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posted on 19/3/13

This season's DVD is going to be a best seller.


posted on 19/3/13

Seems to have been badly treated over one mistake.

posted on 19/3/13

to be fair Deano would never have been megged


comment by gemini (U16287)

posted on 19/3/13

"I know what it takes to get out of this league"

Well Deano your secret is out. You go into the dressing room at half time and wind up the best player we have who is already feeling really stupid thanks to making a silly error, so that said best player punches the wall in frustration and rules himself out for the rest of the season in the process - genius
I wish he had punched you instead, you gormless, Welsh búshíttér

posted on 19/3/13

Don't hold back DWW. we should get him deleted

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 19/3/13

You have the power at your finger tips Tino.

Make that call.

posted on 19/3/13

hey up tara you ok..... I should add a disclaimer that if some tragedy befall Mr Saunders that in no way am I responsible

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 19/3/13

Morning Tino, do need a hand loading that Ricin into your umberella?

posted on 19/3/13

should be ok bro only need a pinch

insulin between the toes will do the business just gotta get my chiropodist disguise dry cleaned

comment by TaraTV (U16260)

posted on 19/3/13

.....just gotta get my chiropodist disguise dry cleaned.


Isn't that just a white coat?

If you want I've got a Norman Whiteside mask.

posted on 19/3/13

Norman whiteside why have you got one of them?

I'm quite unremarkable very forgetable I'll be ok

posted on 19/3/13

I work in a laboratory Tino, so if you need a white coat I'll be able to get hold of one.

posted on 19/3/13

you're all jumpin on the bandwagon I want the adulation to myself

posted on 19/3/13

Now listen here, see. You're all being a bit unfair. Ikeme came in giving it all that and I warned him, see. I said, "If you wanna fight, I'll fight you." Well, he took a swing but he's about two foot taller than me, see, and he hit the wall, didnt he. So its his own fault really.

Im thinking of starting him up front next week. What do you reckon? Worth a try?

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 19/3/13

by bigdumper (U16439) 19 March 2013
So he punched a wall after a bust up....probabaly in line with what most of were thinking. He should have just picked it up!
Yes, you might have stopped the resultant free kick four yards from your goal line.

posted on 19/3/13

Hello Dean hows ya dad Ron?

comment by aries22 (U1203)

posted on 19/3/13

But got to agree with DWW. It's the last thing Ikeme needed at half-time.

posted on 19/3/13

I refuse to pass judgement on this story until I know what Robbie Savage's position is on it.

posted on 19/3/13

Robbie Savage - there's a hard man. Not as hard as me, mind!!

posted on 19/3/13

Would you "have 'im" Deano?

posted on 19/3/13

Dean obviously let his famous "enthusiasm" get the better of him or maybe he thought Ikeme wasn't aware of his error and it should be pointed out. It's lucky for Saunders that we somehow extracted a win from that abysmal performance to avert some of the criticism from his poor management of Ikeme at half-time and subsequent lying to cover it up.

This idiot is taking us down and Morgan will have a lot to answer for with his ridiculous choice of manager. All we hear about is his enthusiasm, nothing about his tactics, coaching or man-management skills.

posted on 19/3/13



posted on 19/3/13

Eat him for breakfast, I would, DejaVu. Still be half asleep as well, wouldn't I.

Rogereli - "This idiot is taking us down" - you'd better not be talking about me. I know where you live, see!!

posted on 19/3/13

Alibi's supplied .... cheap

posted on 19/3/13


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