was optimistic and pesimistic based on the pace of our transfer activity!

I speak for myself when I say that some have been looking on with a neutral interest.

We seem to have signed some more good potential, but where is the established? Some may point to Nathan Tyson, but as far as Im concerned he still has alot to prove.

At present, it seems, we are relying on a young fit, exhubarant midfield, as apposed to having someone in there with massive talent for quality and organisation.

I mean how long have we been lacking that? Looking at ome of the signings at other clubs, we had better hit the ground running and overrun a few teams early days and get some points on the board. As teams become aware of our strong points it will become increasingly difficult to griind out results, as we saw last season.
The only defender, Shackell, who will not be making up our defense who shipped a ton of late goals last season. So, lets hope he can be a Leader back there!

I bumped into an old work colleague yesterday, who's first question was ST's. I told him I had not renewed for the second season running. He told me the only reason he had was because his seat was in a great place next to the aisle and he didnt want to lose it. I laughed. Coincedentally, he has follwed Derby home and away for 40 years, and we both shared the same frustration.....................The Board!


posted on 30/7/11

Lost today 1-0....Tom Glick is just an empty bag of wind.

posted on 30/7/11

Hang on TSAR, he's either an empty bag, or a bag of wind, but with even the most pessimistic view, he can't be both!

posted on 30/7/11

Whoops we did not score in the secon half either. Doh

posted on 30/7/11


posted on 30/7/11

Mo.....thanks for educating me.... but he is still an empty bag of wind.

posted on 30/7/11


I'm not comparing them I'm just nasying it works & I prefare to watch that kind of team than one with a target man

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