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These 93 comments are related to an article called:

Quiet; A Little TOO Quiet!

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posted on 27/9/13

Urhm it's at your place Rev, I do hope you are coming to Pride Park though might make your defence even more porous.

posted on 27/9/13

Vidal is confident.

comment by lastapostleofvidal (U1491)
posted 6 hours, 1 minutes ago

OK then
draw at best

posted on 27/9/13

I hope the Samaritans are ready if this lot are anything to go by

So many confident Derby Fans
arch Stanton 1862 has Forest to win 2-0
TheIrishman has Forest to win 2-0
rgdubois has Forest to win 2-1
Peeder has Forest at 2-1
Bushwacker has Forest 4-1
Spart has us at 2-1
2Wellies has Forest 2-0
View has us down for 4-2
even MILF has us to win 3-2
Herts ram has Forest 2-1
Jorvik has Forest to repeat the 5-2 bashing
Republicram has Forest 4-0
ramsfansid has us down for a 3-0 win

NL Nigel ... is IN!

posted on 27/9/13


Would it make a difference if I predicted 8-0 to Derby? It's quite difficult, this predicting malarkey, given that we don't know what is going to happen. Like I said, Forest may be lucky, and the ref may be a cheat, so you certainly have a chance. By predicting a draw I am am assuming at least one of those things will happen. Justice doesn't always prevail in sport, nor does the better team always win.

posted on 27/9/13

If we win then.. the ref cheated you out of it, we have spent too much money trying to win and you are still the better team even though you lost

Makes sense I suppose <OK>

posted on 27/9/13

Who is the ref anyway?

posted on 27/9/13


On account the men of Nottingham are all lace making, Hockey watching, scabs; Derby have a moral duty to uphold the pride of all decent hard working men and put to the sword, these effeminate dogs.

Is this the sentiment you’re looking for?

comment by Rameses (U7190)

posted on 27/9/13

Webbo do you actually have a prediction league? Pardon? No.
Oh I see, you don't have enough posters to make it worthwhile except for this fixture when all 9 of you made a prediction.

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/9/13

Kenny know

posted on 27/9/13

touchy.... 666 wants banter, that's why I cranked it up. Don't get too upset

We do actually have a prediction game.... SBD runs it .. It's a closed shop

Needless to say all 10 of us have Forest to win

posted on 27/9/13


To be completely frank, I find it hard to get overly excited about a simple game of football while John Bell is still denied justice. I think I would trade a hundred wins for that poor man to be able to see proper retribution in the courts for what he has suffered.

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/9/13

Nevermind Vidal, there's a lot more injustices in the world to worry about

posted on 27/9/13

nor does the better team always win.


This must be why Derby's away record is so good this season.

posted on 27/9/13


posted on 27/9/13

Does the fact that there are many bad things going on prevent us caring about any particular one TEG? I don't think so. Poverty, famine, hatred, bigotry, war, disease, Darius Henderson. Decent people must stand against them all.

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/9/13

Just one of them things you're going to have to learn to live with then isn't it duck?

comment by (U18331)

posted on 27/9/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/9/13

Rev he mentioned hatred

Didn't admin1 praise your all time classic thread?

posted on 27/9/13


I agree, acceptance of what we cannot change is a part of wisdom, but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't at least try to do the right thing. All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing. Sometimes a concerted principled fight can work, even against the odds: when 666 was banned from ja606, for example, I put my personal feelings to one side and launched a tireless campaign for him to be reinstated. I just felt it was the moral thing to do. This proved successful, if not universally popular. Sometimes you just have to stand up for what you believe in.

posted on 27/9/13


Close. Admin1 thought he was a t.wat!

comment by TEG. (U15242)

posted on 27/9/13

And what you doing about the important things on your list?

comment by (U18331)

posted on 27/9/13

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/9/13

posted on 27/9/13

Sometimes Quiet is good 666.

posted on 27/9/13

Not 'good' Wellies, but perhaps better

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