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Sacking not the answer

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posted on 12/1/15

Does noone else check other teams fixtures then?
Your obsessed with trying to show some fans are obssessed which in itself is indicative of obssesive behaviour.

posted on 12/1/15

I wouldn't even be on the subject if I wasn't constantly bombarded with Derby fans talking about Forest. Good try Manc. If you lot had some time off see how much I talk about it

posted on 12/1/15

I don't understand your last sentence but you should be proud to be part of a good and decent rivalry.

In years gone by I might have agreed with you but what with the internet, sky sports news etc etc it's not exactly difficult to see what's going on.

posted on 12/1/15

Manc, we know what Iwas is like he's not even one of the worst for it.

posted on 12/1/15

There will come a time when I will stop posting my reassuring advice. Then you'll all be sorry.

It won't be this week though so don't get your hopes up.

posted on 13/1/15

Sacking not the answer...quite right OP and at last some sense being spoken

Best thing to do on Saturday if you lose is to tar and feather him wearing a
Rams Jersey but wouldn't want to humiliate the man any more.

So, there's no need to kiss the badge this time Stuart

Print that on the dressing room rather than the soppy plank that Wassa posted on earlier.

Can't wait.

posted on 13/1/15

Some very confident Derby fans...

posted on 13/1/15

Will you be wearing your grim reaper gear Strett?

posted on 13/1/15

Anyway, what's happened to Original Red? To embarrassed to show his face no doubt.

How relevant will Derby be on Sat.

posted on 13/1/15

Not greatly to the world of football seeing as both clubs are in Div 2...

posted on 13/1/15

Iwas, the comments about last season being Derby's last season of relevance was made by DoubleRed, not Oriiginal Red!

posted on 13/1/15


posted on 13/1/15

sheepy Iwas=internet tough mutton+terrace thug+closet reddog!

posted on 13/1/15

Hi, Did someone call?? Sorry been busy with Christmas.

In relation to the question asked by Tiswas, Derby will be exactly where they have been for many years, i.e Not relevant to Nottingham Forest.

It would be foolish to not recognise that they are probably the best team in the division. They may get promoted or they may bottle it like last year and fail at the last hurdle. As things stand I think they are the best performing outfit in the league. Forest are struggling badly and going through a transition that may require change or may not. My verdict is undecided at the moment.

However either way the presence of all the Derby fans on this board demonstrates how obsessed they are and why even if Derby temporarily go into a higher Division they still are Not relevant.

As a group you seem to miss the point continually, its not whether you have more points than us or that you are higher in the league. Its just the fact that you are Derby. Its like being Huddersfield, Rotherham or Barnsley (no offence intended to those clubs).

Only an idiot would not recognise your current form and admit that those average players have been moulded into something that far outweighs the sum of the parts. But in the long run you are destined to be about 10th - 12th in Championship that is your lot.

You should enjoy and embrace these fantastic days like the failure at Wembley. It was one of your biggest days in the clubs history. You were National news for about 5 minutes and lets face it, that doesn't happen very often!

posted on 13/1/15

Hardly worth returning for that pile of dog shít

posted on 13/1/15

I think that every time you post on our boards

posted on 13/1/15

I tend to agree Igor, but Tiswas wanted my input. He expressly asked me to comment. Knowing how interested in all things Forest he is, I felt compelled to give him my thoughts.

posted on 13/1/15

I find it really sad that you can't get gee'd up for your local rivals DR (either that or it's even sadder that you can't acknowledge it.)

posted on 13/1/15

On Saturday for 2-3 hours I will be very passionate and hopeful and most likely disappointed and frustrated. After that....

See long answer above!

I realise you are local rivals and in that match it matters.

However, by Sunday you are irrelevant to me, but win lose or draw by Tuesday our board will be infected by "Napolean's" all looking to make themselves feel tall and important... The harsh truth is. You just aren't, Your are just Derby..

Hope that clears it up!

posted on 13/1/15

Not really, it just makes you sound bitter and twisted and unable to cope with the fact that at this moment in time your local rivals are doing better than you.

BTW if you win on saturday you do realise the Derby board will be flush full of Forest fans and so on and so forth. It's one of the worst ways of trying to say one set of supporters is worse than the other both sets have done it in the past, both sets will continue and if you can't gloat a bit over your rivals then you might as well go and support the local knitting club.

posted on 13/1/15

I can cope and I genuinely congratulate Derby Football Club. They are achieving great results and in my opinion are over achieving with the players they have. Of course I am a little bitter about it and wish it wasn't so. But I have a bet with CSTANDER that I will honour and wish him well as he had great faith in his team.

In relation to the board issue, I have no doubt if we were fortunate to win or even get a late equaliser there would be temporary Forest gloating on the Derby board and it may last the rest of the day, maybe the weekend.

But the difference is if derby win or do anything positive your lot come here and desperately seek to gain recognition by constantly hammering all things Forest. That is your inferiority complex (not all fans to be fair).

But there are a select few that are probably around the 30 -40 age range who remember things that they wish did not happen and have a big chip on their shoulders.. It is the constant child like comments that give away their obsession and these are the people I am telling that you are not relevant to us anywhere near as much as we are to you.

posted on 13/1/15

Fair do's DR,

I think you'll find your WUMS are just as bad, problem is while your doing badly some have dissappeared. I have no doubt they'll be crawling out the woodwork should we falter though

Fair play for the first paragraph though DR time will tell if we're over achieving.

posted on 13/1/15

Out of interest, are there any WUMS on the Derby board?

posted on 13/1/15

Funnily enough Will none of the main lot since your season started to tailspin. And I can't think of any memorable ones since i've been home.

posted on 13/1/15

Fair enough. Lets hope it doesn't get out of hand this weeken then...

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