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Barclays Premier League

Page 12 of 77

posted on 5/12/13

I could use some HG's. Think since you can have both, I can add some on myself in my squad, just going to update it all now.

posted on 5/12/13

Fulham page updated

posted on 5/12/13

I have 15 HGs. Will clear some tomorrow

posted on 5/12/13

I've got 11. Got 1 U21 in my squad, need another 4 more with £19.6M.

posted on 5/12/13

I thought we are allowed 15 Foreigners and only 5 HG?

posted on 5/12/13

Yeah. 15 Foreign's maximum. At least 5 HG's and the rest can be made up of U21's so it doesn't matter how many you have as long as you stick with the other obligations.

posted on 5/12/13

The rules are confusing then I thought I HAD to have 15 foreigners 5 HG and 5 U21 or I get fined

posted on 5/12/13

No. You just have to have 5 HG's and 15 or under Foreign's. U21's, doesn't really matter. So far you're fine.

comment by Azzy (U18728)

posted on 5/12/13

So what if I have, say, 19 players?

5 HG
14 F
0 U21

How many U21s would I need in that scenario?

posted on 5/12/13

You need a squad of 25 I think. So you would need 6 more players. Only 1 can be F the rest can be either HG or U21

posted on 5/12/13

You need a minimum of 1 U21 realistically Azzy. I would anyway. But it isn't compulsory. You're squad doesn't HAVE to be 25. Just so long as it isn't over that and under 18. If it's over 25, you have until the end of the next game week.

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 6/12/13


posted on 6/12/13


posted on 6/12/13

someone please clear my transfers

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 6/12/13

HK - Signings approved

posted on 6/12/13


posted on 6/12/13


posted on 6/12/13

morning Tino Costa

posted on 6/12/13

Rui's more talented brother

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 6/12/13


transfer time mate....take your pick

posted on 6/12/13

yer not really thought about it today may pass

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 6/12/13

More for us then

posted on 6/12/13



will do for now

posted on 6/12/13

I caved in...can someone validate my 3 transfers please

posted on 6/12/13

Can someone do my transfer please

Page 12 of 77

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