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Paris Metro incident

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comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 20/2/15

I see you conveniently ignored my post.

posted on 20/2/15

Very good,"those" Chelsea fans who you say are thuggish morons.Are you simply having a pop,as you do not like Chelsea,perhaps?

Having a pop? What are you on about? I always said "those chelsea fans" if you initially read that as "chelsea fans" what can I do about that?

I was initially replying to crouching and then RTM about this guy feeling humiliated.

You waded in with suarez, and gaza.. completely missing the point, and reading incorrectly.

Also rtm, the guy said he was left feeling humiliated, I can understand that and agree with him.

I'm not sure what amount of interviews he has been requested for dilutes this feeling in any way.

You say those chelsea fans should be humiliated. Perhaps they will be if they are named and shamed.

posted on 20/2/15

Rtm ...

"We're in 2015 aren't we and we're in France. We're in a civilised country and when you are in a civilised country there are certain things you can't do.
"For me, it's a humiliation. I was humiliated in my country. I was humiliated in front of my family, humiliated in front of my mother and father."

posted on 20/2/15

Worse things happen at sea....

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 20/2/15

Chaps I have been the victim of racism too many times to recall throughout my life and there are many feelings you encounter, sometimes embarrassment, sometimes frustration, sometimes anger, sometimes ashamed and sometimes all of these things at once but on top of that and probably more than anything else, you feel humiliated. It is an attack on your dignity and the more public and open the attack the worse you feel. That said if he is going after the club for compensation he is in my view an ambulance chaser.

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 20/2/15

comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 2 minutes ago
Rtm ...

"We're in 2015 aren't we and we're in France. We're in a civilised country and when you are in a civilised country there are certain things you can't do.
"For me, it's a humiliation. I was humiliated in my country. I was humiliated in front of my family, humiliated in front of my mother and father."
So he did say it

posted on 20/2/15

Whilst I feel the utmost sympathy for the gentleman involved I feel he's slightly misguided if he thinks Chelsea should contact his lawyers with regard to compensation.

He says they are 'Chelsea's' supporters, however they are not.

They do not belong to Chelsea, Chelsea do not own them.

Chelsea would not wish any association with them, as nor would I, JFDI, bluebells, CSS 69 or any other right minded person, they do not speak on our behalf or represent us as a group of supporters in any way.

It is not my place to comment on whether he should be entitled to compensation or not but if it is deemed he should be that should be retrieved from those odious individuals themselves once they have been identified.

What is the deterrent to them if a third party pays for their indiscrections?

posted on 20/2/15

He says they are 'Chelsea's' supporters, however they are not.

They do not belong to Chelsea, Chelsea do not own them.

what utter bull crap of course they are chelsea supporters

posted on 21/2/15

FFS did I say they were not Chelsea supporters, people who attach them to Chelsea club, people who chant the name, call it what you like?

I can tell this is going right over your head straight away!

posted on 21/2/15

Chelsea *Football* Club

posted on 21/2/15

To say I feel acutely embarrassed is an understatement.
Brum, there is no need for you to feel embarrassed. You played no part in it, I played no part in it, and the bloke's that sit next to us tommorow played no part in it. Those facking morons only succeeded in embarrassing themselves and they don't speak for any of us and shortly they will find that the Club itself will sever their association with it.

Chelsea FC are about to put the rubbish out, there will be others, but I suspect that after this, zero tolerance to this behaviour is about to become -10 tolerance inside Stamford Bridge and amen to that.

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 21/2/15

I am a Chelsea fan but Chelsea are not responsible for my actions. If I break the rules they will ban me but why would they be liable for anything I do?

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 21/2/15

This is worth a watch http://benchwarmers.ie/paris-metro-racism-chelsea-fan-response-psg-vs-chelsea/

posted on 21/2/15

comment by BrummieBlue! (U3487)
posted 16 seconds ago
FFS did I say they were not Chelsea supporters, people who attach them to Chelsea club, people who chant the name, call it what you like?

I can tell this is going right over your head straight away!
fffs would you cut out the bullshat word games. The lad was racially abused by chelsea fans get over it. Dont claim sympathy for him and then in the same sentence criticise him because hes going after your club.

posted on 21/2/15

I can't help but feel embarrassed on a human being point of view 69, embarrassed that my fellow human beings, country men, feel the need to behave like that to another human being - not as a Chelsea supporter.

I feel for the man who did not deserve to be treated like that.

Inside Stamford Bridge we no longer hear that behaviour and haven't done for a long time. They presumably felt they could get away with such brutish behaviour because they presumed they would not be identified, as they would be in a forum where they would not be tolerated, such as inside our ground.

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 21/2/15

comment by roonited (U11635)
posted 2 minutes ago
comment by BrummieBlue! (U3487)
posted 16 seconds ago
FFS did I say they were not Chelsea supporters, people who attach them to Chelsea club, people who chant the name, call it what you like?

I can tell this is going right over your head straight away!
fffs would you cut out the bullshat word games. The lad was racially abused by chelsea fans get over it. Dont claim sympathy for him and then in the same sentence criticise him because hes going after your club.
Why not , are you suggesting your club pays for every misdemeanour carried out by your fans. Chelsea will no doubt try an make amends with the guy but if he behaves like an ambulance chaser I will have no sympathy with him whatsoever.

posted on 21/2/15

roonited, if I murder my next door neighbour should Chelsea Football Club be held accountable for my actions because I'm a Chelsea supporter?

They are people who support Chelsea - not people who are employed by Chelsea to support them.

posted on 21/2/15

I have a feeling this will be far to complex for this particular poster to understand JFDI!

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 21/2/15

Yeah, why do we bother?

posted on 21/2/15

Football clubs are held accountable for the actions of their fans all the time.

posted on 21/2/15

He comes across as the type of person who loves a story like this so he can display his false outrage against a Club he doesn't like in order to boost his superiority complex!

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 21/2/15

comment by roonited (U11635)
posted 1 minute ago
Football clubs are held accountable for the actions of their fans all the time.
Outside of the clubs ground?

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 21/2/15

No they aren't, they have responsibility for their safety and behaviour inside their stadiums to a degree but they are not accountable for their beliefs or actions. They have a duty to take action but that is all

posted on 21/2/15

So roounited - you are my next door neighbour and I murder one of your family whilst wearing my treasured 1964 Chelsea shirt.

Are you going to try and claim compensation from Chelsea because I support Chelsea?

posted on 21/2/15

comment by BrummieBlue! (U3487)
posted 10 seconds ago
He comes across as the type of person who loves a story like this so he can display his false outrage against a Club he doesn't like in order to boost his superiority complex!

absolutely nothing against your club or your fans. But save your crocodile tears about what happened to this man. Its actually quite sickening some of the shat thats been written in this thread. At least your manager had the decency to leave ambulance chaser out of his press conferance today when discussing the incident. Yeh pair of muppets

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