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.........i've just RETCHED my crumpets up !

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posted on 9/2/13

Meks ya proud it does, gets ya right there.

posted on 9/2/13


posted on 9/2/13

Obviously not an official Wolves video. There were goals in it!

posted on 9/2/13

JH and Terrie have enough material to haunt us for years to come.

Nowt to do with Moxey, Bonuses and Early Birds - thankfully - as he has no input or control over the official website.

Still patronizing for those who go.

posted on 9/2/13

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 9/2/13

yeah Tats,unfortunately the club has discovered that a lot of season ticket holders are unconventional in there biological make up....and that there heart is wired directly to their wallets..........Moxey and 'him crew dem' must be really desperate putting this pile of sickening stench filled steaming dog $h!t out!!!!

posted on 9/2/13

Where's ya soul GP, where's ya soul. I've got a little manly tear on my cheek as I watch that and find my right hand moving inextricably towards my wallet.

posted on 9/2/13

had to edit myself then in order to get an expletive in......it's like playing Sudoku with letters and Tourette's on this site!!!

posted on 9/2/13

As long as it's you wallet...

posted on 9/2/13


Might as well get an extra pot.

posted on 9/2/13


posted on 9/2/13

I meant

posted on 9/2/13

Jesus Tat's....have the club bitten you and turned you into one of the old gold members of 'THE WALKING DEAD'??? (back on Sunday night by the way.....bosh!!!)

posted on 9/2/13

Sorry I forgot to put <sarcasm smiley> anywhere on my posts

posted on 9/2/13

Didn't know there was a dog smilie.

Thinking about it, I wonder if even Jez is cringing and worried that folk will think it has his stamp all over it?

posted on 9/2/13

Almost as patronising as the huge sign that was put up when we blew promotion under dave jones . 100% commitment 100% this that and the other blah blah blah .

posted on 9/2/13

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 9/2/13

.......................it's OK herb,should that little scenario raise it's ugly head Teflon Jez will put it squarely at the players feet,as they are never off that YouTube thing and you'll often find several of them around an apple mac brutalizing the video editing suite(some in the misguided hope they can rack up a top score black op's 2).....NICE DOG SMILEY BTW

posted on 9/2/13

Missing the option to edit GP?

posted on 9/2/13

BIG TIME TATS!!!!(plus the lawyers are a little slow this end....so i tend to post before i hear back from them.....typical,me getting me load off sharpish that is!!!)

comment by Fiddy (U11570)

posted on 9/2/13

We need you now more than ever

Why sell our best players then ? Oh silly me

I forgot ......football is a business nowadays and we need another stand building.....oh wait

posted on 9/2/13

I'm still trying to stickie anything that moves.

posted on 9/2/13

I’m the same GP. It annoys me when I post something and immediately see that I could have phrased something betterer or that I’ve made a stupid speeelling mistake.

posted on 9/2/13

Got used to using the preview option on 606 but got lazy the last 18months.

posted on 9/2/13

indeed Tat's....one wouldn't want to appear uneducated and just plain tardy in ones literary output.......in case one gets mistaken for an un-evolved Cro-Magnon man from Sandwell Town(SHIVERS AT THE VERY IDEA)!!!

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