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These 55 comments are related to an article called:

Welcome Chambers - Confirmed

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posted on 28/7/14

I'm sure young Chambers will learn a lot playing at the Emirates.

Like how to deal with his team getting booed of the pitch. Character building stuff that.

comment by (U7889)

posted on 28/7/14

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posted on 28/7/14

What a witty response. Give yourself a pat on the back.

posted on 28/7/14


comment by (U7889)

posted on 28/7/14

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posted on 28/7/14

It wasn't a compliment...

comment by (U7889)

posted on 28/7/14

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posted on 28/7/14

good signing.

posted on 28/7/14

funny pool fans trying to be sarcastic about our support after what they did in heysel and hillsborough

posted on 28/7/14

Stupid comment.

posted on 28/7/14

Dont think you are allowed to mention the manslaughter of 39 innocent football fans, DaSS

posted on 28/7/14

Completely irrelevant to the topic and a cheap way to score points. Shameful comment.

posted on 28/7/14

comment by 'Bats' (U18355)
posted 1 minute ago
Completely irrelevant to the topic and a cheap way to score points. Shameful comment.
It was, I believe, a response to a completely irrelevant to the topic post, and thus truly relevant to the direction the Liverpool fan was taking the discussion. DaSS has not moved the discussion away, Paisley did.

posted on 28/7/14

I don't see what relevance Arsenal fans booing their players has to 96 innocent football fans being murdered at a football match.

posted on 28/7/14

'and thus', what a load of old bol.lox.
A Liverpool fan mentions the possibility of a player maybe being booed, next stop Hillsborough and Heysel.
Pathetic pair of pr.icks.

posted on 28/7/14

Using Hillsborough is a low blow, especially when you consider they were the innocent party. The less we talk about Heysel the better.

posted on 29/7/14

Liverpool fans were guilty of manslaughter re Heysel.
What is the issue here?
It is more relevant to Paisleys point than Paisleys point was to the topic.
End of.

comment by Bãlès (U3582)

posted on 29/7/14

This escalated quickly.

posted on 29/7/14

Pâî§Lë¥'š _P䆆ê®ÑëÐ_ÐrÊåm§
You've booed your hapless bunch enough u even sent death threats and burned your shirts when one of your players leaves u for a bigger club.

posted on 29/7/14

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posted on 29/7/14

DJ defending the indefensible. What a pathetic comment that was. Shame.

posted on 29/7/14

Browse: Football Premier League Arsenal
Why are Liverpool fans on this thread? If you want to come on and WUM then learn to take it back.
Now fack off if you cannot handle the truth about Heysel and your scûmmy club.

R.I.P. to the poor souls who went to watch a football match and had their lives taken due to the horrendous actions of Liverpool fans.

posted on 29/7/14


posted on 29/7/14

Bats the loon getting upset because the Scouse are being WUMed?

Another breakdown on the way?

posted on 29/7/14

So you now admit you are using football tragedies to WUM Liverpool fans. I think we all can see who is having the breakdown

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