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Robins ~ Butt ~ Jones ~ or Lillis .. ?

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posted on 11/2/13

I think Cas said "the" when he meant to say "a".

If we do get Batman in charge will we go 1960s style camp and beer gut or the more modern gritty style where everyone talks like they smoke 100 a day????

posted on 11/2/13

In Deanos Dumbed down list he ticks lotsa box's Wethers .. but we covered this very ground last week when I myself was punting for him and suggesting that Coventrys Financial position may lead him to consider his future there ..

I hear ~ Like The Man From Del Monte .. He only has to say YES!

comment by 38YEARS (U5913)

posted on 11/2/13

christian bale..
the "new" batman..
knocks his wife, sister and mum about.. even without the cape on...
even super heroes have gone to sh-t!!!!!

posted on 11/2/13

Butt has similar form .. allegedly .. ? .. .. Footballers eh ..

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 11/2/13

"However, I'll go one further this time and say MARK ROBINS HAS BEEN OFFERED THE JOB. He might turn it down, "

Don't get this bit...was he offered the job cold then, like he hasn't applied for it ?

I think if it's down to Robins (31% win ratio at Barnsley but 51% at Coventry) or Jones (the impressive martinez's assistant at Swansea and Wigan)....I'd have to go for Robins.

Wigan have 6 English players in their 32 man squad, and I don't know of any that have come through the ranks, so to speak...so not only does he have no managerial experience, but is totally unfamiliar with the 'pathway' concept...He might have a good footballing philosophy, but Town aren't going to scour Spain, Chile and Barbados for players, more like Spen valley, Chickenly and Batteyford....

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 11/2/13

REPORTS: #HuddersfieldTown will request permission from #CoventryCity to talk to Mark Robins about taking over at the John Smith’s Stadium.

posted on 11/2/13

Things are seemingly Warming Up then Jax I'm sure most everyone just wants to see this managerial appointment finally 'made' & 'put to bed so to speak so that normal service can be resumed, whatever that is .. Whilst none of us should be counting our Chickenleys just yet

Mark Robbins does appear to be a man who knows what he wants To Get To Where He Wants Us and The Club to go ..

Lets hope that he spells this out to Dean CLEARLY and that they reach an accomadation that spurs our team onto greater things ..

Onwards and Upwards .. Robbins would be .. by me .. You ..

posted on 11/2/13

1-7 on now at Sky Bet

posted on 11/2/13

Those have to be the most POTENT and Telling ODDS yet Eggie .. ?

If, according to all sources & from what we're picking up on the footballing media grapevine Mark Robbins has lacked the financial team strengthening backing he sought from his last two clubs then hopefully lessons well and truly learnt he will SPELL OUT to Dean just what is required for him to do a Meaningful Job here and indeed one that most of us know needs doing ..

It would appear like WE are CHASING him (requesting permission for talks) hence it follows his bargaining position has some real strength and clout with it ..

We must wish Good Luck to both He & Dean in their negotiations

posted on 11/2/13

Here's what Robbins said ~ (not long after joining Coventry) when introducing himself to their fans last year .. Sound familiar and in tune with what Deans been outlining to us as the kind of manager he's/we're looking for .. ?

Supporters are fundamental to what we want to do. We can put a team on the pitch, but without supporters we haven’t got a Football Club.

We want to develop as a community club, where around our games and training schedule, we want to interact with the community more and create role models for the next generation of supporters and we have to come up with a way of facilitating that.

To engage with supporters and for those supporters to engage with us when watching the team, they need to have an affinity with the players, to really be our 12th man.

Any negativity that currently surrounds the place doesn’t bother me, I can’t control what other people say or do. We have to be as one. We will only move forward together. I want to put something on the pitch to be proud of, to enjoy watching and to get enthusiastic over.

Please don’t underestimate the power that supporters have. If we take Leeds United as an example, their play at Elland Road is dictated by the fans. They really are one of the loudest sets of fans I have ever heard. They really get behind the team and the volume and support, at all times, is unwavering and demands a performance from the team. If we can do our part, the players will replicate. We can do this together.

Finally, thank you for welcoming and accepting me. The first week at any football club is different to any other time. There were some things I wanted to do quickly and the club have enabled me to do that. Everything I do will be in the best interest of the Football Club but we have to do it sensibly and within our parameters. We have a structure and a strategy to move forward but we need our 12th man.

Yours sincerely

Mark Robins

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 11/2/13

Bootsie, ffs, you note its Robins and ferkin Robbins !!

posted on 11/2/13

Sorted Jax .. It seems being as its so Icy Up Holme Moss i've got Baskin Robbins Ice Cream on mi brain .. ..

posted on 11/2/13

"If we take Leeds United as an example, their play at Elland Road is dictated by the fans."

Sebes got it wrong.
Shankly got it wrong.
Cruyff got it wrong.
Clough got it wrong.
Laudrup is getting it wrong.

The last time I looked, Leeds United were 11th in the second tier of English professional football, with 10 Championship clubs and 20 Premiership clubs above them.

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 11/2/13

I bet he won't repeat that if he comes to us...we just got rid of one lousy losing leeds lover....

posted on 11/2/13

You do have to wonder how much these management rumours are Press Driven .. Last week it was all Graeme Jones in the self same papers (Mail, Mirror etc) that were being touted and in the case of Jones, Martinez had cause to come out to try scotch them ..

Tbf the current ones ref Robins do seem to have more momentum behind them with local radio stations in both locations adding weight to the chatter ..

All that being said it does seem to me that a successful outcome of any such negotiations with M Robins could much depend on the Size
of his budget (thats budget Mirfielder not budgie) notwithstanding Coventrys Compensation figure which may well yet prove to be quite a Sticking Point ..

comment by Jacko ~ (U4503)

posted on 11/2/13

would be typical of this drawn out farce for Coventry to refuse permission, and we go to number 4 on the list...

one day we'll all laugh about this...

posted on 12/2/13

Yes, one day we’ll look back on all this, and while we’re looking back… we’ll walk into a wall!

posted on 12/2/13

And the name of that wall will be .. Brett Ferres .. ..

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