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posted on 23/7/14

Aye I quit smoking at the start of January and went onto the e-cigs too.
Has been pretty easy to give up the tabs, but found a total mixed bag of quality in the liquids, batteries and mainly with the clearomisers, which I was having to replace every few days on the keech ones.

Was on 20 a day for 15 years before that, so totally agree with the comments about the governments nonsense crackdown on them - it IS definitely all about taxation.

Found the best combo, after all that, was the variable voltage batteries, the CE5 clearomizers and I'm a fan of the flue cured tobacco e-liquid...

posted on 23/7/14


Now your talking....

Well played Brook mate

posted on 23/7/14

I was a 20 a day smoker and have been vaping for over a year now, never would have been able to quit without it, I had tried everything.

I can recommend the aspire range of tanks http://www.aspirecig.com/ you just change out the coil in these rather than the whole clearo. Also I highly recommend http://www.t-juice.com/ liquids, bit more pricey than other liquids but it's made in the UK and
tastes great. My 2 liquids are green steam and strawberri, I had to steer away from the tabac flavoured ones as it reminded me too much of smoking.

posted on 23/7/14


Well done chief

Are you nicotine free in that year and just vaping the liquids now?

Im just wondering how long it will take to knock the nicotine on the head.

I think once that happens I wont bother with the "normal" juices.

posted on 23/7/14

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posted on 23/7/14

comment by Bluebell (U7064)

posted 34 minutes ago


Well done chief

Are you nicotine free in that year and just vaping the liquids now?

Im just wondering how long it will take to knock the nicotine on the head.

I think once that happens I wont bother with the "normal" juices.
TBH no I'm not nic free, I found that I actually really enjoy nicotine. In the grand scheme of things it's only as harmful as caffeine, it's all the other crap in tobacco that does the damage.

Saying that you could just start to reduce the strength as you feel comfortable. So 24mg - 18mg - 12mg - 6mg and 0nic.

posted on 23/7/14

Fair do,s mate,I did start with the 24mg and only bought 1x10ml bottle and got 1 free,they lasted around 3 weeks,Ive just lowered the nicotine to 11mg but bought 30ml,plan is to use that up and be clean altogether

posted on 23/7/14

Well done

I've done the same. Smoked rollies for years and quit with e-cig. 6 months now and only one slip up - away camping and couldn't charge the fecking thing.

Down to .6 juice now.

posted on 23/7/14


Same to you mate,well done indeed. You crack me up at times so you do,camping and nae charger ffs! Wiz it pouring doon anaw and you thought fook this fur a game a soilders,back in 5..20 club ya pwik. and hurry up

I never new you could get .6 strength,where I get mine the 11mg is the lowest and the 24mg the highest.

They do say the have a 36mg coming soon but no word of a point 6.

Might have to look around more for another soarse,the wife was saying dont cut down so quick,take ma time,she stopped using the patches,same idea in reducing the nicotine,I did try them,couldn,t get a draw out them

posted on 23/7/14

Take a bottle of 11mg and a bottle of 0nic mix them together and you have 6mg (well 5.5 but close)

posted on 23/7/14


Aha,mixing my own,just had a wee read about that,seems easy enough with some help from here http://www.todmuller.com/ejuice/ejuice.php


posted on 23/7/14

I dug a box of 25 monte cristo no.1's out of the loft while clearing it out last week, still soft/moist so been smoking them since.. feel like a Mafia Don

posted on 23/7/14

comment by Bluebell (U7064)

posted 36 minutes ago


Aha,mixing my own,just had a wee read about that,seems easy enough with some help from here http://www.todmuller.com/ejuice/ejuice.php

That's taking it up a notch really, i was just talking about taking a 30ml bottle of one flavour in 11 or 12 mg and mixing it with the same flavour in 0nic to get 60ml of a low (5-6mg) juice.

posted on 23/7/14

it was the new cars fault...it only charged the ecig when the engine was on, so it was either sit I the car all day or buy a packet of baccy!

It did pour tho...and my tent got blown inside out by the wind

I get my e-juice from Emporium Vapour in Parkhead Forge.

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