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These 58 comments are related to an article called:

Ex-Liverpool players whining about Sterling

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posted on 19/5/15

The media is very pro liverpool and that will never change.

Whenever a player wants to leave, the press get together to condem the player.

Remeber all the big players we lost. The media line was that they wanted to further their careers elsewhere.

Media is full of scousers or ex scousers

comment by Bestie (U1113)

posted on 19/5/15

Don't see why they all say he won't start anywhere other than Liverpool - he'd 100% start at City.

posted on 19/5/15

comment by Castor Troy (U8700)
posted 8 minutes ago
The media is very pro liverpool and that will never change.

Whenever a player wants to leave, the press get together to condem the player.

Remeber all the big players we lost. The media line was that they wanted to further their careers elsewhere.

Media is full of scousers or ex scousers

posted on 19/5/15

comment by The Godfather (U10154)
posted 0 seconds ago
comment by Castor Troy (U8700)
posted 8 minutes ago
The media is very pro liverpool and that will never change.

Whenever a player wants to leave, the press get together to condem the player.

Remeber all the big players we lost. The media line was that they wanted to further their careers elsewhere.

Media is full of scousers or ex scousers
What makes it worse is under Wenger we have never even finished in 5th place or lower so its a far bigger step up Sterling would be taking than any of the players who the media roundly encouraged to leave us.

posted on 19/5/15

Not sure when Uncle Tom Cobbley played for us, but I'm guessing the other 3 were asked by the media to give their opinion as ex-players, and gave it.

You know, this kind of thing:

I like the idea that we own the media, though...that's cool, although it didn't seem to help much with the Hillsborough campaign

posted on 19/5/15

Wessie stop it its a conspiricy

It's hilarious that people actually think the media have an agenda obviously an ex red is going to defend the club.

And I agree it's ridiculos the grief Raheem is getting in the press from ex players but pro agenda? Pull the other one lad

posted on 19/5/15


posted on 19/5/15

Are liverpool fans actually not aware of the media bias that every single other fan knows is par for course?

Or are they wumming?

posted on 19/5/15

Nah. They are just Ignorant

posted on 19/5/15

Are liverpool fans actually not aware of the media bias that every single other fan knows is par for course?
Yes, we’re aware of it.
Do you have your tin-foil hat on...we’re able to interfere with your thoughts as well, you know that, don’t you?

posted on 19/5/15

When did Gary Neville play for us

posted on 19/5/15

I find this stance weird.

Do people think that

a) Sterling should get a contract upwards of £150k?

b) That he would progress as well getting less first team football?

Apparently now they do. Well on this goldfish bowl anyway.

I'll freely admit he has a better chance of medals at certain other clubs but history is littered with young players making a big money move a year or two early for a huge contract but now the advice from pundits who've played the game is now way off the mark?

Doesn't make sense.

posted on 19/5/15

comment by Bestie (U1113)
posted 33 minutes ago
Don't see why they all say he won't start anywhere other than Liverpool - he'd 100% start at City.

Nasri looks finished.

posted on 19/5/15

Yes I do admit I think he would be a very good fit at City. I could see him taking the place of Nasri, Milner and Navas.

But he may want London. Will Wenger pay the huge some ut would take? Would we even deal with them? Would Chelsea be a good move if not?

The points raised by pundits, whether they have played for Liverpool or not, have validity unlike this article.

If you stopped taking in shít media and bought a proper paper it wouldn't wind you up so much.

posted on 19/5/15

Bye Raheem. Have a Much Better Life somewhere else

posted on 19/5/15

Bye Raheem. Have a Much Better Life somewhere else
Yes, bye Raheem.
On 120k per week, I think he’ll have a lovely time wherever he goes: there’s not likely to be any issue with that.

posted on 19/5/15

You all seem to know what he's asked for

posted on 19/5/15

It looks like sterling is doing a right number on Liverpool.

posted on 19/5/15

Reportedly he asked for parity with our top earner initially which is £150k.

TCP heard him ask to leave though. He doesn't use media outlets for info.

posted on 19/5/15

comment by WengersNearlyMen™ (U5041)
posted 1 minute ago
It looks like sterling is doing a right number on Liverpool.

How do you mean? We'll make millions.

posted on 19/5/15

Sicknote gets 150 Smackers a week

posted on 19/5/15

But he's a very good player and u wont get another like him.

posted on 19/5/15

But he's a very good player and u wont get another like him
OK, well we look forward to your club's offer reflecting that, then...

posted on 19/5/15

Agent says Down Tools

posted on 19/5/15

Liverpool have been in mediocrity for years now. They aren't getting anywhere. The love in from the media is disgusting. Compare it to Arsenal, who always get questioned for their ambition, and players were leaving, no one gave a damn.

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