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Anyone bothering with England tonight?

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posted on 3/9/14

We know we're crâp but that's no need to stop supporting the team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Roy Hodgson needs feckin off!

posted on 3/9/14

I don't mind that, England are often boring to watch just hate the people who say what's the point we don't win. I think the issue is far bigger than just the money though, otherwise countries like Spain and Germany would probably struggle much more.

posted on 3/9/14

I can handle crap. I've watched Chelsea since 1983. So I've watched a lot of crap over the years.

It's the actual boredom of watching England i no longer can be bothered with.

posted on 3/9/14

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comment by Radical (U8691)

posted on 3/9/14

Don't even know who we're playing.

posted on 3/9/14


Also, this isnt a new thing. In 1993 Ken Bates sat down with a forum of Chelsea fans and asked us what we thought/wanted.

I wasn't there but the gist of what our fans said was "we don't mind losing but we wanna see Chelsea play 'passing football' again."

At that time our fans got fed up with constant "route one".

So Batesy went out and hired Glenn Hoddle. Whom i believe was the man who really revolutionised Chelsea to become the club a Russian billionaire would come along and buy.

comment by Radical (U8691)

posted on 3/9/14

*Before I read this thread I didn't.

posted on 3/9/14

might do if it's on itv tonight. wont bother going out of my way to watch it though

posted on 3/9/14

I think I've got a Star Wars film or two still recorded from a few weeks ago, may watch that instead... after all, the Imperial Storm Troopers are marginally better at shooting than England's front line

posted on 3/9/14

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comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 3/9/14

At least we used to lose with a bit of gusto. Watching England these days has to be one of the most boring ways to spend 90 minutes

Think I'd rather do something useful with that time like re-arrange my sock drawer.

posted on 3/9/14

might just as well look through Netflix see if there's anything there

posted on 3/9/14

Germany v Argentina

posted on 3/9/14

comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 16 minutes ago
At least we used to lose with a bit of gusto. Watching England these days has to be one of the most boring ways to spend 90 minutes

Think I'd rather do something useful with that time like re-arrange my sock drawer.


Reminds me of Arnie in :The Last Action Hero

posted on 3/9/14


Was going to do a similar article.

I remember saying to my dad that back in the 90s players like shearer, sheringham, seaman, mcmanaman etc were players that were likeable and you could see and feel the passion when they played.

Now I don't see that in any of them and also thought thy couldn't make things worse until they made Rooney captain.. He has got no passion even at club level anymore let alone international!

I will not be watching England and that's not unpatriotic or whatever you want to say about me, it's because the whole system is a load of BS.

I would happily fight for my country but not fight for my countries football team

posted on 3/9/14

Nope, going to try out the new, local IMAX.

Never been to an IMAX screen before, can please answer a few questions:

1) Are IMAX screens also 3D?
2) If the answer to A is yes, can you use your usual 3D glasses?
3) Are they worth the extra money?
4) Is Lucy any good?

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 3/9/14

Making Rooney captain of England is like rewarding mediocrity. At worse ineptitude.

A player that so rarely produces for England (especially in the tournaments) is now guaranteed to start every game

If England come close to winning anything with Woy as manager and Shrek as captain I'll eat my fist.

All the England team has become these days is a marketing ploy for the FA to try to suck off the teet of the Premiership.

That's why only the most marketable players get picked for England these days and the likes of Nathan Dyer and Ryan Shawcross don't unless there is a public campaign to include them.

posted on 3/9/14

Superb (U6486)
posted 18 minutes ago
Making Rooney captain of England is like rewarding mediocrity. At worse ineptitude.

If the player who is likely to surpass all goalscoring records for his country is considered mediocrity, I'd like to know what you think about the other players.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 3/9/14

comment by Busbybabes (U9083)
posted 1 hour, 10 minutes ago
Superb (U6486)
posted 18 minutes ago
Making Rooney captain of England is like rewarding mediocrity. At worse ineptitude.

If the player who is likely to surpass all goalscoring records for his country is considered mediocrity, I'd like to know what you think about the other players.

You have to consider how many games it took Rooney to score those goals. How many came in friendlies, qualifiers and in tournaments? How many of them were scored against minnow nations etc?

In Rooney's case a lot of his England goals were scored in pointless friendlies and against minnow nations in qualifiers.

His record in tournaments (apart from Euro 2004) is woeful.

Has Rooney consistently performed for England when it really mattered or has he more often than not gone missing ?

I'd say it's more the latter.

posted on 3/9/14

comment by Busbybabes (U9083)
posted 2 hours, 28 minutes ago
Superb (U6486)
posted 18 minutes ago
Making Rooney captain of England is like rewarding mediocrity. At worse ineptitude.

If the player who is likely to surpass all goalscoring records for his country is considered mediocrity, I'd like to know what you think about the other players.
There's always got to be one Rooney defender

Rooney is also the most overrated English footballer ever, if someone remotely better came along in his position he'd be dropped in a heartbeat. The fact that he's average and no one has done that yet shows that the level of English players coming through is extremely dire...

posted on 3/9/14

Why don't any of the other players in the last decade have outstanding goalscoring records for England, even though they have played against minnows and in friendlies?

I don't think he's been great for England, especially in WC's, but there have been far worse.

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 3/9/14

I don't think he's been great for England, especially in WC's, but there have been far worse.


I can't think of many England regulars who have flopped as spectacularly as Rooney has in the big tournaments. Worse when you consider that Rooney is supposedly the most naturally talented player we have.

Giving Rooney the England captaincy is just sending out a negative message.

All I take from that is that if you play for a big club and are a big name you will be rewarded by England even if you consistently put in disappointing performances.

Gone are the days when the best English players used to get picked from various clubs to suit a system.

Now it's just a case of if you're English and you're a marketable player who plays for one of the bigger PL clubs then you're in.

In Rooney's case he's been given the England captaincy because he's the biggest name and most marketable English player.

For those reasons England will continue to bellyflop and underperform. Especially at the big tournaments.

posted on 3/9/14

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posted on 3/9/14

Who would you have given the captaincy to?

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 3/9/14

comment by Busbybabes (U9083)
posted 4 minutes ago
Who would you have given the captaincy to?

If I was England manager I would have made sure or at least tried my best to get Terry back into the England team because not only is he still England's best defender by a mile but he is a natural leader.

On the other hand as a Chelsea fan I'm delighted that we get Terry all to ourselves and have prolonged his career as a result.

Either way I don't want to get into a Terry debate but I suspect that deep down you know as well as I do that Terry is the real England captain and will be as long as he's playing at the level he is now.

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