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Star Wars - The Force Awakens! SPOILERS!?!

Page 37 of 41

posted on 30/12/15

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comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 30/12/15

comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 2 hours, 11 minutes ago
God knows what your young'uns gonna make of
Space Balls.....

Actually String you have given me an idea there

age range with my kids is big, so oldest 19 youngest 3 (dont ask)

Oldest lad has seen SW twice already and preparing for a third, may get spaceballs and have a movie night

posted on 30/12/15

Also check out Phineas and Ferb Star Wars cross-over & Robot Chickhen

posted on 31/12/15

Ok I have stayed clear of this thread since the film came out, but saw it a couple of days ago with my wife and kids.

I felt slightly disappointed, but I dont really know why it is a good film,maybe I bought into all the hype too much and expected more.

My kids loved it and my wife really loved it (its not normally her sort of film) she said it was more like the original films (which I agree with).

Looks like the whole Kylo Ren plot is very similar to the books, where Han and Leia's kid went to the dark side, so well done to Disney for not ripping up everything Lucas film had done up to then.

posted on 31/12/15

White Wall 2 things - books are nowt to do with Lucas

Secondly get over to the spoiler thread: http://www.ja606.co.uk/articles/viewArticle/330059

posted on 31/12/15

comment by Simon West (U1830)
posted 4 minutes ago
White Wall 2 things - books are nowt to do with Lucas

Secondly get over to the spoiler thread: http://www.ja606.co.uk/articles/viewArticle/330059
The books are to do with Lucas.

To be an official Star wars book you had to have it approved by Lucas films and they made sure all the books kept the same story lines and characters no matter who the author was.

They kept total control over all the books post episode VI

comment by Kobra (U19849)

posted on 31/12/15

comment by StringerBell (U11749)
posted 16 hours, 38 minutes ago
Also check out Phineas and Ferb Star Wars cross-over & Robot Chickhen

Never a fan of P&F or robot chicken but will seek it out

comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 31/12/15

The hate for this movie is building as the initial hype dies down.

Loads of interesting YouTube videos about it:



posted on 31/12/15

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posted on 31/12/15

Nice story WhiteWall but so far from the actual reality.

On the creative front lucus has nothing to do with the books. Anyone could write a Star Wars book, and as long as it ticked the right boxes they will licence it, basically its was free money for lucas.

Now between 79-early nineties the sci-fi book scene was lets be frank non existant in the mainstream. Mid nineties saw a boom in fantasy and sci fi books. Star Wars got dragged along and the early books you see loads of contradictions as writers went off in the own directions. After a few years of this though lucas with the help of the authors created the eu, with lucas requiring more consitency, but that is it. Most collaborations were by the aurthors and lucas pretty much just went along with it, as thats what the fans wanted.

So apart from a handful of books around the prequal movies and a couple from the originals lucas had 0 creative say in the books.

posted on 31/12/15

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comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 31/12/15

comment by The Guvnor IV -Iron sharpens Iron--- 48-0 (U12889)
posted 10 minutes ago
comment by Superb (U6486)
posted 10 minutes ago
The hate for this movie is building as the initial hype dies down.

Loads of interesting YouTube videos about it:


Every movie has critics, it's hardly hate.

I'm not one of these people that take too much notice of bad reviews or good reviews, every one has there own perspective so as long as I enjoyed it myself, I'm happy.


Did you actually watch either video I just posted? They were both quite hateful and disliking of the movie and the many user comments alongside the videos were very telling as well.

posted on 31/12/15

Superb i prefer the opinion of all the people l have spoken to and peoples who reviews i read on a daily/weekly basis to those of a few youtube trolls and the people in general who comment on youtube videos.

As Guv, i enjoyed the film. So the opinion of 2 nobodies on the net make no difference to me. And for every 1 hater i can point you to 20 people who loved the film. All the broken records speak for themselves.

posted on 31/12/15

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comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 2/1/16

comment by Superb (U6486)
posted on 23/11/15
comment by Simon West (U1830)
posted 5 hours, 26 minutes ago
How much homage is ok with you until it becomes too much?

A few have started to voice a few concerns on how (i will admit it isnt much) similar this film looks compared to a new hope, even with a newish scene showing finn whopping after detroying a tie in the falcon. How worried are we that this is just a modern take on thd original? Or is this just what jj wants us to think, and he is purposely giving these nods?

Yup this is my only fear as well. I don't want to see a loose remake of A New Hope, I want to see new, original stuff and a development of an already well trodden trilogy.


Looks like our fears were well founded. Force Awakens borrows so much plot from A New Hope that you could even argue that it's a remake, or at the very least a loose remake.

The similarities between the two movies are almost endless it seems.

Rey is basically a female Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren is basically Darth Vader, Han Solo is basically this movie's Obi Wan who gets killed by this movie's Darth Vader on this movie's Death Star. Not to mention the fact that Jakku is basically Tatooine.

There's another Death Star, just a bigger one. The rebels have to get to the death star and lower the shields for the x-wings to come in and hit the Death Star to blow it up at it's weak spot. Let's not forget that the x-wings need to navigate trench in order to get to this weak spot. Exactly the same as A New Hope.

The you have BB8 is basically R2 who like R2 in A New Hope is entrusted with an important information.

These are only some of the similarities, there are many more. In fact there are plenty of websites highlighting the many other similarities. Here's one:


posted on 2/1/16

Stopped reading after:

"Rey is basically a female Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren is basically Darth Vader, Han Solo is basically this movie's Obi Wan who gets killed by this movie's Darth Vader on this movie's Death Star."

As basically we have, maybe but we dint know anything factual, and no Ren is neither supossed to be Vader nor is in fact anything like Vader. And yeh the Han killing is supposed to be exactly like that.

Fail review on somwone who really doesnt understand what JJ done.

posted on 2/1/16

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comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 2/1/16

Well I'm actually a fan of JJ and enjoyed both of his Star Trek movies so this certainly isn't anything against him. Also I'm not being critical for the sake of it.

More importantly I'm a big Star Wars fan and I even enjoyed Episode 2 and 3 both of which I saw at the cinema.

Say what you want about the prequels, they certainly had their faults but they had original material as well as creativity and weren't just a rehash of what we'd already seen before like this one is.

When the hype has finally died down I think that people are going to see this movie for what it really is.

Take into account that when The Phantom Menace first came out it was initially received with rave reviews as well both by critics and fans. It was only when the hype died down a bit that people started to accept that it wasn't that good at all.

posted on 2/1/16

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posted on 2/1/16

Ok please ignore my last comment. My phone continually tries to make me look like a moron, and often succeeds!

Guv it seems has already covered some points but i will give my own spin on things.

If you went to the cinema and only saw:

Rey = Luke
Renn = Darth Vadar
Sun Killer = Death Star
Giant Hologram = Ugly woman hologram
Force Awakens = A New Hope

Then i feel very bad for you as you missed the rest of the film.

These similarities were supposed to be there. But ignore them and you still have a very good film.

Now I wont go into as much, but as Guv pointed out the similarities are only skin deep, and also there for the reason.

The prequels destroyed Star Wars as a film franchise. Someone needed to step in and give Star Wars the kiss of life to make it viable.

Now you may say "The Force Awakens is just a remake of a New Hope".

No F***ing sh !t Sherlock that is exactly what is supposed to be. So much is riding on the film franchise being rebooted.

Now from the offset the film was supposed to have similarities, but unlike Phantom Menace, the Force Awakens is only going to get stronger, as repeated watches will show us all the details we missed in comparing the film with a New Hope.

As Guv pointed out above
Rey initially looks like Luke - now throw away this initial comparison and they look nothing a like.

Renn is nothing like Vader than a little bit in appearance, and I tell you now he will surprise you in ep 8 & 9.

We also have a more streamlined cast.

Finn, Poe and BB-8

So im sorry Superb but The Force Awakens is only gonna get stronger as the hype dies down and people start to notice what they missed. The Phantom Menace according to you had original material, but it was very very shallow. We have barely scratched the first layer here.

posted on 2/1/16

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posted on 2/1/16

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comment by Superb (U6486)

posted on 2/1/16

Obi wan died knowing Vader was pure evil


Isn't the entire point of the first six movies that Vader wasn't pure evil?

Despite his evil actions in the end he reconnected with the good part of himself with the help of his son and ultimately found redemption.

posted on 2/1/16

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posted on 2/1/16

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