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These 37 comments are related to an article called:

Where Do We Go From Here?

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posted on 24/11/13

Well the main problem for me is that we have not improved throughout the whole effing season. We still play as crap today as we did against palace. We are at the end of november. Therefore what are the chances that we're gonna improve as the season contines to go by? I think the league is gone, no point getting rid of AVB until the end of the season, and jusy focusing kn the cups. What I'm worried about is our better players wanting to leave if/when we finish 6/7th

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 24/11/13

What I'm worried about is our better players wanting to leave if/when we finish 6/7th


i wouldnt worry. unless we are winning things or consistently in the champs our best players will want to leave every couple of years anyway.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 24/11/13

What I'm worried about is our better players wanting to leave if/when we finish 6/7th


It's not like Townsend hasn't been apart from Spurs before already.

posted on 24/11/13

comment by jimmy_WHL (U8742)
posted 18 minutes ago
I'm curious what another manager would make of our squad.

Would they be smacking their lips with all the prospective talent, or would they be looking at the deficiencies? LB, CB, CF?

They'd probably at least come up with a proper, clear gameplan occasionally instead of players looking lost when they go out on the pitch

posted on 24/11/13

Yep with you guys on this - I think AVB has lost the dressing room. Hope I'm wrong but there seems to be rumblings coming out in the papers lately and usually there is no smoke with out fire.

I think top 4 is a hard task if not a write off. I think most Spurs fans know deep down it was always going to be hard bedding in near enough a whole squad and losing a genuine world class player.

I think most our signings will come good.

This season - I think league is a write off, would take 7th or 8th. I would like a genuine cup run like the fa cup.

posted on 24/11/13

Firstly as you know I have never been an AVB fan

Most of the reaction on here is knee jerk and pure panic.

A few years ago utd got slammed 5 something at the toon and went on to win the league.

Woolwich got slammed 8 something at OT and still qualified for CL so its one game. Yes its a bad defeat but its one game.

AVB is stubborn but he really does need a review of his tactics particularly at home. For instance Soldado is a penalty box poacher but the system we play means that he is virtually useless to us without having a partner up there with him.

2 defensive midfield players at home? Particularly against the likes of West spam and Newcastle?

I do not think he will be sacked in the near future but I do think he needs to be a lot more flexible and adventurous

posted on 24/11/13

I would like to see adebayor and soldado upfront at home - maybe not against Utd but against the teams we should be smashing at home.

posted on 24/11/13

and u have the cheek to call our club Shiteeee,cheeky mug 6-0 u mug
mind the gap
AVB out

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 24/11/13

I've been banned from making articles on the Tottenham board ?!?

Chronic - I deserve better. I hope you talk to your fellow spurs supporters about this.

posted on 24/11/13

posted on 24/11/13

To those who say "don't worry, this was a one off", we got humiliated at home to West bloody Ham a couple of weeks ago.....we've learned nothing.

posted on 24/11/13

To those who say "don't worry, this was a one off", we got humiliated at home to West bloody Ham a couple of weeks ago.....we've learned nothing.

and lost at home to Newcastle

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