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These 39 comments are related to an article called:

It's ok to repent

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posted on 2/2/15

February is a Wenger in month

posted on 2/2/15

5th place trophy celebrations starting early

posted on 2/2/15

steady on oxtail, when we were having mares I wasn't making threads gloating about our struggles, I was merely consistent in shouting wenger out.

The best things wenger has done thus far is:

a)Setting us up to defend against city.

b)Dropping our clown of a goalkeeper, and keeping him on the bench.

Doesn't mean I trust him. I am just pleased that he isn't as stubborn as he has been. Plus the team is playing well so I'm happy

posted on 2/2/15

copy and pasted from the other article and i cannot for the life of me be bothered to re-format it

comment by JustAnotherGunner. #DareToWelbz. GDL. (U5867)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by JustAnotherGunner. #DareToWelbz. GDL. (U5867)
posted 44 seconds ago
comment by AFCISMYTEAM (U14931)
posted 8 seconds ago
I have always established that i would only change my mind on Wenger when we started to notice a drastic change in tactics, which has started to happen but i still want him out. We need fresh impetus before we start to rely on him too heavily once more. He doesnt have long left in the game which is my thinking behind this.

Winning titles and everything is nice but look what happened to Man United, won the title and have been going through football poverty since Sir Alex left (granted they are doing better than they have been).
Wenger will be leaving a better team/players behind when he goes though.
The worry will always be there that a new managers tactics and personality will clash with the team. We have to be very careful going forward to select the right character to take on this exciting project that Wenger will leave behind. I would love to see Jurgen Klopp develop his tactics more and come to Arsenal. I think he has the potential to be a managerial great with the right guidance (which i dont think he is getting at Dortmund)
Plus the fact that he has to live with his best players being pinched by Bayern

posted on 2/2/15

Lazy Journalism, i know

posted on 2/2/15

Bloody hell, it's only a month ago before you were comfortably beaten at St. Marys

Good to see your'e not getting carried away

posted on 2/2/15

only some are!!

comment by Oxtail (U18859)

posted on 2/2/15

Even a die-hard WOB knows a little something about humble pie.

comment by Tyke (U9181)

posted on 2/2/15

Post this when Arsene is holding a nice shiny trophy, NOT in February, sat in 5th place, okay?

posted on 2/2/15

Are you just going to totally ignore my comment Oxtail?

posted on 2/2/15

Is this all this guy does? Gloat, gloat, gloat. One would think we won the Champions League or something.

posted on 2/2/15

Dubbed, Oxtail is not worth it hence my shoddy copy and paste job and him totally ignoring my comment.

comment by Tyke (U9181)

posted on 2/2/15

The irony is, anything Wenger has done recently that is positive is only as a result of the criticism from the WOB's. Even Wenger has to listen eventually!
If we were all like Ox and just heaped praise on Wenger and let him do as he pleased, we would have a terrible squad and be around 12th in the table right now. Buying players and changing tactics is a direct result of banners and boos! People power!
Wenger not only doesnt see it, he barely hears it, so we have to SHOUT till Mr stubborn finaly acts as we demand. SO, Ox, how about you thank US WOB's for making this happen?
And you're welcome.

comment by Oxtail (U18859)

posted on 2/2/15

What's so difficult in saying "Thank you Wenger?"

posted on 2/2/15

We are 5th....wtf

posted on 2/2/15

You're all nuts. I doubt Wenger could give a tiny shít about your WOBs and AKBs - he has a grown up job to do.

comment by Kyzr (U10805)

posted on 2/2/15


posted on 2/2/15


Wenger hasn't made the changes he has because of WOBs complaining. Why he started the season without replacing TV I'll never know but I am 100% sure he was always going to buy another CB once TV went, whether you guys had whined or not.

As for the tactical change, what tactical change??? He's not finally changed tactics thanks to WOBs complaining. He's just enabled the same tactic he's always used to work properly by inserting the required defensive minded/focused ball winner that the midfield has missed for years. Credit for that, goes to the injury gods, whom battered the squad so severely that Wenger was forced to recall and play Coquelin.

WOBs and AKBs alike should direct all credit to our emerging midfield star.

Now all watch carefully as he cements the birth of his legend by terrorising Spurs midfield at the weekend

posted on 2/2/15

WOB criticism vs reality:

1. Dont play Ozil on the wing, only play his lordship at number 10 because he is above the team.

Reality : Many have now decided to agree that he should play on the wing because another player plays better in the centre and Ozil

2. Buy a world class DM (without providing names of this mythical world class dm who was avaliable)

What actually happened: Solution was found internally, Coquelin seized his chance with both hands

3. Wenger is tactically inept and cant beat the big boys

Reality: Against City,the players actually carried out the instructions properly and restricted the kamikaze behaviour. Crucially, we scored first which meant we could sit back and defend and then we were clinical with our chance to make it 2. We have been succesful with the same tactic against Bayern and Dortmund in recent years and the same tactics we tried against Chelsea and liverpool away this season so the theory has always been there. it was just implementation which was the problem. Implementation was made easier by many players coming back from injury for that match

4. Wenger ruins players
Reality: Carzola, Sanchez, coq, Giroud, Kos, Monreal, Bellerin are playing by far the best football of their careers.

5. Get Klopp in
Reality: Dortmund are bottom of the league

We are playing better because we have less injuries not because of you and the morons at Stoke station who are actually an embarassment to the club.


comment by Oxtail (U18859)

posted on 2/2/15

The Godfather knows his stuff.

posted on 2/2/15

I'm not a WOB or AKB but varying degrees in the middle.

We were hovering around 5th/6th place with other teams and Wenger got lucky. With Arteta injured and Flamini struggling he was forced to bring in Coq who has been a revelation. He is not only doing a disciplined DM job but also telling the players around him what to do when needed which has given greater defensive strength to the team.

And then theres Bellerin and Chambers. Theres a good shout that Bellerin should have ben favoured as back up to Debuchy much earlier in the season, but not in Wengers mind.

But this leaves the question, why did he leave it so long to play Coq? This is a big question and one that implies there is a lack of sound judgement on Wengers part in leaving it so long.

And then theres Sanchez. We all knew he was being overplayed and should be rested, particularly as he came from a league with a winter break. Wenger had the perfect opportunity to not play him against Brighton, which I said he should do before the game, but no, Wenger played him and he is now out injured. Mismanagement imo.

And as for the Man C win, it came out after the game that the players told Wenger what tactics they wanted to play and that they didn't want to play his tactics. The rest is history.

And as for Wenger not being affected by the WOBS, do you really believe he could just dismiss being booed by Arsenal fans at the station after the Stoke game in December. They were on a really bad run but managed to beat us. It must have affected him whether you like what they did or not.

The point being that there are strong legitimate arguments against Wenger still. And that he got a bit lucky with Coq and Bellerin stepping up. But that still doesn't paper over the cracks that he should have bought a top DM and a world class striker in the summer.

posted on 2/2/15

And just in case you don't believe player power forced Wenger to change tactics, take your pick...


posted on 2/2/15

I am gooner now

I am not one to blindly laud Wenger, but some of your points are frankly ridiculous. Read Wenger's comments on Coq, and Henry's too. Luck had little to do with it.

Bellerin is only 19 and has little experience. Its easy to say that now captain hindsight. I doubt you were calling for him to be 2nd choice in the summer.

The Stoke fiasco was an embarrassment to the club, summed up by those 'fans' lauding Joel Campbell as better than our club.

With a couple of more experienced bodys at the back we may have been in the title hunt still and that is the only critisism I can give Wenger this year, alongside injuries but that issue is harder to pinpoint.

I am still not sure what other top forwards you could suggest we have signed? Giroud, Welbeck, Sanchez and Theo bring goals, pace and strength.

Gabriel is a name I have never heard of and no one had suggested. He looks to be a talent so lets give him a bit of time.

If we have really changed our attitude towards the big games then the uncertainties I have had about Wenger are dwindling fast.

posted on 2/2/15

Its important to support Arsenal not players or managers. Wenger has been here quite a while but that does not make him Arsenal. Wenger has over performed when money was tight but he has under performed for the last two seasons when he has had money to spend.

Wenger's strengths have always been developing youngsters and his main weakness has always been his over loyalty to the dressing room. For example why wasn't Chesney replaced when he was dropped in 2013 after crisis in confidence. A goal keeper should have been bought that summer. Similarly why wasn't a holding player bought last summer when it was obvious neither Flamini nor Arteta were up to standard. Why did it take injuries and suspensions for him to even try Coq? And keep in mind now that Coq has been given a big contract we will never know if a better holding player would have improved us more than Coq will ever do. Why wasn't a center back bought last summer when it was obvious that Mertesacker was going down hill having been dropped from the first team by Loew?

Until Wenger actually wins the title again all the doubts over ageing coaching methods, tactical awareness, over loyalty to the dressing room, and so problems in constructing a balanced squad will remain.

posted on 2/2/15

The Godfather

1. People were saying to play Özil anywhere but on the left, (echoing the player's own thoughts) whilst Cazorla was bang out of form and under performing week after week. Wilshere was playing on reputation alone, as was Ramsey. The only player holding down a place on merit was Alexis, and he has shown he's capable of playing in numerous positions, therefore those emploring Wenger to switch Özil from the left at the start of the seasonhad more than a point.

2. I love this 'some blokes on a football forum can't name me a player we should sign, therefore he doesn't exist' argument the best, (and it's not just you who I've seen use it).

For example, I doubt Gabriel was mentioned too many times when similar requests for who should be signed at CB. But lordy me, look who we've just signed.

There might not be a plethora of World Class DMs floating about 'availably' but there are a load better alternatives to Arteta and Flamini out there. And if you're seriously holding Coquelin up as the reason we didn't sign a DM last summer, you must be nuts.

3. Tactically inept? Harsh. Tactically naive? Definitely. That won't change after only one away win against Top 4 opposition in however many it is now. Unless you're the fickle type, of course.

4. This is possibly you're least faulty point. However, to include Coquelin and Bellerin to try to strengthen your point is stretching it a bit.

Did someone say Arshavin? Hmm...

5. Klopp is undoubtably going through a roughs patch at the moment. Just as Wenger has done in the past. A rough patch doesn't not a bad manager maketh...

I'm sure you agree, no?

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