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These 60 comments are related to an article called:

Everton At It Again

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comment by CrISpY (U6554)

posted on 16/8/11

Perhaps they will ban Granada TV next


posted on 16/8/11

The Peoples Club eh.

posted on 16/8/11


just had a look at Toffeeweb.
What do you make of the comments,from people who should know better,ripping the Peoples Group lads.

Me personally? I think they may regret jumping in too quick when they get the full picture

posted on 16/8/11

Just woke up again Crispy?. I bet its taken you 10 days to compose that journalistic masterpiece. Where you get your ideas(Unrest among the fan-base)(gnawing fears) from, i cant begin to imagine.They have not come from this Forum as you would Know from reading it,but as someone to whom invention comes as first nature, you don't have to do you?.
You are just a standing joke amongst the Blue community. a boil on the RRRR,s of the club whom, you would have us believe, cannot survive without your Accounting,Managerial and Diplomatic qualifications that go hand in hand with your persuasive Business acumen and eloquence.

posted on 16/8/11

Oh! i forgot. Where are all the accolades and responses to the Granada piece on the TOFFWEB site, from your Blue Union and affiliated members and supporters?. IT has been 6 days since it was shown and NOT ONE response. JOKE!

posted on 16/8/11


That is your opinion,to which of course you are entitled to.
I dont think you can deny there is, undoubtedly,a lot of fans looking negatively at this season.
As is reflected in the loss of over 10% of last campaigns season ticket holders.
Posters can put it down to the "economic decline,a sign of the times" that imo does not work.
Football has always been expensive, what difference from last year to this in economic terms?

posted on 16/8/11


posted on 16/8/11


no evidence banners were pulled down, no uproar, no press coverage about it, did it actually happen?!?!?!

Same old nonsense we've come to expect.

posted on 16/8/11

" Football has always been expensive What difference from last year?"
A comparison of new season ticket holders shows an average increase of 7.12 percent outstripping the National Pay rise rate of2.5 per cent
The increases are a real blow to supporters who already face inflation rates of 4.5 per cent while wages increase at a much lower rate and Benefits and allowances are being withdrawn or reduced.
Premier League clubs were attacked in July by Malcolm Clarke, Chairman of the Football Supporters Association who accused clubs of Exploitation and said that rises above inflation were "completely unjustified" and said that all prices should be frozen
"The Premier League has money coming out of its ears because of its media rights deals", he said and " in the current economic climate, any rise that is above inflation is unjustified. The danger is that they will continue to make the game unaffordable"
It matters little that EFC have absorbed the increase, supporters still have to travel away and those individual away day ticket prices far exceed the season ticket price per seat, per game, of the Home club.


ARSENAL 951 6.49
VILLA 360 2.86
B,BURN 225 7.66
BOLTON 399 0.00
CHELSEA 595 8.18
EVERTON 443 0.00
FULHAM 379 32.98
LIVERPOOL 725 6.62
MAN CITY 260 4.00
MAN UTD 526 2.53
NEWC,TLE 345 4.55
NORWICH 469.5 12.05
QPR 549 22.00
STOKE 344 0.00
SUN,LND 410 3.8
SWANSEA 408 8.8
SPURS 690 6.15 W.BROM 439 10.03
WIGAN 270 8.00
WOLVES 522 0.00


posted on 16/8/11


That is all well and good for the rest of the Premiership.
I was discussing Everton Fc.

We have a nil % rise in season ticket prices (plus discount for early bird renewal).

The away game tickets and travel are a totally different matter.
The point was re our % loss in season tickets.
All due respect,i think your figures of nil % rise in prices reinforce my point.

posted on 16/8/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 16/8/11

Thank you Canard. An example of Selective Reading once again by those who would deny an approaching meteor until it hit them between the eyes.

posted on 16/8/11

Become more unaffordable?
Inflation @ 4.5 %?
Aplogies in advance if my maths are incorrect
On silky`s £443 season ticket price that would be an increase of just over £19 due to inflation.

posted on 16/8/11

Yes, CE, but everything else has gone up as well. Gas & Electricity have gone up this month by 15-20% depending on your provider. Food, petrol, clothes, all cost more. All the while most people are not getting pay rises to compensate.

What does someone give priority to? Feeding and clothing their family or a season ticket?

You need to look at the larger economic picture.

posted on 16/8/11

My god. its like knocking your head against a brick wall.
Football as delicious as it is and whatever the increase must impinge upon the overall Family Budget or doesn't the overall cost of living with its attendant price rises affect your family.
I am disabled, have been for eleven years. I have not been able to afford a Season Ticket since and can only attend games when my sons return home and treat me to a full day out at Goodison.
My disposable income has decreased every year and i have no doubt will continue so to do.
This is a situation that i would suggest. most folks find themselves in. It has nothing to do with Everton F.C. its supporters or the price of season tickets.it is purely a matter of putting Family and other issues first.
If people can afford to go to games without detriment to their other personal ,financial and family needs, the good luck to them. just don't try and force your ill thought out ideals down the throats of those who are not concerned with your petty(in the real world) grievances but take your ideals to a quiet corner somewhere and discuss them with your like-minded compatriots.

posted on 16/8/11

Exactly HM, it isn't the cost of inflation on the season ticket as that has stayed the same. If your food and bills come to £100 per week then that equates to £234 per year - half the cost of your season ticket you have to find from somewhere else. It's no wonder people are having to give up their season tickets. Since when have you known United having to advertise for the last two seasons that tickets and season tickets are still available? My mate has just given up his four tickets he's had since his father got them when he was a nipper because he can no longer afford it. I've just cancelled the gym membership to pay for mine so hopefully by the end of the season I won't have put on that much weight that they'll be charging me for two seats!

posted on 16/8/11

Sorry, to make it clear, the inflation on £100 per week for food and bills comes to £234 per year

posted on 16/8/11

CONCERNED. Any comments to add before we close for lunch. A crust and some gruel.

posted on 16/8/11

Get one of your lads to buy you a large portion of humble pie


posted on 16/8/11


i dont need to look at the bigger picture at all,i am surrounded by it.

The policies of this wonderful, caring government we have are booting the working class in the b*lls on a regular basis.
Believe me.I am well aware of the economic problems ordinairy people have to face up to on a daily basis.So no lectures please.

Let me put it another way...Do you think the whole of the 10 % plus season ticket holders we have lost is down to the economic crisis.

posted on 16/8/11

Probably not, but I bet a very, very large percentage are. particularly when the surrounding area to Goodison isn't exacty wealthy!

posted on 16/8/11

OK CE, it just seemed you were being a little simplistic.

I need to remind you that I do not go to home games. I'm not immersed in the fanbase like some of you are.

You cannot ignore the financial situation as it stands. Common sense tells me that a good chunk of that 10% has to be due to it. The fact that MU are also advertising seats is testament to that. A good test of the theory would be to look at LFC's ST takeup. Yes they have a larger fanbase, but most of the people going to home games are living in the same areas as our fans. (Not sure if ferry prices from Norway have gone up though.....)

But seriously, to say that 10% of the ST holders did not renew them out of protest when the club is short of cash would be hideously short sighted. The club is not playing badly, or battling relegation/under-performing after a massive over spend. It needs the support of the matchday fans, and I think a proper fan would realise this.

posted on 16/8/11

i was taking your points in & reading them with interest,then you have to come out with the snide comment.

A proper fan?
If i was to use your level of intelligence i could point out that a "proper fan actually goes to the game,both home and away.

But as that would make me look an idiot,i will resist.

Talks Krap.
your innuendo re the surrounding areas to Goodison,and your insinuation it is my area is noted

posted on 16/8/11

Ha ha, no insinuation at all that it is your area, talk about touchy! A simple fact of life sadly so to use the fact that 10% haven't renewed as evidence for unhappiness is a tad snide if you ask me. Especially given the economics pointed out above.

That is all, no inference as to your whereabouts or economic situation, no need to take unmridge when ultimately you need to acknowledge that you made a mistake re not understanding Silky's point.

Oh and HM's comment about a proper fan means one that 'supports' the club, doesn't misuse information to support their own agenda. Nothing to do with attending games. Am I right HM?

posted on 16/8/11

I wasn't having a pop, and it probably came across differently to how I wanted it too.

If I lived 30 miles away as opposed to 300+ miles away, I would at least be at all the home games, you can be sure of that.

The point I was trying to make, is that would be illogical to not buy a season ticket if you can afford to and if you can get the use of it, if the club are short of finance.

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