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Game of Thrones Deathmatches

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posted on 4/6/14

Robert Baratheon was king, literally and figuratively

posted on 4/6/14

prob thanks to Ned lol

posted on 4/6/14

Obara Sand deserves a mention aswell, shes an awesome fighter, cant wait to see what happens in Season 5 with The Sand Snakes

posted on 4/6/14

comment by Mex (U6687)
posted 7 minutes ago
Robert Baratheon was king, literally and figuratively

Yes, he was tha man

posted on 4/6/14

Ramsey is evil, but his story arc with reek is for me one of the most interesting aspects of the series, no way should he be killed off just yet!

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 4/6/14

Ned Stark was a middling swordsman but a great commander. Selmy would win easily.

posted on 4/6/14

Quick one. At the same point in the books as the tv series. To people that have read it, which of these do you recommend?

1. Keep reading the books

2. Wait til the end of the current season on the tv series, then read the books

3. Read the books after each tv series?

Erring towards the second due to the differences anyway (that and I seem to predict what is going to happen in the tv series anyway), just want to know what those that have read them think!

posted on 4/6/14

just read the books Melts. He has a tendency to take ages bringing out the next book anyway, the last one took 7 years!!!

posted on 4/6/14

Cheers republik, my brother said the same thing! Isn't he a big lad as well? Is he going to actually finish the books in time...?

posted on 4/6/14

I've read all the books, still enjoy the tv series because you want to see how the events play out.

posted on 4/6/14

comment by meltonblue (U10617)
posted 42 minutes ago
Quick one. At the same point in the books as the tv series. To people that have read it, which of these do you recommend?

1. Keep reading the books

2. Wait til the end of the current season on the tv series, then read the books

3. Read the books after each tv series?

Erring towards the second due to the differences anyway (that and I seem to predict what is going to happen in the tv series anyway), just want to know what those that have read them think!
Definitely readable the books, I find you get more out of the tv series, and pick up on other aspects you wouldn't notice if you hadn't read the books

posted on 4/6/14

comment by Mamadou's Funky Barber (You've been Sakho'd) (U16191)
posted 1 hour, 44 minutes ago
I don't remember the details, been years since I read the books, but didn't Ned end up with a busted leg?
It was a stalemate as their two swords locked they decided to both back off as there was gna be no winner, only when they did a lannister soldier speared Ned.
That is correct good point. Wouldn't have put money on a stalemate though. Maybe Jaimes not all that

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 4/6/14

Oberyn Martell is a twát. I got caught up on GoT the other day, and safe to say he's really píssed me off.

Why stand around yelling to someone in a fight and not just fúcking kill him Deserved what he got because he really wound me up with that.

posted on 4/6/14


comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 4/6/14

Oberyn needed the confession. That confession will really stir things up.

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 4/6/14

I hope so, but it properly properly wound me up that he didn't just fúcking kill him outright.

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 4/6/14

Martin's worst decision imo

posted on 4/6/14


Read the books, It spoils the TV series somewhat but it also gives a better understanding of the storyline


It was different in the books, Oberyn was trying to get a confession but he was killed in the fight. I posted an extract from the books

posted on 4/6/14

Oberyn Classic GRRM, builds up these amazing characters then brutally kills them off in a horribly avoidable manner.

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 4/6/14

That's just it - we only knew about Oberyn for basically the equivalent of 2 hours - he seemed a decent character, good backstory & just an all round interesting person.

Then BAM there goes his eyeses.

posted on 4/6/14

comment by Screen - #GiggsLegend (U8522)
posted 35 minutes ago

Read the books, It spoils the TV series somewhat but it also gives a better understanding of the storyline


It was different in the books, Oberyn was trying to get a confession but he was killed in the fight. I posted an extract from the books
I don't think it was that different, the mountain was all but defeated on both occasions. Obertan should/ could have finished him off

posted on 4/6/14


Oberyn was the better fighter but it was more of a contest than what was shown on TV.

posted on 4/6/14

possible user name I think, 'Obertan Martell, Prince of Dorne'

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 4/6/14

comment by Jay. (U16498)

posted on 5/6/14

Done & Done.

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