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These 40 comments are related to an article called:

Are You watching Merseyside?

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posted on 7/8/11

posted on 7/8/11

Glad you never left at half time

Well done though, this year is your year

comment by Chris (U3948)

posted on 7/8/11

To be fair man u played well, but city where poor and didn't deserve to be 2-0 up. They have a lot of work ahead to win anything.

posted on 7/8/11

I wasn't watching, but consider yourself filtered imbecile. I can put you in touch with a surgeon who is capable of increasing the size of your manhood to somewhere near the lower limit of normal though, just to slow there's no hard feelings with regards to your deep-seated insecurities that compel you to try to obtain some sort of substitute gratification by gloating on here. The fact is YOU did nothing to contribute to united's win, so actually you have nothing to gloat about!

posted on 7/8/11

ahh yes, how hilarious.

You've just seen your team win a trophy and the first think you do is come onto the Liverpool board.


posted on 7/8/11

yep that's right .... I came on here to remind you just how Great Man United are

posted on 7/8/11

You weren't at half time chimp

posted on 7/8/11

Dear OP,

You still haven't given any reason as to why we comfortably beat a team who you claimed to be way above our level last night. Thought of any straw-clutching excuses yet?


posted on 7/8/11

just like you beat Valarenga and Hull City?

In any case , you lot celebrate winning some pre-season match aganst another team's B side , we'll keep winning our TROPHIES

posted on 7/8/11

We're talking about Valencia, doofus.

And it wasn't their B side you imbecile, it was a strong team.

You better celebrate this so-called "trophy" because if David de Gea doesn't get his act together then you won't be winning much else.

posted on 7/8/11

Nice Strawman chimp.

posted on 7/8/11

The new tactic for anyone playing against Manchester United: shoot from anywhere.

posted on 7/8/11

last time i checked the community shield wasn't a trophy, it's a shield

posted on 7/8/11


Another gobby stay at home fan.

posted on 7/8/11

Yes, it's not a trophy it's a shield.

Ryan Giggs will be wearing it next season, to protect him from all the abuse he is going to receive.

posted on 7/8/11

Manchester United keep winning trophies after trophies after trophies after trophies ...

Loserpool are preparing for the usual laughable excuses for queen dog leash for another trophy-less embarassing season.

posted on 7/8/11

Why do you run after every comment? I assume it's so that you're not around when you get embarrassed time and time again, can you confirm this please?

posted on 7/8/11

I would like to congratulate Man United on their fantastic find with this new keeper De Gea, he's class. Oh boy who am i kidding any shot further that 25 yards on target we be in spain's 4th choice keeper!

posted on 7/8/11

Oh the conflict. I would love to see de Gea failing come the season because it will hinder United, but on the other hand he's in my fantasy football team. Curses.

posted on 7/8/11

what round of this competition did we get knocked out in?........Oh yes, it only involves 2 teams....what a trophy!
get your celebrations out the way now. beating a woeful man city who look no closer to building a "team" than last year does not cover up the cracks in your team

posted on 7/8/11

Read it and weep scousers!


posted on 7/8/11

the thing i dont get is, if the mancs are as good as they say, then why are they wasting their time with us losers. we cant be that big of a loser if you think its a victory to win one more league title over us when their was a time when he had 10+ over you.

posted on 7/8/11

26/5/1999 - That night in Barcelona
oh dear what a desperate username

posted on 7/8/11

☆kop101☆ (U8734) - What, because i'm proud of what my club achieved? Do you call Liverpool fans desperate when they sing about Istanbul?

posted on 7/8/11

when we talk about instanbul we talk about the comeback, the greatest comeback in a european final. i've never known anybody use the exact date as a user and you mock us for talking about history. at least our achievment was made in this millenium.

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