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Promoted with 11 games to go

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posted on 19/3/14

"So, Merseysidefox, there are 11 games to go and your prediction has been proven to be wholly inaccurate."


Yes, for pity's sake Merseyside. Blue-tinted specs or what.

It's actually quite interesting to read through that, to compare and contrast to how we feel right now. I'm sure most of us would have quite happily taken playoffs at the start of the season and I doubt any of us would have thought that half way through April the overriding feeling could be summed up by the word "Comfortable".

posted on 19/3/14

*Half way through March even. Hopefully half way through April the overriding feeling will be closer to ecstacy.

posted on 19/3/14

Busted Nev!!!!!

Just kidding, yep fair play to those who said we would go up, I wasn't one of them but did think we would make the play offs again. I think some doom merchants had us down as mid table. That thread makes for funny reading. Also nice to see True Blue making friends as usual

posted on 19/3/14

Wow, I can't even remember writing this but I'm pretty proud of myself having read it back!!!

A balanced view on our squad and, as it turns out, a pretty accurate one.

What also makes me laugh is how much of what everyone predicted has come true:

Foxello won't be seen for 6 months if we start well being one

Football is great because we all see it differently and have different opinions.

One thing I can confirm - despite my excellent foresight and judgement, I never in a million years saw this coming. Pearson, his backroom staff, the players and the owners all deserve great credit for sticking to their guns and achieving what they have.

To all of them I say thank you. Thank you for giving me one of the best ever years as a Leicester fan, and for sticking it to the opinions Foxello, Malling and Johngee!

Most of all, thank you for making my insane prediction almost one true.

And finally, thank you to Joby or finding this article!!!

That's my Oscar speech over. I'll dry my tears and head back in to the crowd.

posted on 19/3/14

encore, Merseyside, encore.

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 19/3/14

Are you having a Gwyneth Paltrow moment Mersey?

comment by CDUBYA (U17121)

posted on 19/3/14

I thought we would be mid table this year and a real long hard season of dire football.

Delighted to be proved wrong. I have enjoyed every minute of this season.

posted on 19/3/14

I'm feeling a bit smug now too

posted on 19/3/14

"Also nice to see True Blue making friends as usual "

Safe to say, looking forward to Foxello's letter to Pearson!

posted on 19/3/14

BS I might clarify that my concern was the lack of goals from midfield & defenders this has been rectified this season although a few more from the centre backs would not go a miss.As for my man Vardy he struggled last year but i knew he had quality if he could settle in. If you really want to bust just look at any post about Dyer!!!!!


posted on 19/3/14

Yeah I know Nev just kidding, you have backed Vardy loads when I said he was gash.

posted on 19/3/14

It shows how well we've done that my only concern is that we could be promoted whilst not playing thanks to Sky smashing the fixture list to bits.

Really hope we do it on the back of us winning!

Now, is there an emoticon for <mindthegap>?

posted on 19/3/14

Very happy to be in that company, thanks Mersey, rather than amongst the gathering band of supplicants presently rending their garments and crying 'Oh do please forgive us, for ever having doubted you, Mr Pearson, even when you were pants".

posted on 19/3/14

I showed my support and confidence in Nigel and the players, including Vardy before the start of last season.

I said we were brilliant for half of the season but were awful for two second so it showed me that we had the ability but not the consistency required. I also said I thought that was inevitable given the young age of our squad, the lack of experience and the way in which the squad had evolved getting rid of players like Beckford, Mills etc.

I thought having played a full season together and being a year older we would still be strong and around the play-offs because I couldn't see any reason why they wouldn't naturally get better. I also said if we sign a 3-4 more quality players then we'll have a chance at winning the league.

As for Vardy, I felt he was unlucky with a couple of disallowed goals that should have been given and then hitting the woodwork so many times, if they'd gone in and he'd bagged himself 5 goals in his first 10 games it could have been a different story. Scoring goals is all about confidence.

I think he'll do well in the Premiership, his pace will get him away from most defenders, that's how I played at a high level. Yes you'll have more space against poor players but you'll win a foot race against the best players when you have pace and you'll get yourself chances purely because of that and the goal is still the same size in the Premiership. As someone mentioned the goal he scored against QPR he would have scored against any team. His pace to get away, his first touch and a fantastic strike across goal would have beaten any defence and keeper so yeah I think he could do very well next season.

I think we'll do well next season too because we can play football and I have no doubt that we'll bring in 3-4 more experienced, Premiership quality players.

This arguably is the best/most exciting team we've ever had. I've been to over 900 games and have been lucky enough to watch Brian Little's and MON's teams but also unfortunate enough to have witnessed Pleat et al but I've been in Australia for the last four years (I did watch the first half of last season, Ipswich was my last game) so I'm very envious of everyone back home lucky enough to see this team week in week out 👍

posted on 19/3/14

comment by MallingFox (U3288)
posted 38 minutes ago
Very happy to be in that company, thanks Mersey, rather than amongst the gathering band of supplicants presently rending their garments and crying 'Oh do please forgive us, for ever having doubted you, Mr Pearson, even when you were pants".
In other words people that have the humility to swallow their pride and admit they were wrong as opposed to stubborn arrogant armchair fans who stick by their guns even now

posted on 19/3/14

I only take issue with the "even when you were pants".

I'd argue Pearson has never had anything but success as a manager. He has never been pants.

Our form was pants for a while, our manager has been excellent.

posted on 19/3/14

You may as well bang your head against the wall Mersey, if we won the Premier League next season they'd be some remembering when we lost 2 matches in a row.

posted on 19/3/14

People don't need to "swallow their pride", or "admit they were wrong". They weren't wrong, we were pants this time last year, and for a long, season-crippling period of time. Why so many on here wish to pretend that wasn't so is a real mystery to me. The fact that Pearson and the side has since done much better is a matter for relief and much celebration, but not for collective amnesia. Do grow up, guys.

posted on 19/3/14

Good point Malling. Denial is a really strange thing. I guess some people just can't see when they're wrong...

posted on 19/3/14

comment by MallingFox (U3288)
posted 56 seconds ago
People don't need to "swallow their pride", or "admit they were wrong". They weren't wrong, we were pants this time last year, and for a long, season-crippling period of time. Why so many on here wish to pretend that wasn't so is a real mystery to me. The fact that Pearson and the side has since done much better is a matter for relief and much celebration, but not for collective amnesia. Do grow up, guys.

No one is saying we need to, we simply choose to hold our hands up and say that the calls for NP to be sacked were wrong. I haven't forgotten our dreadful run of form, but it was exactly that - form. Had we sacked NP then I don't believe we would be in this position.

You don't have to say you were wrong, it's not mandatory. But don't have a pop at those who choose to express a bit of regret over calling for Pearsons head

posted on 19/3/14

comment by Merseysidefox (U4842)
posted 18 seconds ago
Good point Malling. Denial is a really strange thing. I guess some people just can't see when they're wrong...

posted on 19/3/14

comment by True Blue (U9486)
posted 39 minutes ago
You may as well bang your head against the wall Mersey, if we won the Premier League next season they'd be some remembering when we lost 2 matches in a row.
I know we haven't exactly seen eye to eye recently TB but this deserves a

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 19/3/14

I agree Mersey. That's the trouble I always had when trying to understand those who were vehemently opposed to Pearson as there has never been any evidence to suggest that he is, or was, a really bad manager. Where has he failed?

He has strengths and weaknesses like anyone else. My OP was actually tongue in cheek as I have always liked and respected Pearson, but the one worry I have with him is his tactical inflexibility. Would 4-4-2 expose us in the Premier League and can NP coach us to play a different system if required? That's the one "not sure" for me. But it would be churlish to worry about that now based on what he's achieved with 4-4-2 this season.

All the other stuff about poor coaching, dour personality, not good with the media, can't motivate people, can't manage good players etc. I've always held as not relevant or just plain rubbish.

Vardy is a different matter. I liked him, but thought the step up was too great and that a loan to League 1 was required. Despite my joshing Nev did call that one and I have the humility () to doff my cap to him on that one.

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 19/3/14

comment by BlackStarr (U12353)
posted 7 minutes ago
comment by True Blue (U9486)
posted 39 minutes ago
You may as well bang your head against the wall Mersey, if we won the Premier League next season they'd be some remembering when we lost 2 matches in a row.
I know we haven't exactly seen eye to eye recently TB but this deserves a

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 19/3/14

... Oh TrueBlue. God I'm slow tonight

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