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Modric - a departure could be possible

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comment by Mack (U6574)

posted on 7/6/11

I agree. I hope that if Harry has money to spend, it's done quickly instead of the usual Levy 'eave it to the last minute and completely disrupt our season preperation for a couple extra million'routine

posted on 7/6/11

The stupid redtops never let the facts stand in the way of a good story ....It wont happen... end of

posted on 7/6/11

I can't see him going just yet, but as you say, if we're playing badly he's going to want to play at the level he deserves.

Although if he pulls his finger out and scores a few more this season (and obviously if we get strikers that aren't donkeys), we'll get the CL spot anyway.

posted on 7/6/11

Modric will not be leaving this summer, nothing under £60 million will get us to even think of it...the papers make me laugh saying we will sell him for £20 million

He cost us £16.5 million,
Is the star in our sky
Runs the show for us
Every team in Europe would love him
If he left it could set us back years
Could cost us a place in the CL

Yeah...because thats only worth £4.5 million

The whole situation is a joke

posted on 7/6/11

Unfortunately it's a double edged sword.

The less well we (Spurs) do the more likely it is that Modric might want to leave whilst the better we (Spurs) do the more likely it is that big money offers will come in for him.

It's all down to Levy's resolve in building on what we have rather than him cashing in if the offer/s are too good to consider turning down.

posted on 7/6/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 7/6/11

If Modric starts scoring more goals, then his skills will be complete. And he will be powerful, as the Emperor has foreseen.

As people said, our results for the last third were more akin to that of relegation fighters. We won't be top 4 at christmas playing like that.

We really cannot afford to have him playing to his usual level, and yet again seeing the strikers not deliver often enough on his efforts.

posted on 7/6/11

Modric is a just above average player in a just above average team. Anything more than 25million is a rip-off.


Your getting confused fella, you put Modric instead of Fiberglass, you know the player who hasn't turned up in the Arsenal team for 2 years, constantly injured and couldn't give a monkeys about his own team....purely based on the importance of Modric to our team, IF we ever sell him, nothing under £45 million will do it

posted on 7/6/11

"comment by Arsenalist (U6584)
posted 5 minutes ago
Modric is a just above average player in a just above average team. Anything more than 25million is a rip-off"

Hi Mich - welcome back ....

posted on 7/6/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 7/6/11


Only 3 days to go eh (bet the Billy Liar / Walter Mitty mashup cannot even remember what this means) ...

posted on 7/6/11

Oh no not him again


posted on 7/6/11

That's what I am saying. He might worth 45 million to you but not for best teams.


Another gooner who hasn't grasped English yet. Bless 'em

posted on 7/6/11

That's what I am saying. He might worth 45 million to you but not for best teams.


First of all if you speak English it would help the situation

Secondly you are just a ignorant

Who cares what other teams think he is worth, he is our player, under a 6 year contract, something Wenger fails to do , thats why your in the situation where you have let Nasri's contract run down to the last year

We dont want to sell, Modric doesn't want to leave..it would take a gigantic offer for us to consider a move

Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be worrying about your players leaving, your team is in meltdown

posted on 7/6/11

Mich - go away.

You weren't welcome on the BBC site, you're not welcome on not606 or 12 yards so what makes you think that you're welcome here?

posted on 7/6/11

The bad smell will go away if you IGNORE IT.

I agree with what a few have said, if he stays loyal & then things go badly by Xmas, then you couldn't blame him for wanting out.

Normally we'd be crying for Levy to let his voice be known that we're not selling - but he's already done that - so lets stop talking about it & move on.

And remember, ignore the bad smell.

posted on 7/6/11

Modric is totally overrated. He went missing in so many games last season against quality teams and against average teams. I would prefer it if we kept him because he is a decent player, but it wouldnt bother me particularly if he went. Kranjcar could do just as good a job IMO, especially playing alongside a hard worker like Sandro.

posted on 7/6/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 7/6/11

JPB - Different board but the same old b0ll0cks

posted on 7/6/11

comment by JPB (U1059)
posted 4 minutes ago
Modric is totally overrated.

Yup of course he is - hence all the interest in him from some of the top 4 clubs. Of course those clubs know nothing - why else would they be in the top 4?

JPB - you say it wouldn't bother you particularly if he left, just so you know, Modric is definitely not bothered about what you think.

posted on 7/6/11

by my calculation, the average response time on this board is around 8 hours and 42 minutes.

it still only takes 3 minutes though for someone to reply when you have made a comment about luka which could be deemed to be a criticism

as you say, some things never change

posted on 7/6/11

So the best player by a country mile at Spurs last season and it wouldn't bother you if he left?

I suppose you'd like JJ back in the team to take his place?

posted on 7/6/11

"...... could be deemed to be a criticism...."

"He went missing in so many games last season against quality teams and against average teams."

What part of the above isn't quite obviously a criticism?

posted on 7/6/11

I love Modric, and I'm sure he knows it.

That's why he won't leave. Daddy won't leave his bunny.

I think we can safely say that that ends this discussion.

posted on 7/6/11

"He went missing in so many games last season against quality teams and against average teams."

What part of the above isn't quite obviously a criticism?

I forgot about that bit.

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