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Ben Marshall

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posted on 23/8/11

and as for not knowing what I'm on about, I've not missed a home game when I've been in the country for neigh on ten years, so I feel entitled to marginally pick one striker as my choice over another, if that's ok with you?

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 23/8/11

Professor Erno Breastpichd & Consilio_et_animis sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!!! get a grip you set of fanies.

neither of them are world beaters but if they were they wouldn't be playing for us but i'm up for playing madine cos he younger & has more chance of developing into a good skriker while morrison is heading over the hill (no doudt he'll be agood coach tho in years to come!)

posted on 23/8/11

i think some people get it and others dont, jj is no doubt inconsistant, however he has been our only attacking threat for too long.
what we saw saturday was a good performance from marshall but he was less effective in the 2nd half because they doubled up on him, now that wouldnt be possible with jj in the same team because that would involve 2 of our players nullifying 4 of their players.
this in turn means we will carry a threat centrally and out wide too which in turn should result in goals goals goals.

posted on 23/8/11

"and as for not knowing what I'm on about, I've not missed a home game when I've been in the country for neigh on ten years, so I feel entitled to marginally pick one striker as my choice over another, if that's ok with you?"

Justify the reason that Morrison is worth his place over Madine.....

ps. Nobody that writes on any of these footballing forums has ever missed a game.

posted on 23/8/11


JJ has never scored or created goals on a regular basis. What makes you think he will start now?

posted on 23/8/11

I see it's time for the weekly JJ debate.

posted on 23/8/11

There isn't a debate really Monster. Its fact

posted on 23/8/11

Depends what you're arguing?

If you're arguing purely on stats then fair enough, you're probably right but they only tell you so much.

I think if you asked most managers both for & against Wednesday who our most dangerous attacking player has been for the last 4 or 5 years the majority would tell you it's JJ.

I'm not getting into again, it's been done to death, but I suppose it' like Kimmy says, some can see it & some can't/won't see it. Some can cope with the frustration, some can't.

It's opinion at the end of the day intit.

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 23/8/11

Kimmy has made a good point with JJ & Marshall double marked it leaves space in the middle for Jesus to exploit so JJ dosen't have to be consistant his 25mins per game will prob do also it's been stated before JJ is inpact player who play in burst not the full 90mins.

posted on 23/8/11

"I think if you asked most managers both for and against Wednesday who our most dangerous attacking player has been for the last 4 or 5 years the majority would tell you it's JJ"

No wonder we have slumped to mid table League 1 if JJ has been viewed as our most dangerous player for 4 or 5 years!!! What a sad comment on the rest of our players.

posted on 23/8/11

consilio, he hasnt created enough goals or scored enough either but in fairness we have been a 1 trick pony for a long time.....take jj out of the game and we lose our main threat, add another winger ie marshall and suddenly jj should get more space and so should we as a team and hopefully more chances

posted on 23/8/11

I can't cope with JJ, he is awful, can't beat a man can't cross, can't pass acurately, doesn't work hard, can't shoot, can't be bothered. But then he suddenly decides he can do all those things for a few minutes in a game.
The most irritating player in recent times!

posted on 23/8/11

Not really, anyone with explosive pace, the abilty to carry the ball at pace, turn defence into attack in a matter of seconds & who can produce an end product, even if it's inconsistent, is going to be viewed as dangerous. At any level, in any side.

Anyone who is expecting to get 90 minutes, more often than not from that type of player at this, or any other level, is living in dreamland.

Lennon, Ashley Young, SWP......all regular players in the Prem & international yet you still not sure what you're going to get from match to match.

You just have to accept he is what he is but I'd rather he in was in my side than the oppo's the majority of the time.

See, I told you I wasn't going to get into it again....

posted on 23/8/11

JJ is finished as a starting player. Early 30's and now getting injured very regularly. Only a matter of time until he loses a yard of pace and then what has he got? This could be his last season.

Shouldn't have been re-signed and needs replacing.

Tudders is hand down our best attacking player of the last few years.

posted on 23/8/11

Pace to burn though and with Lines Marshall Jesus and Madine makes us interesting at least.

posted on 23/8/11

Agree with chupa - JJ should only be used as an impact(?) sub when all else is lost. Dangerous? Only to those sitting at the top of the Kop.

posted on 23/8/11

So consensus in some quarters is that it's sacrilege to question Madine, whereas pillorying JJ is cricket.
I tend to find that those who qualify their opinion by writing the word "fact" at the end of their sentance are talking swollocks

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 23/8/11

well lets look on the bright side least we are arguing about who plays cos we now has a squad of players not the just 11 who played even if they were shoite.

posted on 23/8/11

It's a bit unfair to hammer Madine when he's only played half a season in a side that's struggled to make chances through a poor midfield. He needs a full season and some service and then you get a fairer assessment.
JJ has been here for ages, has the odd sparkling game/moment and is frustrating or anonymous for the rest. Difference between him and Lennon, SWP, Young etc is they have more good moments than bad, JJ is the other other way around.
IMO you can afford to cope with JJ in the side if your other 3 midfielders (and RB?) are guaranteed to be solid most of the time and cover him. Last few years we haven't had that and a JJ becomes a luxury you can't afford.

On his day, JJ can be almost as good as Beckham. Problem is you never know if it's going to be David or Victoria......

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 23/8/11

Problem is you never know if it's going to be David or Victoria......

wasn't that a Laws quote?

posted on 23/8/11

"Difference between him and Lennon, SWP, Young etc is they have more good moments than bad, JJ is the other other way around."

Of course, but that's why they're where they are & why JJ didn't make it at that level.

"IMO you can afford to cope with JJ in the side if your other 3 midfielders (and RB?) are guaranteed to be solid most of the time and cover him. Last few years we haven't had that and a JJ becomes a luxury you can't afford."

That's probably a fair comment.

posted on 23/8/11

Can i just point out that the "hammering" I gave to Madine was to say I'd pick Morrison over him

posted on 23/8/11

Sacrilege, imo!

posted on 23/8/11

David Beckham and JJ shouldn't really be mentioned in the same sentence. Unless its to say that JJ isn't fit to lace his boots.

Lets get realistic for a second. JJ has never played at the top level and has never been good enough to. He is a journeyman lower league footballer.

I think he is an asset at this level and will be a good player for us when fit. He will have to work harder, Megson won't tolerate anything less than 100%.

The main issue I have with him is his creativity. Playing as a centre forward with JJ down the wing must be extremely frustrating, he rarely crosses and when he does about 1 in 10 are accurate.

As chupa stated, Marcus Tudgay is head and shoulders above anyone else over the past 4/5 years. Madine will score 20 again this year and will become a fans favourite.

posted on 23/8/11

"Can i just point out that the "hammering" I gave to Madine was to say I'd pick Morrison over him"

Perhaps not a hammering, just complete nonsense.

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