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Football games

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posted on 19/11/14

Sensible soccer on the snes.
Action soccer on the pc.
Fifa 95,96, 97 was awesome, had indoor football on that and you could dive. Fifa 98 was amazing too and 99 on the snes.
International superstar soccer n64.
There was a footy game I loved on Sega megadrive but the name escapes me

posted on 19/11/14

Actually I can't remember whether 98 and 99 were on snes or n64

posted on 19/11/14

Kick Off then Sensible Soccer those were the days

posted on 19/11/14

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posted on 19/11/14

Greg, I think production of SNES games actually ran until the early noughties so its possible there were SNES versions available.
If it was 3d, it would likely have been n64. If it was from an isometric view, it would most likely have been SNES.

posted on 19/11/14

I still play FIFA now, but 98 and 99 were awesome on the PS1

posted on 19/11/14

Kick Off
Actua Soccer

These are the ones that stick out for me

posted on 19/11/14

Was it kick off 3 that was known as Goal? On the amiga I think

posted on 19/11/14

First FIFA game was great.
Best thing? Commit a bad foul, here comes the ref, he's reaching for his card...not today, RUN AWAY!!!

posted on 19/11/14

Tino your nearly right, kick off 1 and 2 were developed by someone called Dino Dini for Anco, his work on kick off 3 went with him when he left for Virgin games and became goal.

Kick off 3 was released by Anco but didn't have the Kick Off quality.

comment by trebs (U1014)

posted on 20/11/14

I remember Actua Soccer vaguely, my uncle had it so i remember playing it a little.

The first football game I got myself and properly played was David Beckham Soccer on PS2, just remember the song from it, may have to go to youtube to reminisce.

posted on 20/11/14

striker on PS1

Also Olympic Soccer, cant remember the console

posted on 20/11/14

Remember that Ronaldo (r9) football game?

Also do u remember club football?

This is football was another.

Club football had potential.

posted on 20/11/14

Striker on the SNES was the business. You could customise your team's kit and play indoors. Manys a day spent on that with the mates.

posted on 20/11/14

Didn't Michael Owen have a game at one point??

What happened to This Is Football... That really got talked up at the time

posted on 20/11/14

Ronaldo v-football on ps1 was awesome

posted on 20/11/14

Michael Owen World League Soccer, I think it was called?
I remember Steven Gerrard had one a few years back. It may not have had his name in the title but I definitely remember it having his face on the cover.

This is Football was a good game, it just wasn't as good as Pro Evo and didn't have the sales of FIFA.

I remember buying a Chelsea football game on PS2. There was a range of them, there was Man United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Villa versions as well. Probably others. Each game was identical, it's just you could only play as that club in league mode.
Oh, and it was rubbish.

posted on 21/11/14

comment by blueboy83. (U11255)
posted 14 hours, 27 minutes ago
Michael Owen World League Soccer, I think it was called?
I remember Steven Gerrard had one a few years back. It may not have had his name in the title but I definitely remember it having his face on the cover.

This is Football was a good game, it just wasn't as good as Pro Evo and didn't have the sales of FIFA.

I remember buying a Chelsea football game on PS2. There was a range of them, there was Man United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Villa versions as well. Probably others. Each game was identical, it's just you could only play as that club in league mode.
Oh, and it was rubbish.
Yeah I remember them

I actually almost got the Liverpool one, but decided against it

posted on 21/11/14

Sensible soccer

Management games:

Premier Manager (I spent way too much time upgrading the stadium and checking when sponsored pitch side boards needed renewing and also I can still remember the cheat to turn your squad into 99 stat across the board superteam)

Champ Manager 93/94

comment by Lefty (U17934)

posted on 21/11/14

How has Sensible Soccer not had a shout out!!

hold your heads in shame

posted on 21/11/14

In my defence Lefty, I only had limited experience of Sensi.

I played it a few times on my friends Amiga. It was good but I didn't really play enough of it to give a proper opinion on it.

posted on 21/11/14

Kick Off 2 on the Amiga was ridiculously difficult but it brings back memories! One of the best football games I've played on is a bonus game found on Ape Escape 2 on the ps2. It was either Monkey Football or Monkey Soccer but it was hilarious but challenging and fun at the same time. Would definitely recommend!

comment by Mattyp (U8926)

posted on 24/11/14

European club soccer for the megadrive.
Sensible soccer
Italia 90

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