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These 8 comments are related to an article called:

The Great Nani

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posted on 8/8/11

I'm always quick to sing a players praise be he a united player or any other player. Ronaldo was one of a kind and at times unmarkable. I don't think people hold Nani in that regard. Sure, he's effective but has been more miss than hit. Last season was probably the first time you could say that he showed real quality.

posted on 8/8/11

the good thing about Nani is despite all the stick that came his way , he just simply brushed them off and instead kept on working on improving his game.

And the results are incredible!

posted on 8/8/11

He was good the season before last too... even though United didnt win the league he and Valencia helped Rooney score all those goals and if it was not for that freak loss to Bayern Munich (robbens goal was quality mind you) im fairly sure we would have won the Champions League and Nani played a massive part during the campaign.

posted on 8/8/11

Do you think Nani will be first choice?

posted on 8/8/11

He should be - although some people rate Park high just because he doesnt stop running i dont think he has much ability apart from a good shot on him to be honest and he gets pushed to the ground so easily its super frustrating.

Nani creates goals from nothing but he isnt 100% consistent whereas Valencia is pretty consistent in what he does but he isnt near the talent of Nani. I'm looking forward to seeing what Fergie does and who he puts on the wings etc - Nani has definitely earned his position though.

posted on 8/8/11

Nani should be first choice and is one of the few players in our squad who can actually finish. One-on-one with a keeper, i rate him more than Berba, Giggs and even Rooney. Maybe Chicarito and Owen ( mainly in his heyday) are better finishers.

Plus he did more in his fifteen-min odd spell in the champs league final than Valencia did the entire game

posted on 8/8/11

(U9741): "doubted that he could step up into the Ronaldo role after the great one left"

He couldn't and can't. Though why Nani fanboys continually promote the objects of their affections by comparing him with, or denigrating, other players.
Despite SAF's suggestions that Valencia's welcome return would give an opportunity to "experiment" with Nani, he has nevertheless continued to be used as a winger - albeit with some freedom - but not the striker role that CR7 often held.
No-one is a CR7 replacement, and neither should they be; Nani is better served by utilising his own impressive assets in his own way, not to try to emulate someone else.

(U9741):"Plus he did more in his fifteen-min odd spell in the champs league final than Valencia did the entire game"

Yes, he gave away possession to Barca which allowed them to score - and I agree, that was more than Valencia managed.
Once again a Nani Fanboy finds it necessary to promote the interests of their guy by trashing a perceived rival!

All this stuff about "first choice" is nonsense IMO; "first choice" for what? Over whom? Nani is certainly capable of playing more than one position in more than one formation - and in a direct choice for a particular place, then that choice should depend upon tactical necessities and who is best equipped for a particular role in a particular match, and on current form.
I have complete faith that SAF is best equipped to decide such things, and I am happy to concede to his judgement on such matters, as I believe that all of our players are of sufficient calibre to deliver (Although I confess to always having doubts as to De Gea's ability to cope as out No 1 'keeper at this time).

Anyway, I believe the portents are good for this season for the team and for Nani personally; his pre-season indicates that he has once more found the balance between individual and team play - those judgements always having been his weak point - and looks set to reproduce the form of the first half of last season.
His lack of showing in last season's POTY was nothing short of shocking, but if he can maintain - or hopefully improve even further - his standards this season, then he may at last begin to be widely regarded as the player his lovestruck coterie of followers have always imagined him to be.

posted on 8/8/11

comment by Adam Z. Lucifer (U1477)
How droll, anyone who remarks on the fleeting brilliance of Nani is labelled a fan-boy.
Nani and Valencia are both cherished. However, more often than not i'd pick Nani over Valencia for reasona apparent.

I'd concur that there are games that Valencia serves us best - i have never seen a RW have as much joy as against Cashley as much as Valencia does.

In a nutshell, we have an amazing set of wingers. I have faith in SAF but i am not sold on the current occupants of our centre-midfield.

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