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Good article on Toffeeweb

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posted on 25/8/11

"I would sooner see us drop down the divisions than see us become another Man City"

Yeah,far better to be a good old traditional club that struggles to pay the fooking phone bill.

posted on 25/8/11

I agree with that statement. What's going on at Man City is ridiculous. The club is totally unrecognisable from 5 or 6 years ago.

Everyone wants success - I'm just not sure I want Everton to abandon all our tradition for a bit of silver

posted on 25/8/11

I would sell my sole to be in the position City are.

posted on 25/8/11

Was gonna jump in,but i`ll backheel that one

posted on 25/8/11

That didn't go too well for Bart Simpson

posted on 25/8/11

Mmmm Dover Soul

posted on 25/8/11

Maybe we should sign FAUSTino Asprilla.

That's easily the most intellectual joke I've ever come up with. Sorry

posted on 25/8/11

His cousin Tino Aprilia can't half motor

comment by (U5282)

posted on 25/8/11

I do not want to disparage the article for it is as you say a good one. I have a question for you all though and it is not a Bill basher so please think about the question before you react. Just a point but with all that is going on, do not any of you think that perhaps just perhaps this Great Club of Ours may just be Bills vanity object? I appreciate his so-called saviour from Johnston status, but I cannot help but think perhaps Bill has now become an obstacle to any takeover, the statement 'There is no one better than Bill Kenwright for Everton Football Club' smacks to me of just a touch of naivety touched with arrogance.

posted on 25/8/11

Vanity object? Heis Chairman of a struggling club and shareholder, how is this making him feel better about himself?

posted on 25/8/11

Who is the struggling shareholder Bill is chairman of?
Any one we know

comment by (U5282)

posted on 25/8/11


posted on 25/8/11

Not really, vanity is fair

comment by (U5282)

posted on 25/8/11

Fair enough! From what I watched last night, against mediocre opposition, it looks like we are in for a struggle in the Premiership. The article was good but I take the view that any takeover from a substantially financed individual or individuals would be a good thing, whatever Nationality they are, after all a Football Club is hardly a tax write off. I say again Kenwrights statement about himself was arrogance and as much as he has done for the Club, equally he has now become a liability toward any substantial investment.

posted on 25/8/11

From what I watched last night, against mediocre opposition, it looks like we are in for a struggle in the Premiership


We comfortably outplayed and beat a Championship side. Man Utd would have been happy with that performance. Other than Jags mistake we did nothing wrong. Feel free to be pessimistic about our chances this season, but don't base them on last nights display

posted on 25/8/11

See it is easy to take that either way. You could take it as a statement that he will sell asap.

posted on 25/8/11

"I don't want that to change by Everton being bought by some foreign billionaire who wants to use our club as a vanity project. I would genuinely prefer to see us drop down the divisions than to see us become another Manchester City. I care so much less about football these days, when the likes of Manchester City and Chelsea ignore any kind of long term sustainability, undermine the clubs who do things right, have no need to build a legacy, because they can just throw money at a problem right now."

I'm sure Colonel Gaddifi once was of the same opion

comment by (U5282)

posted on 25/8/11

PhilsaBlue - Looks like I have done you wrong mate, so you were actually at the game last night then?

posted on 25/8/11

Why are you interested if he was or wasn't at the game? Maybe you should look in a vanity mirror

posted on 25/8/11

100% attendance so far this season mate

comment by (U5282)

posted on 25/8/11

PJS - I was basing my comments on actually being at the game which as you know is far more incisive than watching on TV which gives a false perspective. I saw Anichebe struggling for confidence in front of goal once again, Tetta is still not his old self, Barkley is going to be good that is obvious (no fear). More controversially, I don't even think Jags is back up to speed. Rodwell, I think played better than I have seen for a while. More importantly, actually being there it is glaringly obvious how we struggle for accuracy (yes some luck also) in that vital last quarter.

comment by (U5282)

posted on 25/8/11

Mr Blue - Well done, I take my sarcasm back.

posted on 25/8/11

Well I saw us outplay the opposition. One
Mistake from Jags caused the goal, one
of few I have seen him make in the past three seasons.

The rest will all benigit from the confidence a win gives and carry that into the league.

Least Vic was in positions to miss, can't score out wide

posted on 25/8/11

Put him in a position to miss on more occasions.
Confidence booster guaranteed

posted on 25/8/11

Only 4 more needed, easy!

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