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Cinci's player ratings - Arsenal v Saints

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posted on 24/11/13

comment by Larry (U18847)

posted on 24/11/13

Siggy - 10

posted on 24/11/13

I 'd agree on the whole, though how you can give Wilshere the same as Arteta is beyond me.

posted on 24/11/13

Take a look at the Spurs board

posted on 24/11/13

i have had one or two mischevious casts on the spurs board uncle. as well as a few on the liverpool board last night. had a few bites and reeled in a couple of big fish already

posted on 24/11/13

Just about to watch the Wolves game from yesterday, but am tempted to post the ratings now so that I am not actually influenced by how they play.

posted on 24/11/13

Thudd has gone into hiding since the cricket went pear-shaped and that idiot West Scam fan (Mafia) hasn't shown up in two days, either.

Will trawl the waters when at work later

Though I am not sure whether I should do some line fishing or just cast a wide net. The former is more satisfying when the fish is finally in the bucket, as the battle can ebb and flow for hours (and I am getting paid for it).

However, there is also something pleasing about returning to a net some hours later - after the fish have exhausted themselves fighting amongst themselves - dragging the whole lot on to the bank, and then clubbing them individually with a lump of 4 by 2.

Decisions decisions.

posted on 24/11/13

go for it cyp,

if you take a rough average of the scores so far and C&P a few quotes from the comments made, you'll not be far wrong

except for the 10/10 edwards rating which was far too low and should have been at least a 14.

posted on 24/11/13


the true sportsman! dredge the whole spurs/pool/west ham board and then beat them to death while they are gasping for air.

posted on 24/11/13

Arsenal are top of the league. Just think where they would be if their players could achieve more than 0 out of 10. Maybe that's the problem with Wolves, they are having to play to 7 0r 8 out of 10 to get where they are. And some players are getting 7 for not doing anything except originating in the right era

posted on 24/11/13

Can we have player ratings for the game against Tranmere? Now. Before opinions are sullied by what actually happens. Cheers.

posted on 24/11/13

ikeme - 8: another stand out performance from wolves keeper as he makes the penalty save just before half time protect the 2 goal lead
doherty - 8: improvement on last saturday as doherty gets forward more and links up well with jacobs
batth - 9: solid as ever
stearman - 9: why oh why did KJ ever drop this blond haired god?
ricketts - 7: weak link on the left but came into the game as it went on and had some good forward runs in the last ten minutes against a tiring tranmere
jacobs - 8: opened his account with a 30 yard wonder strike, only eclipsed by sako's first
kmac - 8: some good, calm possession and linked up the defence and wingers well
edwards - 4: ran around like a headless chicken with no end product...apart from his two goals
sako - 5: apart from scoring twice and assisting with two others, sako did not run around like a headless chicken enough. needs to put more of a shift in and stop thinking that scoring and creating goals is enough to justify his place in the side. wolves would be better off without him and with a more steady performer like forde.
griffiths - 8: didn't really see much of him as too busy looking for faults with doyle
doyle - 4: his failure to score more than once in this match is costing wolves big time as this should easily have been 8 or 9-0 rather than 7.

cassidy - 5: meh
evans - 5: meh
siggy - 10: deserved more than the 5 minutes he got at the end but still showed why teams from estonia, northern ireland and malta will be chasing his signature this january

posted on 24/11/13

posted on 24/11/13

no problem bute, i have saved you the trouble of watching, listening or even imagining the game now on tuesday night. i think the wolves JA606 regulars have just invented zen football !

posted on 24/11/13

I actually watched the Arsenal game live........but am confused by the rules?!?

Now, are we allowed an opinion on games we actually watch, im guessing that is not really allowed is it?
How about watching Wolves games then, is it OK to post opinions on that? I never bother marking players performances but it seems that it is this weeks play thing.

On a more pressing note, this ground breaking new theory that unless you are there, you can have no opinion...........i have e-mailed the courts and judges association, this is going to revolutionise the court system.

P.S. Cazorla was easily a 3

comment by Larry (U18847)

posted on 24/11/13

Ikeme - 2 Otto never mentioned his name all match

Doherty - 7 Sounded good

Batth - 7 Didn't have a negative comment all match but he will still be leaving at the end of the season.

Stearman - 0 on loan to Ipswich

Golbourne - 6 A welcome return from exile as Morgan insists that he plays

Jacobs - 5 He just doesn't sound like a Wolves player on the radio yet.

Edwards - 10+ Absolutely outstanding performance yet again. Mentioned in almost every post on Wolves Blog and fully deserved his first half hat trick. Tired a bit in the second half but still deserved his second half hat trick as well.

Kmac - 5 Needs to get out from under Edwards shadow every now and again.

Sako - 6 As above

Doyle - 8 Thought he had scored the second but the commentator had made a mistake - it was Edwards goal.

Siggy - 0 Came in for the rested Griffiths in order to give him a full 90 minutes in his favoured position as a striker. Otto said something about his hair looking nice.... and that was about it. Useless

posted on 24/11/13

Edwards is like a new signing, i am pleased the club realised this and found a way to get him playing well, and some think Mick was a fool, he knew relegation would benefit Edwards in the long term, now we can be thankful we have found his level

posted on 24/11/13

Mick didn't plan for relegation. At risk of sounding repetitive, he had been disposed of long before that fateful day.

I don't need the usual trans-Atlantic responses telling me he was still there in spirit, by the way!

posted on 24/11/13

Well he did oversee 25 of those 38 games i believe, is that about 65%?
Then his underling took over and had his players also, so the reality, whether you like it or not is that Mick played a large part in our relegation, but none of that matters now, we suffered for his errors and are rebuilding.
At least his players from our time in the prem are all regulars for us now though in the third tier, well one of them is anyway, a full 25% of them

posted on 24/11/13

Just went and checked, i can confirm that ALL 38 games do indeed count during the league season

posted on 24/11/13


I think the courts are one step ahead of you:


happy to help

on this thread - sorry, my intention wasn't to further the debate on whether watching the game or not watching the game gave you more credibility when making comments on performances (although I think that is pretty obvious). it was just a joke based on the ratings articles and yr well known loathing of all things arsenal. if any other poster had such an obvious dislike of one particular side i'd have referenced them, but I couldn't think of anyone.

posted on 24/11/13

I hate Arsenal How did you pick up on that??

We are essentially jurors, listening to eyewitness accounts and watching video footage of the incidents, the only difference, we cannot draw a conclusion.

posted on 24/11/13

Just make it all up and be done with it

Though my live match report against Orient will be bang on the money. I shall be wearing large ear muffs so as not to be caught up in other people's emotions and shall be providing a video diary that can be viewed three days later when I get home.

posted on 24/11/13


i really, really hope that edwards and siggy have a blinder against orient just to cause you some mental turmoil wondering if they are always that good and the online commentary has been misleading you for months

(a clue: no )

posted on 24/11/13

It will be just my luck to find out that Solbakken is one of the subs, comes on in the last minute, and scores the winner from a wonder ball by the ghost of Harry Marshall.

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