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So what players would you offload...

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posted on 9/8/11

Stewart or Fontaine or Nyatanga
Ribs (sorry, terribly sad I know, but I just dont think he is going to make it)
JCR or Woolford or Bolasie
I do think this will leave us thread bare, and there are a few I would rather we kept, but if brutal is the buzz word.....

posted on 9/8/11

lewis carey (loan)
nicky hunt
jamie mcallister
lennox (loan)

meite (free tranfer)

starting line up after all that

spence meite boyata mattock

posted on 9/8/11

David James

posted on 10/8/11

Out : Those already earmarked to go

then those that may have some market value but not good enough IMO to take us further:
plus Maynard who we need to cash in on.

The likes of Wilson, Edwards, Reid and Bolasie and Taylor can then get the opportunity to step up and our wage bill will be massively reduced.

We then need to pick a couple of Gems up from the lower leagues and pay good money for a couple of natural leaders, experienced players either on max 2 year contracts or loans.
The criteria for any player must be that they can play in a passing team unlike the likes of Skuse, Elliott, Nyatanga and Fontaine

posted on 10/8/11

I would keep Elliott and Nyatanga of that list Le Rouge.
Not for the first 11 but as cover

posted on 10/8/11

I would get rid of Skuse, Fontaine, Hunt, Stewart, Johnson, JCR and Clarkson.

Thats 7 players earning decent wages and replace them with a quality centre back and left back and thats it. Then once the defence is sorted the rest of the team can gel safe in the knowledge we have a sound defence.

posted on 10/8/11

We won't get rid of Johnson and Hunt, they are on great wages and nobody would pay it, despite on a free.

Teams have a wage structure, just as we do and no way will they break it for these two!

We made the mistake of signing them and have to live with it.

Let them rot in the reserves and they might agree to an early release package.

posted on 10/8/11


posted on 10/8/11

I would keep Nyatanga he is still young enough to learn Hunt, Skuse, Stewart would be the first 3 out then Mcallister, Johnson and Clarkson when we have replacements.
It seems stupid to get rid of Bolaise and Taylor before even seeing them play unless we have fans with the ability to see into the future with perfect clarity - and if they can why didn't they predict the Coppout problems?

posted on 10/8/11

Well, we do have a surplus of left sided midfield players at the moment, and we have three great strikers, plus a goal scorer in Clarkson. I would rather keep Clarky than Taylor, who the few times I have seen of him has looked OK but is not going to keep Stead out of the picture

posted on 10/8/11

'Johnson and Hunt - We made the mistake of signing them and have to live with it'

Hunt was a mistake.
However -
Gary Johnson knew EXACTLY what he was doing employing Junior.

posted on 10/8/11

Ah redprint - still wearing the nepotism coat I see.

I do not know of a single professional football club in the country where the team manager can organise and fina"ise contracts without the chairmans endorsement - do you? If you really think that Gary signed his sons contract alone then you must think Steve Lansdowne is industrially naïve for creating a situation where that could happen. If not then you must think him stupid for endorsing the deal.

Come on RP - is SL naïve or stupid in your opinion?

posted on 11/8/11

LJ was an integral part of the side that won promotion from Div 1, and as such was a super signing AT THE TIME.
In the Championship the bar was raised but Gary stayed true to his son (which no good father could condemn, but illustrates why Barry Ferguson played for Rangers, not United). It was ultimately what let Gary and us down when he put Marv in at RB and played LJ at Wembley.
But then he had transformed us from a going nowhere club into one pushing for the Premiership so I for one can forgive him

posted on 11/8/11

BBR, Barry Ferguson isn't Alex Fergusons son!

I don't see Lee playing for us as a wholly nepotism argument. There maybe an element but I doubt it, what R/p misses or refuses to acknowledge is that Lee, along with Carey, McAllister, Orr, McIndoe, Marv and Basso were the mainstay of a strong team unit. He played all of those players all of time, yet of course, the nepotism angle can only be shot against Lee, the rest were just victims of another "ism" being favouritism!

Gary always signs players he can trust, Steve Collis, no relation, has played with Gary at 4 clubs, Aaron Davies, no relation, has played with 3 clubs and many others such as Fontaine, Jevons, Gav Williams, Seth Nana, Baz Savage, McIndoe have all played for Gary at 2 clubs.

In short, Gary uses players he can trust and Lee happens to be one of those. Its not simply nepotism as R/p's relentless mantra would (try) and convince people to believe. It hasnt really worked yet but fair play he is still trying to convert people.

Of course, the next argument is "well Keef doesn't play LJ" but then again Keef has'nt exactly been proved as master tactician as yet and, I believe, isn't playing LJ purely to curry some favour with the fans, which has almost been highlighted by signed Kilkenny a player fairly similar in style and stature (albeit better) to LJ.

One could argue that R/p has a grudge against GJ as he kicked his family friend Steve Philips out of the club , but I know he denies that.

posted on 11/8/11

Morning R&W.
'SL naïve or stupid in your opinion?' 'industrially naïve'
Sure SL has a wonderfully aware fiscal brain.
Not so sure of his football acumen and even SL can make mistakes.

He was convinced by GJ to extend LJ's contract only a few months before sacking GJ
By the way, who gave Millen a 3 year contract

BRR - Fair shout.

posted on 11/8/11

SL didn't want to upset Fat Gary, so he went along with his nepotism, hoping we would be successful despite carrying a passenger.

For a long time this worked and Marv carried the little one until the wheels fell off at Wembley and with Marv at RB there was nobody to carry poor little Lee!

Under KM, he has been relegated to the bench or reserves, until he can off-load him.

LJ, isn't going anywhere, he will milk every last penny of the excellent deal that Daddy arranged and SL will put it down to experience!

posted on 11/8/11

Red Side
I think you get the drift of my thoughts though.

Never mix work and family unless you're running a protection racket

posted on 11/8/11

One thing to remember here about Millen signing a 3 year contract is that firstly he wanted to be assistant mananger to Coppel to learm more. But when Coppel left usd in the do do we were already into the 3rd game of the season and had to act fast so Millen was chosen and he kept us in the championship when everyone and most of us fans thought religation was a certainty. He has brought in some great players his only fault i can see so far is that he is playing Pitman in the wrong possition and really needs to start Pitman upfront with Maynard as Maynard himself requested to Millen last season to start Pitman upfront with himself to give us better striking force so im hopeing Millen puts 2 upfront this Sunday and starts Kilkenny. Then lets hope this belgium loaneee comes in to strengthen the back its all hopes whens ifs and ands at the momment so lets just see...

posted on 11/8/11

'He has brought in some great players'

It's hard to name a player signed by Millen who's better than what we've got.
Woolford, Taylor, Bolasie - can't get in the team
Pitman - can't get in the team, and when he comes on he's told to play wide left.
NK can't get in the team either.
Surely one of this lot should have started by now.

ps - Stead is the only player signed by Millen who's in the team.

pps - I reckon Millen gave the India side one of his special team talks this morning.

posted on 12/8/11

Thing is RP, a couple of wins and you will vanish into the ether.
Football is about winning AND losing. Its about people and its about a certain style.
We know our shortcomings, but unless you have a spare couple of million hanging around we cant afford to buy more players.
Millen is hamstrung by the mistakes of Johnson and Coppell, and nothing can be done about it.
We need to sell. I just hope we dont lose our best players in the process

posted on 12/8/11

Millen is hamstrung by the mistakes of Johnson and Coppell, and nothing can be done about it.

How long are fans going to use this card??
Sorry I don'y buy it...
It has nothing to do will Millens Tactics, formations or playing players in the wrong positions..

See it for what it is.......He ain't good enough at this level....and the longer he manages us, the harder it will be to progress.......or even worse end up playing the gas next season (if they go up!)

posted on 12/8/11

Thats if we go down. Millen has kept us in the championship for the past 2 seasons. Ill beleive in him untill we ever get religated...

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