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Worst moments as a Chelsea fan?

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posted on 8/8/13

I tihnk you havep ointe out soem big ones of recent years...

if I had to add others from the past 10-15 years...

I would say losing 6-1 Spurs wasn't fun. Our defeat courtesy of a ghost goal was pretty devastating in the CL 2005 Semi Final.

I was pretty furious after we ballsed up the CL so badly last year. 3-0 to Juve was abysmal.

I would also add our 1-1 draw to Arsenal in the 06/07 season when we dominated the match and had like 20 shots on target but still only drew.

Suarez scoring against us in both matches last season against the run of play was devastating.

I would also say the 6 months without an away win in the 2000/01 season was a big sources of embarassment for a lot of CFC fans.

Maybe the 2-1 defeat at home to Arsenal when RVP got two against the run of play, heck the 3-5 hurt too.

In 2003 we somehow lost to Fat Sam's Bolton Wanderer's at home which was pathetic.


all these pale in comparison to the 2008 Moscow Final and the 2009 Ovrebo game.

posted on 8/8/13

DTM threads

posted on 8/8/13

I remember being at the bridge with about 9,000 fans as we lost 2-0 to coventry. N'luv scoring.

but in recent times its gotta be being cheated out of a game by barcelona and the ref.
You dont mind one or two decisions, but that night everyone came away from the game feeling cheated. You could hear a pin drop at stamford bridge.

posted on 8/8/13

-Iniesta's last minute goal - Coupled with Overbo's awful decision-making, this was a terrible moment which prevented us from going to another Champions League final.


I wouldnt say this was the worse moment as a Chelsea fan just more heart breaking as we really should have been 5 or 6 up by that point, 4 stone wall penalties and missed chances

To be honest some of the matches the season just gone and before with AvB were horrendous and imo much worse and i also remember one boxing day fixture when we got owned by someone 3/4-1 and we were just shocking

posted on 8/8/13

Kanu hat trick was horrific. Was in the West Stand which was uncovered at time and was pi$$ing down. Went from chanting 'singing in the rain' to feeling the coldest and wettest I've ever been. Couldn't get near a win against Arsenal back then.

Obviously Moscow and Iniesta were atrocious too. I'd also say the 3-0 loss against Sunderland was one of the most miserable journies home I can remember too.

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 8/8/13

Is there anywhere to watch that game online? I've heard a lot about it, but I confess I've never actually seen it!

I'd just like to see if it was as bad generally made out.

posted on 8/8/13

Jay are you talking about the barca game?

Youtube have compilations of the decisions I think but it is generally known through most football fans how terrible a night it was.

posted on 8/8/13

Iniesta goal. Although it was nowhere near as big a stage I hated the way we lost that Carling Cup final against Tottenham.

posted on 8/8/13

The Sunderland one? Was the worst Chelsea performance in 10 years. Danny Welbeck tore us to shreds ffs ha ha.

posted on 8/8/13

Simon we had some equally terrible matches under Carlo and RDM (Sunderland and QPR).

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 8/8/13

Compilations generally don't show the whole story, but I'll have to have a look tonight and see if I can find it.

I've no doubt it was probably a poorly reffed game, I just want to see how bad.

posted on 8/8/13

Simon, the 3-1 was against Aston Villa at home, under AVB, and we were winning 1-0.

comment by AlexTia (U7067)

posted on 8/8/13

It was really bad Jay. At least a few pens in there , never felt so cheated. Disgrace

posted on 8/8/13

AVB has so many

posted on 8/8/13

Drogba summed it up with his 'it's a disgrace' comments at end. The worst officiating I've ever seen on a football pitch.

What made it worse was we could've been out of sight by the time Iniesta popped up. Drogba was responsible for missing some sitters.

posted on 8/8/13

Moscow was among the worst
Drogba would have buried that penalty

But going back ..... 1967 we had a team that was going places under "the Doc"
FA Cup Final against Spurs ......

Especially as 2 of our youth products (Greaves and Venables) were playing against us

posted on 8/8/13

QPR loss under AVB. utterly disgraceful officiating, yet everyone could only slam us for losing our heads

posted on 8/8/13

That game was made funny by the fact we were battering them with 9 men

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 8/8/13

Moscow Sorry

posted on 8/8/13

I remember being at the bridge with about 9,000 fans as we lost 2-0 to coventry. N'luv scoring.

That was a good night to be at sea Nick!

Among my most horrendous games was away to Spurs in 75, which sent us down into Div 2 and then again losing 5-2 away at Highbury to the Gooners in 79 which got us relegated again.

Luckily I was away at sea when we got relegated again in that damned playoff experiment against M'boro. I think that might have broken me!

posted on 8/8/13

bluespensioner, I cried as a young 8 yr old after the 67 final. Bobby Tamblings late goal gave me some hope but that was probably my 1st of many big disappointments through the 70s and 80s

posted on 8/8/13

94 Cup Final was no great shakes either. Peacock hitting bar after a cracking shot in first half. If only he was a few yards further out we would of at least gone in winning at half time.

At least that game fully established my hatred of David Ellery.

posted on 8/8/13

John Spencer hit the post as well KL82!

That penalty given away by Sinclair(?) on Hughes annoyed the fluck out of me as well - nothing more than shoulder on shoulder!

posted on 8/8/13

Wow, some good calls but I'm suprised that no one has mentioned losing to Livrpool on pens in the 2007 CL Semi Final. Killed me that one, I was especially heartbroken after being heckled from a bunch of mates instantly.

posted on 8/8/13

Losing in a CL Semi doesn't come close to getting sent down by Tottenham and Arsenal Cech Hook, believe me - even if it was against Liverpool

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