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Saunders face some facts please !

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posted on 2/3/13

Floyd....I'm a bit confused about points 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6

1. Saunders has promoted Doherty to right back! No other manager wanted Doherty at the club.

2. Saunders has been the only manager to substitute Henry when bringing on Davis.

3. Saunders has given Batth more game time than any other manager.

4. I agree. But we don't know the details about Peszko. It could be out of Saunders' hands if loan fees are involved.

5. Saunders has used Sako on the left in 8 out of the 9 games he as played in.

6. Saunders has got the best out of Siggy when compared to any previous manager.

So Floyd, are you

A) actually PRO Saunders

B) confused

C) trying to use senseless comments about Saunders because you're really unhappy with his points haul so far?

I'm not a huge Saunders fan but if you're going to knock him I wouldn't have chosen ANY of those points to do it.

posted on 2/3/13

Not knocking him, just praying that he can see after 9 games of changing that following the above is worthwhile. He might agree with all the above which is great, my point we are seeing some obvious conclusions and ones I hope he sees like everyone else.

Yes he has recognised some of these, but has also resisted others (peszko, dropped batth again to little obvious benefit, sako left wing in the last match, sigs back to right wing).

So he's allowed some of these to come out and given youth some real impetus, but then he's also fiddled and I hope he can sit back and review this accordingly and follow the above conclusions until the end of the season.

Thanks for the usual critique though

posted on 2/3/13

I agree with most of the points as they stand and they are some of the reasons that I think Saunders has done better than the results would show.

Doherty is promising. Batth should be in the team now but at least Saunders has let him prove that. Davis must get some starts soon and yes Sako must play on the left - one of the first rules of team selection for me is that you always play your most important players in their best positions.

The points I would question would be 4 and 6. Can't say I have been that impressed with Peszko and those that are saying he was important early season might need to be reminded that he was substituted most times he played and Solbakken dropped him a couple of times even before he was injured. I think Sigurdarson is good on the right and some of his best chances last night actually came after he was moved from striker to the right

posted on 2/3/13

I've read a few comments on here about Saunders not knowing his best team. Cinci says the same.

I would point out that through 'fiddling' with the team

- we have a young and improved left back

- in Gorkks we have a more consistent defender than Berra.

- since fiddling with the defence we have only conceded 5 goals in 4 games which isn't bad when in two of these games we played teams who are 1st and 3rd in the league.

- if Saunders hadn't fiddled then you wouldn't have been able to form these 'new found' opinions.

Get off his back.

posted on 2/3/13

I think sigs looks more likely to finish chances than seb / Cassidy / Doyle at present though. Maybe peszko could supply Siggy

posted on 2/3/13

Cassidy only had 5mins. Don't think it's fair to form that opinion just yet.

There must be reasons why Peszko isn't playing. Maybe he's not pulling his weight in training.

posted on 2/3/13

Think the loan window was responsible for the left back !

Gorkks is no better than batth IMO

Conceding 1.25 goals per game is more likely with a defensive set up that offers little offensively and it as done nothing to improve results.

I don't have new found opinions, i just have my opinions which contrary to your popular belief I'm as entitled to form as you.

To clarify, I want Saunders to confirm the above points, follow this and keep us up. Do I think he was the right appointment NO. But I certainly don't blame him for what he has inherited, I blame others for that.

He's doing his best with a bad hand, just hope he can see what we are seeing

posted on 2/3/13

I agree with you about a few things.
- Davis should replace Henry
- Siggy should start as a striker (with SEB I think).

What I disagree with:
- the loan window was responsible??? Saunders signed Gorkks and Robinson.

And the main point.
Saunders does not need to "get his facts right". It's Saunders' changes in the last three games that have made us see clearly that we need to progress with the youngsters HE has given a chance to (the only manager to do so!) He deserves more credit than you're giving him.

posted on 2/3/13

He'll get his credit when I see some points or real improvement I'm afraid

Yes he's contributed to some of these factors I'd like him to stick with this add in batth, peskzo and then try and get some points to keep us up. Not faulting effort, just not resulting in any improvement as yet

posted on 2/3/13

I agree with all of Floyds points, particularly Sako on the left and Siggy up front. Siggy had been our most dangerous striker in the last 3 games and I don't understand why is moved out wide when we bring subs on. Sako on the left is a no-brainer and last nights move to move him to the right to accommodate the useless Hunt was bewildering.
I can understand the tinkering up to a point but now some consistency is needed to give the players the confidence and continuity that a settled team would bring. We may even see a team with shape and a pattern of play if we keep the same line-up for a few games in a row.

Looking at the table and fixtures its hard to see us getting out of this but I do think that our players are potentially good enough to win enough games and a settled team would give us a better chance.

posted on 2/3/13

saunders gets a huge thumbs up from me for at least trying to sort out our awful defence. the only one of the last four managers to address that problem. he gets an extra bonus mark fro dropping wardinho and foley - but loses some of my good opinion for dropping batth who had looked like the best young defender we've had since lescott.

sadly, floyd is right about other areas of the team tho. saunders has allowed the same old weak midfielders to start too many games and that is by far our biggest problem area. he is confused by what a RM player is, telling us that we have 5 on the books but failing to pick the only real right winger we have got. worst of all, he persists with the henry/o'hara pairing in a deep CM position - the same shít which was responsible for so much damage in the first half of last season.

like a few on here, i'm unconvinced by DS just yet but he'll get my support through to the end of the season. i do see the good things he is doing but his overhaul of the team is taking a long time and games are fast running out. the next two away matches are crucial - break the winless streak with 3+ points or i think we will be looking at saunders completing his transformation of the squad in div 3.

posted on 2/3/13

The table is starting to look ominous as the 3 teams above us all have a game in hand and the next team above them is Huddersfield who are five points above us. We need 2 wins to overtake them assuming they get no points in the mean time.

I hope DS can get us out of this but if we do go down then a good part of the blame(not all) will fall to him as we were six points clear of the bottom 3 when he took over and although struggling were certainly not doomed at that point. I still think a less risky appointment such as Davies, O'Driscoll or even Coyle would have us pretty much safe by now. If we don't get a minimum of 3 points from these 2 away games we will be adrift. Forest are on form but Millwall aren't so that looks our best bet but midweek away at the New Den....

posted on 2/3/13


It's alright saying he persists with the same centre midfield pairing.

Who would you select alongside Davis then?

posted on 2/3/13

I agree that Siggy has been our best forward player in recent games and twice came close to scoring on Friday. Both of those attempts came after he was moved to the right. I think he is a better player with space in front of him and he is more likely to get that playing wide than central

posted on 2/3/13

It's alright saying he persists with the same centre midfield pairing.
Who would you select alongside Davis then?

I think that's the biggest problem the club has. I don't think Henry, O'Hara, Doumbia or Edwards have been doing enough to be in the team - and there isn't anyone else.

posted on 2/3/13

The point is though that our players are inconsistent.

Now it looks like Davis should play CM and Siggy up top but on tues Siggy might be awful and Doyle could come on and sore then fans views change again.

It's ok saying our CM pairing is poor. But who comes in to play with Davis? Edwards? Jonsson? It's O'Hara for me still.

I think we should go with





posted on 2/3/13


from the players we have available then davis and o'hara is possibly the best option. but i would have brought in two CMs about three years ago and wouldn't be in this position. i'd also have prioritised a CM loan now ahead of what appears to be a fruitless search for a forward...unless of course the club are just bs-ing about one more loan to try to appease the fans whilst saving a few quid :o

posted on 2/3/13

doherty batth gorkss robinson
pezko davis o'hara sako
siggy SEB

ward left wing is a joke, surely?

posted on 2/3/13

We could and should have changed the whole team three years ago GB.

But right now we have people ranting at Deano in the hope that he'll pick the players he has brought through (?!) and telling him to change this and that before realising there is no better option off the bench.

posted on 2/3/13

The ward thing....

I'd have Peszko too. But as it stands something bigger is going on there.

Faced with a decision over playing Foley, Ward, Edwards, Hammill or Hunt out wide then I'd take Ward.

Why? Defensive cover, natural left foot, good effort, good crossing and more importantly something he'd allow...Sako to be in better positions behind the striker where he can score in areas like Watford.

posted on 2/3/13

In fact I'd just say Sako, have a free role.

posted on 3/3/13

ward can't defend. he has been awful at LM before. he has put in no effort this season. and sako always looks at his best playing LM with the option to come inside when he wants. apart from that - go wardy!

who would i choose at LM (if not sako who would be my first choice)? anybody that i thought was going to be at the club next season, even if it is one of the youth team. ward is the past and like henry, berra, edwards, hunt etc., should be gone.

posted on 3/3/13

Fair play...at least you are thinking about alternative players.

So many posters on here rant at players without realising there is no-one better.

The biggest example after Watford would be the CM spots. Davis instead of Henry....but O'Hara must get the nod at the moment.

posted on 3/3/13

Flood, I agree with everything you've put there, Henry gives his all but we need Davis to start, he's got far more mobility and positivity.

posted on 3/3/13

Floyd, you say that Siggy being 'the most likely to score'. In fact he's scored how many?

If I were Saunders; I'd be moving heaven and earth to get a goalscorer in on loan as soon as possible.
We now need wins and whilst the defence was a priority and looks as tight or tighter than before (we weren't conceding loads anyway); goals win games.

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