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A turning point or a false dawn ?

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comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 6/3/13

Thats a nice way of looking at it Wolfgang.

posted on 7/3/13

Just watched the full game and there is no way you'd say that team was bottom 3, and anyone from Cardiff down would be pleased with a point against Watford.

posted on 7/3/13

Woah....the dictator is gonna be busy tomorrow morning with this thread

Any news on robinson by the way, I foolishly assumed he was injured as he was not in the 18 tuesday, thankfully my conclusion jumping was brought into focus quick sharp.

posted on 7/3/13

Agree with a lot of the comments; 'one swallow' and all that.

Having said that, Wolves looked good, especially the first half and if they continue to play as they did, there is no reason that they cannot stay up.

comment by gemini (U16287)

posted on 7/3/13

Quite right Cyp and we are only 6 wins off the playoffs

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 7/3/13

Is it too late to dream Gem?

posted on 7/3/13

Cheers for the intro Cinci. I know you’ve become used to being Sunny’s supporting act but I don’t need a warm up man thanks

Floyd I think you are mixing up things you/we already knew/thought with what we learned from the Millwall game.

How, for instance, did we learn anything about Batth and Robinson or the Siggy/SEB partnership from the Millwall game when Batth, Robinson and Siggy didn’t play?
I agree Edwards is not out best option at right wing but, again, we didn’t learn that from the Millwall game we just know it from years of watching him.
The Henry/Davis debate has been rumbling on for ages now I prefer Henry most prefer Davis but again nothing that happened on Tuesday weakened Henry’s grip on the shirt.

Hopefully what we saw on Tuesday was a turning point and we will see a more settled side from now on. Saturday should give us a decent clue as to whether Deano is a tinker-man by nature or if he’s just been striving to find the right combinations. Watch this space – it’s never dull being a Wolves fan!

posted on 7/3/13

You mean 6 wins if the other teams don't pick up any points gem.

I've pretty much resigned myself that we won't get promoted this season.

comment by gemini (U16287)

posted on 7/3/13

comment by tara-a-bit (U16260) posted 1 hour, 49 minutes ago
Is it too late to dream Gem?

Dreaming never hurt anyone pal so why not?
One thing for sure though, with Tuesday's result and the obvious improvement in the team's performances I'm certainly looking forward to the Brizzle match more than I was.

posted on 7/3/13

I'm certainly looking forward to the Brizzle match more than I was.

Thanks mate.

comment by gemini (U16287)

posted on 7/3/13

comment by Cyp (U16330) posted 15 seconds ago
You mean 6 wins if the other teams don't pick up any points gem.

Ah, erm, yeah, ok you spotted the weakness in my plan

Looking forward to the Brizzle match Cyp?

comment by gemini (U16287)

posted on 7/3/13

You're supposed to wait for the question before supplying the answer

posted on 7/3/13

I think if you read some of the comments from the manager since he has been at the club. He will utilize his squad I think especially with the younger players. It is obvious with Eubanks Blake that his is having a few injury issues. He rested Doyle and Siggy becuase he thought they were knackered from the game against Watford.

Nice to celebrate a win, I think 4 home wins and 2 away wins and we would survive. I think a draw against forest.

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 7/3/13

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posted on 7/3/13

I'd be surprised if we needed 6 more wins to survive Pattaya and even more surprised if we won 6 of the remaining 10 games.

Three more wins would put us on 48 points which I would hope would be enough.

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 7/3/13

Last 3 seasons its been 48,48 and 49.

posted on 7/3/13

Cheers tara. Just what I thought.

posted on 7/3/13

If we can beat three of the teams around us, we will be taking vital points from our relegation rivals so let's beat three of:

Brizzle, Birmingham, Bolton, Huddersfield and Burnley (for good measure). Simples!

posted on 8/3/13

Just watched the game...thanks Tara & I was very pleased with the performance. We looked solid at the back, pressed well from the front, mixed it nicely between long balls & patient build up. We looked well in control & saw the game out nicely. The only good fortune we had was for once not having any bad luck. Both goals were excellent strikes. I have no one to criticize, not even Henry.

So this relegation thing is just the usual usual. We just have to avoid being rubbish & unlucky for the rest of the season & we'll finish comfortably mid table.

I'd take a draw at Forest.

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