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Wenger's transfer lies

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posted on 12/8/11

Maybe that is his way of telling us that he has said No to both Cesc's and Nasri's moves and that he has been overruled and has nothing to do with them leaving.

posted on 12/8/11

“I expect nobody to leave”

Why say this when he knows it is not true and so does everyone else?

What possible benefit does he think this will have?


He's up to something and trust me, it's gonna be massive!

Now I'm not gonna go into it here, but when you actually find out what Wenger is up to and why he's been behaving in this post modern way, I promise you, your mind will be well and truely blown, along with every other Gooner and envious fans of rival clubs!

It's going to be glorious!

posted on 12/8/11

"..your mind will be well and truely blown..."


Blow me Wenger, blow me.

posted on 12/8/11

Didn't he say he expects 'no one else' to leave. That could still come true if he sees Fabregas as already gone?

posted on 12/8/11

comment by Arsenal fan (U9051)

posted 30 seconds ago

Maybe that is his way of telling us that he has said No to both Cesc's and Nasri's moves and that he has been overruled and has nothing to do with them leaving.


As per usual, he's just being a lying toe rag, who's just been caught out by his own BS and rhetoric !

posted on 12/8/11


posted on 12/8/11

I honestly think he said he didn't expect them to leave because he didn't want to make any hypothetical assurances that the money received from their sales would be reinvested back into the squad. I'm just listening to him now and he is saying the squad is too big We don't have a midfield tomorrow Arsene how is the squad too big?!?!

posted on 12/8/11

Did I hear right when he said that Nasri would not be in the squad.

But then he says he may be in the squad if he recovers in time.

posted on 12/8/11

"Didn't he say he expects 'no one else' to leave."


No Lady, he didn't.

posted on 12/8/11

If he says that Fab and Nasri are going to leave, the value can suffer as a result. So there's your answer.

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/8/11

or maybe we have a game this weekend and he was fed up of the whole press conference talking about transfers.

posted on 12/8/11

Does anyone actually think we'll sign a DIRECT replacement for Fab, like an actual quality center midfielder? Not a wide man or squad player

posted on 12/8/11

I can't help but feel that this may finally be the summer when the pundits get it right. Our midfield's too inexperienced, we don't have good back-up strikers and every knows about the defense.

posted on 12/8/11

@Pat Rice

Nope! I expect he will sign Jadson, Mata and Dann for £35million - the amount the board promised would be reinvested from the Fabregas deal. I think one of them might play central, or maybe Ramsey will play there, who knows?

posted on 12/8/11

I can't help but feel that this may finally be the summer when the pundits get it right. Our midfield's too inexperienced, we don't have good back-up strikers and every knows about the defense.
Never underestimate Arsene
He has a plan I'm sure of it

posted on 12/8/11

"Never underestimate Arsene
He has a plan I'm sure of it"


Let's all hope it's a bloody good one then Lady.

posted on 12/8/11

We really should have met the buy-out clause for Mata when it was obvious that both Samir and Cesc would leave. For this alone Ivan should be fired!!

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/8/11

that story about the buy out clause is just a tabloid story, i really doubt it's true.

posted on 12/8/11

"Never underestimate Arsene
He has a plan I'm sure of it"


Let's all hope it's a bloody good one then Lady.
The best of plans I assure you

posted on 12/8/11

@Wincoll £35 million wont be enough for the three of them Mata £25m+ Jadson ?? (Shaktar don't need the money) Dann £6-£10m

I don't think we'll be signing anyone significant in CM Wenger is more than happy with the current CM's and we'd need to sell first to free up space so I wont be expecting miracles

posted on 12/8/11

Simple OP: He needs time to prepare his farewell speech for both players and give explanation why we arent a big club.

posted on 12/8/11

"If he says that Fab and Nasri are going to leave, the value can suffer as a result. So there's your answer."

Yea god forbid we sell Cesc at a knock down price!

posted on 12/8/11

8bithero- I think there's some truth to it or else why would Valencia not sell him now. Messing up the deal for the sake of 2-3m might just prove to be very expensive come the end of the season. Can't help but think of how we missed Alonso for a couple of millions too. The guy just never learns!!

posted on 12/8/11

"Simple OP: He needs time to prepare his farewell speech for both players and give explanation why we arent a big club."

"Yea god forbid we sell Cesc at a knock down price!"

comment by 8bit (U2653)

posted on 12/8/11

wenger wanted alonso, it was the board who refused to bid higher. wenger doesn't do the negotiating. leave off arsene

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