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These 27 comments are related to an article called:

Where's Got_Better?

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posted on 13/8/11

You are now my favourite Chelsea poster

posted on 13/8/11

Least they're in the top 4, that's a start

posted on 13/8/11

Behind Bolton, oh dear!


That made me laugh too!

posted on 13/8/11

Christ are you guys all secretly in love with got_better? Obsessed?

posted on 13/8/11

Likely to happen today.
by Got_Better (U6241) 13 August 2011
Liverpool v Sunderland:

Liverpool field a strong team, but curiously rival fans claim its a weak team and all the players are poor; Liverpool win the match 3-0 and the new players perform well, S Downing is mom after setting up 2 goals and scoring the 3rd.

Rival fans claim its a poor Sunderland side and Downing will be found out sooner or later..its a matter of time. Lucky,lucky Liverpool after an easy start even tho rival fans claim Liverpool wouldnt win!!

comment by Chronic (U3423)

posted on 13/8/11

lets hope liverpool proper crash and burn this season aye.

deluded bunch of muppets.. anyone got micky quinns mobile number?

posted on 13/8/11

Batmanu. Although you have to admire his stout optimism, even after all this time...

posted on 13/8/11

Crash and burn?

Nah, they are a good side this year.

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 13/8/11

Why do people expect LiverPOOL to shine on a pitch when clearly they are more suited for a game of water polo.

posted on 13/8/11

Do u have a gf or even better,a life,OP?

posted on 13/8/11

oh, becasue he is taking the pee he doesnt have a GF?

Do you.....oh hold on you dont

posted on 13/8/11

Of course the op doesn't have a gf, he's in love with got_better

posted on 13/8/11

We all are, he keeps us entertained

posted on 13/8/11



posted on 13/8/11

Of course the op doesn't have a gf, he's in love with got_better


How sad... OP,how often do u come onto this site ? Everyday? Are u log into this all day,everyday,are u a hermit?

posted on 13/8/11


posted on 13/8/11

I am here, here mate....whats the problem?? Did LFC lose or something??

One game gone,, cant win or compete for the top four then?? never mind, always next year,eh? One game, eh....quick season wasnt it!!!!

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 13/8/11

haha, Pool fans resorting to the predictable social insults. What's wrong? Team didn't back up all yr smack today???

posted on 13/8/11

At least 10 lol articles because your rival drew a match,just pathetic,what a bunch of complete and utter losers

posted on 13/8/11

What's wrong? Team didn't back up all yr smack today???


Nah blud u get me ye


posted on 13/8/11

Steady on now. 'Rivals' is taking it a bit too far, don't you think?

posted on 13/8/11

Bubbles have you saw RAWK?


Jerk moderator. Found drunk in charge of a bread roll @ Anderlecht away. Serves his whoppers with a satisfying smile.
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Re: Liverpool 1 - 1 Sunderland, (Suarez, Larsson) 13 Aug 11, BST 15:00 Kick-Off
« Reply #609 on: Today at 05:12:09 PM »
Just a warning - Needless slating of any player just to seem BIG will result in a ban.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 13/8/11


hehe, u honesty have no idea how funny a resident of Liverpool calling anybody a 'chav' is do you??? Go change into a cleaner tracksuit and get yourself a job before replying to me again. Cheers

posted on 13/8/11

posted on 13/8/11


I would never cheat on Don

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