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Paris Metro incident

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posted on 21/2/15

In fact I'll stack this even more in your favour!

I murder them with my Chelsea shirt on, shouting anti Utd obscenities, that they should die because they are against everything Chelsea and claiming to do it in the name of Roman Abramovic.

Would you try and claim compensation from Chelsea?

posted on 21/2/15

As I suspected - you care not a jot about this man but just revelling in seeing Chelsea fans being embroiled in this controversy.

Please save us all your pleas otherwise!

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 21/2/15

So youre just an idiot wum then. Pretty clear now.

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 21/2/15

comment by roonited (U11635)
posted 3 minutes ago
comment by BrummieBlue! (U3487)
posted 10 seconds ago
He comes across as the type of person who loves a story like this so he can display his false outrage against a Club he doesn't like in order to boost his superiority complex!

absolutely nothing against your club or your fans. But save your crocodile tears about what happened to this man. Its actually quite sickening some of the shat thats been written in this thread. At least your manager had the decency to leave ambulance chaser out of his press conferance today when discussing the incident. Yeh pair of muppets

Never has it ever crossed my mind to sue any organisation or individual when I have been a victim of racial abuse , and I have scars. Money does not fix it, it is an emotional experience and money has no impact and the term ambulance chaser is mine alone and in my opinion valid and apt.

posted on 21/2/15

comment by BrummieBlue! (U3487)
posted 4 hours, 27 minutes ago
Time to do the shopping at ASDA, as tomorrow I will be mostly drinking, being merry and watching Chelsea with the Basingstoke massive!
basingstoke not far from me Brummie

posted on 21/2/15

You're not far from JFDI then Mon!

comment by Tway (U1162)

posted on 21/2/15

not fix it, it is an emotional experience and money has no impact and the term ambulance chaser is mine alone and in my opinion valid and apt.
The point made here is that there is a feeling if this continues beyond a certain point that the danger of "a milking the situation" does in fact come into it. The media no doubt have already done so, until the next event has them scurrying away.

posted on 21/2/15

I wouldn't say he is milking it and I can't see him ever doing that. Racism and the likes deserve all the attention they get IMO and the ruckus would do well to deter others. I would say being banned by Chelsea is a brilliant move and as a club that is all you can do in these situations really but it still does not fit the crime IMO and if more can be done through other avenues then it should be done.

posted on 21/2/15

EVERY club has a small percentage of these nutters, the more fans a club has = more nutters.
Expect they behave that way to people of all races too

posted on 21/2/15

comment by roonited (U11635)
posted 6 hours, 41 minutes ago
Football clubs are held accountable for the actions of their fans all the time.
This is brilliant news, next time Chelsea lose I am going to go home, geat my wife up and then she can sue CFC for millions.........Thanks to Roonunited I am gonna be rich........cheers mate for your legal insight.

posted on 21/2/15


posted on 21/2/15

All of this rumpus this week really does show the power of social media, phone cameras and the speed at which news travels now eh.
Much the same as the amount of people who now have cameras mounted in vehicles on the road...nowhere to hide

posted on 21/2/15

Roonited I think you're wrong.

If Chelsea football club hand picked these supporters to represent them knowing their views, then they could be held accountable.

However as they didn't, I don't see how they can be held accountable.

The only people that are accountable is those fans themselves. If the guy wants redress for being the victim he should pursue it through whichever means he needs to, police, courts etc.
Chelsea will know who these guys are and will name them.

I think Chelsea have invited him over to Stamford Bridge, dunno if him coming onto the pitch to be cheered is a good idea.

posted on 21/2/15

The worst thing today is cameras will be focussing on our black supporters

comment by (U7958)

posted on 21/2/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/2/15

I think Chelsea have invited him over to Stamford Bridge, dunno if him coming onto the pitch to be cheered is a good idea.
I would imagine (and hope) that it would just be tickets to watch the match. To parade him on pitch would be wholly inappropriate and frankly embarrassing.

I think it is difficult to say anything about him going on too much about the issue when for one, this incident has become massive news and happened only a few days ago. I'd think that newspapers and channels are lining up to interview him non stop at the moment and him talking about it is important. It highlights that modern day racism is still around and that 's like these are more common than we'd like to believe.

I'd think that comments about him milking it are more aimed at certain media outlets that focus more on lambasting the club (which has responded to the issue excellently) and sweeping generalisations about the entire fan base than the actual issue of racism. It leaves a sour taste in the mouth that, one would imagine, makes many Chelsea fans sick of the whole thing. So we see a closing of the ranks at what can be perceived as attacks that are aimed not at those abusive idiots but at the rest of us, most of whom have condemned what has happened.

It's also not helped by supporters and wums who just love to make petty point scoring arguments (not saying you Red) ignoring the actual problem.

posted on 21/2/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 21/2/15

comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 1 minute ago
Nor helped by these types of comments ...
comment by CrouchingAzpiHiddenHazard (U12980)
posted 16 hours, 2 minutes ago
Felt sorry for him, until he started whining and moaning like a little b'itch.

That's just plain wrong
I means
red if you look back it was after that comment that I entered this thread

and btw clubs have been held accountable for their fans actions for the last few decades. Countless fines and bans have been issued to clubs, including UTD, by uefa for fans stepping out of line both inside and outside football stadia.

posted on 21/2/15

What do you think would have happened if they did the same to a bloke because he was ginger/fat/long-haired/bald/wore glasses( people have hurled abuse at me in the past for most of those reasons - except ginger) ?
International condemnation & witch-hunt ? Calls for Chelsea to be banned from Europe ? Stadium bans ?
Wouldn,t even be news would it ?

Not condoning the actions, merely trying to put it into some form of rational perspective

posted on 21/2/15

further reports of chelsea fans being racist at other stations

posted on 21/2/15

What did happen about theMan City coaches that were bricked in Liverpool ?

posted on 21/2/15

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 21/2/15

Hazard the fecking man!!!

comment by RtM (U1097)

posted on 21/2/15

reading back while watching the match

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 22/2/15

comment by roonited (U11635)
posted 22 hours, 39 minutes ago
comment by Redinthehead - FreeGaza - فلسطين (U1860)
posted 1 minute ago
Nor helped by these types of comments ...
comment by CrouchingAzpiHiddenHazard (U12980)
posted 16 hours, 2 minutes ago
Felt sorry for him, until he started whining and moaning like a little b'itch.

That's just plain wrong
I means
red if you look back it was after that comment that I entered this thread

and btw clubs have been held accountable for their fans actions for the last few decades. Countless fines and bans have been issued to clubs, including UTD, by uefa for fans stepping out of line both inside and outside football stadia.
Yes , to the authorities but not to individuals

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