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These 49 comments are related to an article called:

85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board

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posted on 4/8/11

cRSipy, I don't think this article is off on a tangent, but in case you feel it is, why don't you read my last few posts and comment on your suggested voting options and my responses?

By the way
"85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board"

Should read:
"85% Of the 678 Everton Fans asked a limited yes or no question, don't Trust The Board, although they may have preferred to expand on their answers"

I know, not as catchy.

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 4/8/11


posted 30 minutes ago


You have not really offered anything there.

My point is,we may well be flucked if we do,we will certainly,eventually,be flucked if we dont
Spot on and quicker than you think.

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 4/8/11

comment by Burgerbuns (U5244)

posted 58 seconds ago

cRSipy, I don't think this article is off on a tangent, but in case you feel it is, why don't you read my last few posts and comment on your suggested voting options and my responses?

By the way
"85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board"

Should read:
"85% Of the 678 Everton Fans asked a limited yes or no question, don't Trust The Board, although they may have preferred to expand on their answers"

I know, not as catchy.
To be fair you of course are right that the title may have been misleading although in my defence I didn't try and hide anything in the article

posted on 4/8/11

Concerened, I didn't say you mentioned INTERIM board. It's one of the options in cRSipy's original article post.

Your point also seems to be changing.

And I haven't I've mentioned other clubs. Feel free to be a pedant and scour my previous posts to when I have mentioned them in the past though, I'd hate for you to not have a comeback.

You're also avoiding answering my points.

comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 4/8/11

Burgarbuns you say this

Difficult here because no, I don't trust them entirely, but at the same time, I know they're not going to sell us out to any old bunch. Could they have made better decisions in the past yes, of course they could have, but that doesn't mean they've deliberately put the club in this situation. Poor management decisionsdoesn't mean they're all crooks as you suggest.


comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 4/8/11

and how do you know they're not going to sell us out to any old bunch.

I'd imagine they will just sell to the highest bidder so what is the point of holding on.

posted on 4/8/11

I'd imagine they will just sell to the highest bidder so what is the point of holding on.


Can't sell if nobody wants to buy

posted on 4/8/11

Just so we're clear here, you're going to ignore my valid questions and instead, go with "WHERE DID I SUGGEST THEY'RE ALL CROOKS ?" and ask how do I "know they're not going to sell us out to any old bunch"

You've always implied the board have stiffed us from day one.
You've always implied they have lied to us.
You've always said you don't trust them.

Just because I used the word crook, where you may not have, stop pathetically trying to twist things.

And I don't KNOW they won't sell to any old bunch, but I do KNOW that haven't sold us, despite there having been some interest. No, we don't know how far that interest went. No we don't know how much they were asking for.

Now, as you're so predictable, this is where you say "yeah but has there been any interest" and "prove there have been prospective buyers in the room".

And now this is where you say that I'm a predictable apologist.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

posted on 4/8/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 4/8/11

85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board


Is this from the total fan base, the stay at home husbands, loyal locals or out of towners?

I am confused by all these figures!

As Mark Twain once said 'There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.'

posted on 4/8/11

The idea of an interim board is total nonsense. It's based on the fact that Broughton found a buyer for the RS, but totally ignores the fact that he was appointed by RBS to dispose of the club, not the owners.

The idea that major shareholders of a business would in essence hand over their asset to some unspecified new board, to dispose of it at their behest & that they somehow do this willingly, is a 'la la land' suggestion.

posted on 4/8/11

I wonder how many of these calling for a interim board would let someone else control the sale of their house? Also would you be willing to pay for the privlidge?

posted on 4/8/11

PJS, playing devil's advocate here, but isn't that what an estate agent does?

posted on 4/8/11


Let's get RightMove to sell us

posted on 4/8/11

You tell your estate agent the terms of sale.

posted on 4/8/11

let someone else control the sale of their house


Never used estate agent as this would have bene the reply. Even with an estate agent, you are still not forced to sell at the price offered. Same with an interim board!

posted on 4/8/11

85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board
by CrISpY (U6554) 4 August 2011Comment on this Article According to SOS Poll

Do you trust the current owner(s) of Everton FC?

(85%, 578 Votes) NO
(15%, 100 Votes) YES

i thought everton had more than 678 fans.....

posted on 4/8/11

Did you know that 75.8% of statistics are made up on the spot?

posted on 4/8/11

Some were asked twice so these figures aren't 100% accurate.

posted on 4/8/11

comment by BK-Best Chairman Ever (U4748)
posted 18 minutes ago

85% Of Everton Fans Don't Trust The Board
by CrISpY (U6554) 4 August 2011Comment on this Article According to SOS Poll

Do you trust the current owner(s) of Everton FC?

(85%, 578 Votes) NO
(15%, 100 Votes) YES


That would equate to nearly 6:1 against. Taking an average gate of 35,000 that would mean 5,500 are against BK. WOW, they really are vocal at games

posted on 4/8/11

'Some were asked twice so these figures aren't 100% accurate.'

Reminds me of my favourite quote from the Naked Gun: 'The doctor says his chances are 50/50, and there's only a 70/30 chance of that.'

posted on 4/8/11

Reminds me of my favourite quote from the Naked Gun: 'The doctor says his chances are 50/50, and there's only a 70/30 chance of that.'


'Lou, you have something on your face.....no the other side'

posted on 4/8/11

Is this some kind of as bust?

Yes, it's very impressive.

posted on 4/8/11

'Nice Beaver'

'Thanks I stuffed it myself'

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