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Ben Marshall

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comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 23/8/11

Just when we thought it was dead trueblue came in & stoked the fire, come on Professor i wouldn't take that hes calling you a soft hunt!!

posted on 23/8/11

Right then, outside the lot of you.
anyone got my back?



I'll get me coat

posted on 23/8/11

"Where's U9706 we need his valued opinion on these matters? "

"Just ask Statesider, they are best mates"

Goodness me Consilio what crawled up there today I've barely drank my morning tea and I'm already playing catchup with your little digs

Seriously though, I don't know where U9706 is. Did someone say something you didn't agree with making it difficult to contain the abuse?

posted on 23/8/11

U9706 took his toys and sulked off because monster didn't agree with everything that he said.

Booo! Bully Monster!

posted on 23/8/11

That's for Consilio Chup!

posted on 23/8/11

"U9706 took his toys and sulked off because monster didn't agree with everything that he said."

I disagree.

It was your & Shibb's accusations of flouncing that was the final straw!

posted on 23/8/11

We got one of the most sought after strikers in the lower divisions, who scored 19 in his first season as a 19 year old yet there are still some people who cannot see that he is talented and will get to the PL with or without Wednesday.

I hope that it is with Wednesday.

To those who think that Morrison has a better future, it is a good job that you have no influence over team selection because another relegation would be on the cards if you did.

posted on 23/8/11

Well said MadSteve

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 23/8/11

it's the Professor hes got a man crush Morrison or is he Morrison?

posted on 23/8/11

Just when we thought it was dead trueblue came in & stoked the fire, come on Professor i wouldn't take that hes calling you a soft hunt!!

wish you hadn´t mentioned the word "stoked". That's what cost us the early season inclusion of JJ!!!

posted on 23/8/11

The funniest thing about this thread is that when the Prof put his lineup out I suggested he should have COG or Madine ahead of Morrison. In post #13 he agreed and changed Morrison out for O'Grady, so shouldn't we all be arguing about whether it is COG or Madine up front??

Fact maybe probably that it is likely that come saturday GM could simply opt to keep with 442 and make this all completely irrelevant!!

BTW, I too would have JJ in the team, if only to make sure they have to keep an eye on him which in turn will allow more space for others. There you go, thats my opinion and thats a FACT!!

posted on 23/8/11

"Did someone say something you didn't agree with making it difficult to contain the abuse?"

No, he said something that NOBODY agreed with. He nearly talks as much rubbish as you, nearly.

posted on 23/8/11

Mad steve, how is saying I would include Morrison for the next game equate to saying he has a better future than Madine. The bloke is 32.

I'd never have bothered causing such outrage if I'd known the Madine mafia was out in such force.
How dare I put down who I'd start with?!
Dewalts, who would you start with against Blackburn? And which ones would you sodomise?

posted on 23/8/11

You have been sniping at Madine for weeks. You said that you would pick Morrison ahead of Madine then when you were criticised, you said that you would pick O'Grady & leave out Madine.

Madine was our best player in away matches in the second half of last season & has battled well with little service. Watch the goals start now that we have signed Marshall.

Oh wait, they have already started!!!

posted on 23/8/11

Again, you call it sniping, I call it questioning blind faith that he'll get us the goals that will get us promoted.

I wasn't criticised by St Charles, he just pointed out that I'd forgotten CoG, so I stuck him in there. I didn't change my tune in the slightest though.

I will be eating humble pie if he does go on a run of form now. I'll happily do that and I'm sure you lot will love pointing it out. Genuinely, I hope he does.

posted on 23/8/11

At the end of the day fact is (theres that word again) whoever plays up front needs quality service to be scoring regularly, so back to the article, Marshall is a great addition to the team.

posted on 23/8/11

The only problem with the Professor is that he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about! Other than that, he makes quite good sense

posted on 23/8/11

There are plenty of other things wrong with me, trying to reason with gobshite's is the least of my worries

posted on 23/8/11

a world of you own Prof.

posted on 23/8/11

Quite possibly in the case of this one. I like to call this world REALITY

posted on 23/8/11

"Dewalts, who would you start with against Blackburn? And which ones would you sodomise?"

best comment on here yet.

posted on 23/8/11

Pity imre isn't around anymore to reclaim his crown

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 24/8/11

"Dewalts, who would you start with against Blackburn? And which ones would you sodomise?"

Professor i don't like sexual boundries so everybodies fair game! & as for the team if it isn't broke don't fix it.

posted on 24/8/11

Dewalts, i'll give you a shout next time me and Clint are putting the car keys in the sombrero.
By the by, does anyone know how Clint's doing after being on the pitch for three mins? Rumor has it he's banged one in, but this cant be right, surely?

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