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Rooney, why, oh why do we persist with him?

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posted on 13/6/14

Owen looked like he'd easily get there before injuries slowed him down and took their toll. But you would expect him to get somewhere near to it

posted on 13/6/14

I personally would build the attacking play around Sterling.

posted on 13/6/14

Agree with Beardy. Would much prefer to see Sterling and Lambert on the pitch instead of Rooney and Welbeck.

posted on 13/6/14

I hope i'm wrong. I hope Rooney bags a tonne of goals and proves me wrong, but unfortunately I think it will be another Blank from him.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 13/6/14

Sun editorials are aplenty here.

posted on 13/6/14

I hate the Sun newspaper. it is for delinquents and people of the lowest order.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 13/6/14

Rooney must start.
My prediction.




posted on 13/6/14

Isn't Welbeck injured?

Plus I know Rooney will start, but nothing I have seen so far proves against my point.

posted on 13/6/14

I would undoubtedly start Sterling. But I think sterling would be the ideal foil for Rooney as he'd create space, something that we haven't had in recent tournaments.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 13/6/14

60 mins will see Stirling come on.

posted on 13/6/14

SBD, you're judging Rooney in tournaments that he hasn't played in for two years for god's sake. He's just obviously our best player. Sterling, Sturridge, and Barkley might push him soon. Not yet, though.

posted on 13/6/14

Stretts team looks the most likely. Have Sterling chomping at the bit. I can see him running rings round Pirlo and some rough treatment when he tackles him.

posted on 14/6/14

Stretts team isn't likely, its guaranteed!

posted on 14/6/14

I don't like welbeck, I think he's very average and out if his depth at international level.

posted on 14/6/14

I'm not a fan of him either, but then he has scored 8 goals under Hodgson. And he is good at tracking back.

posted on 14/6/14

I agree with Andy. If it wasn't for the fact that Welbeck plays for Man U, then I don't think he would even be in the squad.

Yes I would have Rooney in the squad, purely on the same hope that all of you have that he may just produce the goods. However, I would not start him until he showed me that he can go onto the pitch and deliver for his national team.

posted on 14/6/14

How's he gonna do that if he doesn't play? And what more do you want him to do? He's our top scorer since the last tournament. Get a grip.

posted on 14/6/14

Provide one logical point to back up your argument.

posted on 14/6/14

Thing with Rooney is unless he puts in a world beating 11/10 performance, he's deemed by some as not putting enough effort in. I guarantee he'll be the one you see tracking furthest back to fetch the ball in a Desperate attempt to get things going. You can fault him on occasion like in the last two friendlies when he kept back heeling to nobody but definitely can't fault his heart and desire. I don't think you can anyway!

And as for welbeck, I think he's good but I don't like the thought that, if he's good enough to play for England, that means the England team aren't that good. Having said that, I said the same thing about Ron vlaar and holland last night... "Aston villa centre half as 1st choice defender? They don't stand a chance" I believe we're my words!

posted on 14/6/14

Yeah, at international level certain players just fit the system. Wellbeck does that, to a degree. And yes, Rooney works harder than anyone with the possible exception of Gerrard. This sometimes causes problems, because with Rooney tracking back we had nobody up there. Now, though, Sturridge will be the furthest forward.

posted on 14/6/14

Of course he's going to start and if any of you were manager you'd start him too after watching him through the qualifiers and in training.

It's very possible that there is some combination of players excluding Rooney that would result in a better 'team'. but that's the same with any player and more a hypothetical.

posted on 14/6/14

First name on the team sheet, no hesitation.

posted on 14/6/14

I can't wait.

posted on 14/6/14

I hope he proves me wrong, I really do.

Looking forward to the match though, Italy are there for the taking!

posted on 14/6/14

If you're good at anything, mate, it's being proven wrong.

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