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posted on 26/8/11

yea 6.4m

posted on 26/8/11

No we offered much higher and wenger confirmed it

posted on 26/8/11

I don't believe a thing Wenger says. He's been lying after games for years. Slimy man.

posted on 26/8/11

Lets look at this simply Wenger has just been publicly showed to be a right tight french git by Bolton we went public to show what Wenger is up to so of course he is going to come out and ramble on in his silly little French voice some rubbish about the bid being wrong if you offered 8m this would not have happened as it would be a ball park figure to push discussions on further but 6m is a joke just like Wenger.

posted on 26/8/11

6m is a good offer to start negotiations. 10-12m is MAX anyone would pay for him

posted on 26/8/11

And SSN have it around the 7m mark now as do the BEN which is still a very insulting offer for an England international.

posted on 26/8/11

7m plus Arshavin and you have a deal, i guess.

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