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Stick or Twist?

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posted on 21/12/14

Twist for me. I don't think we can afford to give someone who is still cutting their teeth at this level another crack at the transfer window. By then it could be too late and to be honest its becoming a very tall order as it is.

Nigel should have done better with what he has - the displays against Man Utd, Everton, Stoke, Arsenal showed that although this side aren't good enough collectively, we should have more than 10 points in the bag.

Signing Matthew Upson pretty much sums up why we shouldn't let him have another crack at it for me

posted on 21/12/14

Stick, invest pragmatically for a good go at the second half of the season.

I am closer to twist than I've ever been though. I just feel Pearson deserves the season. He's been great for our club so I'm gutted for him and us that it's currently going as it is.

posted on 21/12/14

Stick and try and salvage something from these season.
But he might of not lost the dressing room but he has lost me and quite a few who remain silent.

posted on 21/12/14

That's how I feel Mersey, nearer to twist than ever before, but just still a stick!

posted on 21/12/14

Nowhere near a twist. Stick this season and next for either scenario. For me it's too late to bring someone else in - should have been done after the Villa loss if at all. Getting rid now (say after Thursday's game) just smells of panic. No time for a new manager to check out the team and assess what's needed in the transfer window.

posted on 21/12/14

Doh! Friday's game (Spurs).

posted on 21/12/14

I agree with this;


posted on 21/12/14

And party agree with nuneaton in the fact that the owners have left it so late to do anything that any new manager will be faced with a tough task. Poor leadership on their part...

posted on 21/12/14

Ben Jacobs out in my part of the world he left the BBC radio under a cloud very funny cloud though.

posted on 21/12/14

Ah I didn't know that Nev.....never really read much of his reports but agree with this one.

posted on 21/12/14

Not that our input makes any difference to the decisions the owners of the Club make I would still vote to stick, partly because I don't see any decent alternatives and partly because I trust the owners to make the right decision going forward.

I still personally feel NP deserves this transfer window to strengthen, I don't get sidetracked by all the BS that surrounds him when the times are tough and the knockers come out in force looking for any reason to get rid.

Ps would Kaspar have blocked their first as he stays up a lot longer and makes himself so. "Big"?

posted on 21/12/14

Naa Mr Flappy bird would of been beaten by that chip and hes half the size of Hamer but i am biased

posted on 21/12/14

Biased , you Nev ?

posted on 21/12/14

We are almost up to needing 1.5 points a game from on in. It's just about to late so stick and let him get us out of his own mess, defo don't want Pulis anyway.

posted on 21/12/14

Here on

posted on 21/12/14

It is all very frustrating at the moment and I am starting to understand why fans are calling for a change but for me it is still stick. I think/hope Pearson still has the ability to turn it round as long as we can get some quality signings in Jan

posted on 21/12/14

I think if this was going to happen it should have taken place at the beginning of December to give the new manager sufficient time before the turn of the year. A similar scenario then to Matt Gillies when he departed and Frank O'Farrell having to get to grips with the squad he inherited (and there were no little or no changes for he remainder of that season).

As if by coincidence (1968/69), City were due to play Spurs at Filbert Street on the Boxing Day, but I think bad weather caused a postponement. I've got the programme from the postponed match. I remember Jimmy Greaves having a moan about the hotel they stayed in. Lack of heating and facilities etc. Marooned on Boxing Day! Lol!

posted on 21/12/14

Really don't see any silver lining on our cloud if we bring in Pulis etc.
The players are still with the Manager, let's see if he can prove everyone wrong who thinks he is a useless waste of skin who brings nothing but embarrassment to our club.
I for one think after 4 points from the next 2 games the New Year will be a better place.

posted on 21/12/14

Start again but with hindsight

posted on 21/12/14

For the record I would love Pearson to get it right. For as much criticism as I have given him in the last 2 weeks, I like the guy. I like his mentality, his no nonsense approach, I like what he has done for our club - twice. And thats what makes it so difficult to watch....the fact that he's been so successful, but that sinking feeling that I just can't see him getting it right in time to keep us up.

And keeping us up has to be more important than anything, because that is where the long term financial stability for this club will be. Not sitting for another 10 year in the championship

posted on 21/12/14

And please don't get me wrong - I honestly don't believe you have to spend stupid money on expensive players, putting the club financially at risk, just to stay up.

posted on 21/12/14

I don't think I could take another ten years in lower leagues.

posted on 21/12/14

Downsouf, is the 10 years from 2004-2014 our longest stint outside the top flight? In recent memory that is?

posted on 22/12/14

Stick... I don't replacing pearson is the answer I belive he knows the squad is not good enough and had a plan for January. Will it work who knows, I also believe that if we were to sack him that time has now passed and it would be almost pointless bringing someone in now.
I'm sure I read an article somewhere and the writer had conducted a study and the result of it was that more teams in the bottom 3 have survived without sacking a manager than replacing the manager.

posted on 22/12/14

Stick for me.

I've said it before (and incurred JG's wrath), but I would sooner we didn't gamble our financial future and went down than spend wildly, go down anyway and then find ourselves hit by FFP.

Shame the season has gone downhill so quickly, after our early performances I thought we were nailed on for 12th to 14th.

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