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Barclays Premier League

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posted on 10/12/13

do it Leffy I dare you to dock me

posted on 10/12/13

No seriously, stop calling me it.

posted on 10/12/13

why tho Leffy? gimme 50 good reasons and I will

posted on 10/12/13

You have alot of loans to deal with leffy

posted on 10/12/13

Take the 0 off.

1. It's annoying
2. It's offensive
3. I can kick you from the league if I want to
4. You are acting like the childish others on the SG League
5. You'll lose purposely every week if you don't stop

posted on 10/12/13

I'm acting childish yet you threaten to boot me out the league and or make me lose every week?

#fúckyaleagueandyourshítty threats

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 10/12/13


posted on 10/12/13

It was sarcasm. Most of it. The first 2 were serious, just about.

posted on 10/12/13

Forget I'm out.

posted on 10/12/13

Forget it I'm out

posted on 10/12/13

So then, you are allowed to use sarcasm and I'm not? Are you mad?

posted on 10/12/13

Oh thanks Tino. Knew you weren't going to be committed to this league from the start and there always any excuse to leave. But, you used sarcasm and it wound me up and I can't do the same? That's fantastic isn't it. Tino.

posted on 10/12/13

I've had the most horrific 2 weeks in the last 5 years and what do you do, wind me up, then I can't deliver the same banter back and you decide to be a twát and leave, over a joke? And I get blamed for everything do I. You wonder why I fight my own corner with good reasons.

posted on 10/12/13

Bit of a cheek questioning my commitment I was on here virtually everyday half the time only kam and I were here

I don't see ur issue with the nickname leffy

posted on 10/12/13

But you were unsure from the start saying you were going in 'halfheartedly' so I do have my questions of course. It's annoying, that's my issue, I told you that 2/3 times, you didn't listen, so I was sarcastic in what I said and you then went in a big strop about it!

posted on 10/12/13

I really don't understand you

Goin to play footy see ya

posted on 10/12/13

If your leaving, just go.

posted on 10/12/13

FFS guys sort it out. It was just banter from both sides

comment by kamran (U1022)

posted on 11/12/13

Another good active manager leaves

posted on 11/12/13

need to learn how to run leagues lrf honestly

posted on 11/12/13

Don't see what LRF did that was wrong?. Tino was making fun of him, and from what I was reading LRF was being Sarcastic. Am I missing something?

posted on 11/12/13


HK, That is what I'm thinking as well. I just don't understand really.

I'll get someone else in.

posted on 11/12/13

filtered me so now I cant comment on the wulfs head on the wolves board...well done LRF shows you're the bigger man

posted on 11/12/13

Not filtered Tino, obviously otherwise you wouldn't be able to comment on here. You left, so please, go away and stop being an ársé like you were yesterday. Silly.

This is what ruins my league. Petty little arguments that actually, wasn't even my fault, as HK rightly said. We've got to cut these out, in we I mean me and someone else. But I just don't understand what I did wrong?

Anyway, time for a new member.

posted on 11/12/13

it's hard work switching between 2 accounts

Leffy I wish you well in your league and in any future endeavours you may wish to undertake

I take some responsibility for what happened yesterday...I said to Kam earlier if you ask him he'll back me up..The banter I can take I actually enjoy it...the accusations from you that I wasn't committed are what narked other than Kam who was on everyday for you? who managed to get Kam to come on board? me thats who...go to docs or lubo's leagues it's all on there...anyway this is my final say on that

posted that on your wulfs head

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