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Cesc Update: Arsene Says NO To Cesc

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posted on 2/6/14

comment by DTM (U8348)
posted 1 minute ago
posted 29 seconds ago
And again in English please...

There we gou have nothing to say again

In French please


"JA606 reserves the right to remove user generated content that is not in English"

Try harder, Frog.

posted on 2/6/14


Was the term I chose to use but I'm assured on the info I'm getting and it's up to you if you want to believe me or not.

posted on 2/6/14

lex what the feck does me follwoing liverpool have to do with me commenting on cesc fecking hell what a weak comeback lad, clearly this cesc to chelsea talk has you all riled up

afc you're putting two and two together and coming up with 1000 here. He criticised hughes years ago so therefore he will never play for jose? That is ridiculous.

posted on 2/6/14

D'you know what, Inventor, I think I'm gonna choose not to believe your information atm.

Nothing personal you understand.

posted on 2/6/14

"lex what the feck does me follwoing liverpool have to do with me commenting on cesc fecking hell what a weak comeback lad, clearly this cesc to chelsea talk has you all riled up"


Merely the fact that you appear to be using your 'neutrality' on the matter as a way of expressing an opinion about it that you seem to think more grounded and objective when in fact it's no more substantiated than anything else here.

posted on 2/6/14


My understanding is that even if Arsenal are interested they will have to be coy and declare themselves “out” as the buyback clause will only be implemented if Barca receive a formal bid from another club.

If a potential buyer (probably aware of clause) thinks Arsenal are interested they are not going to bid. Hence Darren Dein “advertising” Cescs availability and rumours of Arsenals disinterest.

posted on 2/6/14

It's a short term contract City will offer Lampard before he does go to NY sorry.

Please shut the door behind you if so, am I meant to feel some type of way that you're leaving my article you chose to get involved with in the first place? Stop seeking my attention

posted on 2/6/14

anyway its not like its a case of cesc moving from arsenal to another club is it, he left arsenal several years ago. This fascination with the lad gooners have is outrageous.

If cesc goes to chelsea he goes to chelsea, arsenal fans who get all annoyed because of it need to move the feck on and get over it, cesc plays for barca not arsenal, cesc is spanish not bron in london in the shadow of highbury, he does not bleed arsenal red and really who he plays for should not affect you all so much. I get the feeling towards him, we all like players who were good for us at one point but the obsession with cesc is unhealthy.

posted on 2/6/14

afc you're putting two and two together and coming up with 1000 here. He criticised hughes years ago so therefore he will never play for jose? That is ridiculous.
Kneerash, this is a discussion board, some people think he's going, some people don't, everyone has stated their reasons for whichever. No-one knows anything for fact, it's just opinions, i have given mine as to why i THINK he's not going to CFC, and i'll stand by that, i really can't see him going there, for the reasons i said and many more.

posted on 2/6/14

Not seeking yours or anyone's attention, Inventor.

Just pointing out that a poster on JA606 is wrong about something.

Just so happens to be you.


posted on 2/6/14

Stuart Pearce

That could be a valid point justifying both the sources I'm following I suppose. I think it's certainly in Arsene's hands

posted on 2/6/14

Interesting you feel that way kneerash because I remember quite a different reaction to the Saurez speculation. Even your owner finally admitted there was a clause.

posted on 2/6/14

I get the feeling towards him, we all like players who were good for us at one point but the obsession with cesc is unhealthy.
You do know that all the media outlets are throwing these Cesc stories out and seem 'obsessed', and we are just discussing them, knowing that we have no bearing on the outcome.

posted on 2/6/14


It certainly would explain a lot. Time well tell.

posted on 2/6/14

"If cesc goes to chelsea he goes to chelsea, arsenal fans who get all annoyed because of it need to move the feck on and get over it..."


This is true.

If it was Alex Song being linked to Liverpool, United or Chelsea I'd be finding it pretty hilarious.

posted on 2/6/14

comment by TheKnowledgeableOne (U19462)
posted 4 minutes ago
It's a short term contract City will offer Lampard before he does go to NY sorry.

Please shut the door behind you if so, am I meant to feel some type of way that you're leaving my article you chose to get involved with in the first place? Stop seeking my attention
He's seeking attention? He's not the one who wrote an article saying Cesc wasn't coming then commented on said article stating he has heard whispers of the complete opposite happening

posted on 2/6/14

lex i can look at it objectivley without this obsession you all have with the lad clouding my judgement.

Seriously have you read some of the reason cesc would never join chelsea or other clubs on here? You really going to say these are valid, well thought out reasons?

Its like when a fan of any club puts on their lawyer hat and starts talking about contracts etc. Its just ridiculous and allot of arsenal fans on here seem to think they know what cesc thinks, how he feels about certain clubs and managers and know what he wants to do.

If you think an arsenal fan can be entirley objective on this matter fair enough but reality suggests differently.

posted on 2/6/14

jenius what are you talking about? I didnt mention any clause?

posted on 2/6/14

afc the media are obsessed with every player thats their job to write stories that people will read.

Ill ask you this can you name a player who used to play for a pl club that gets nearly as much attention from the fanbase as cesc does from arsenal fans?

Just look at the football board today it is littered with cesc articles by arsenal fans, i get you might discuss a potential target we all will do this but as soon as cesc is mentioned anywhere there is a wave of articles about him, i just think the obsession is ott and doesnt do yous any good. It also leads to you having a one sided view on him as you cant just let go.

posted on 2/6/14

jenius what are you talking about?

My point was that it is far more annoying than any speculation when fans come on here to criticize others for being opinionated. Its sanctimonious bull. And most pool fans were in full denial about Suarez.

How do you know one of the posters could be connected to the club. Or even in Cesc's rather large business entourage. Or just damn good at analysing situations. Thats the fun of it or why visit the site at all.

posted on 2/6/14

I really can't see why we should be bothered. If Wenger, with all the knowledge that he has of the player and being the very person who insisted on the buy-back clause, decides he doesn't want Cesc back, who are we to say otherwise? Wenger knows his plans better than anybody on these boards.

posted on 2/6/14


So for posting an article on a currently hot topic then providing an update on the topic and hour or 2 later I'm seeking attention?

You're one confused kid

posted on 2/6/14

ok jenius if you think that one of the posters on here has direct links to cesc so be it.

Suarez and this clause is a moot point as if this clause was there it did feck all didnt it.

Aslo why criticise me for making a point but its ok for others too, im doing just what theyre doing only my point doesnt fit in with the gooner cesc love in.

posted on 2/6/14

Ill ask you this can you name a player who used to play for a pl club that gets nearly as much attention from the fanbase as cesc does from arsenal fans?
Erm Ronaldo-ManU fans. Were you not around when they were under the belief Cristiano was coming back to play for Fergie.

Just because you don't have a very good former player out there that would possibly re-join you (realistically before you mention European champion Alonso) is why you can't relate to the excitement surrounding this saga.

posted on 2/6/14

A striker is a higher priority than Cesc and Mario would imo improve the team more than Cesc.

Cesc is a great player but Ozil is regarded as better and started to show it late in the season. Why are Barca selling Cesc if hes so good? I havent seen much of him in Spain but question whether he is past his best having already had over a decade at the top.

But at the end of the day, I think the difference between Mario and Giroud is bigger than between Cesc and Ramsey, Ozil, Santi, Wilshere or even Flamini who are the ones who would probably be dropped.

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