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These 155 comments are related to an article called:

Scholes Being Placed Above His Station

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posted on 22/5/15

You could say Xavi was the base reason why Spain and Barcelona dominated. For both teams he was the central figure, the whole game was based around him.
I don't think we will see a player of his influence and calibre for some time. This type of player comes along once every 40 years, Beckenbauer and Cruyff were probably the last ones before him.

posted on 22/5/15

I agree about Barca and Spain, but there are others that have achieved that last criteria since than.

Maradona being the obvious one.

posted on 22/5/15

Nedved is the anti-Scholes

when both were playing literally everyone said Nedved was top dog

every passing year it's almost as if people forgot he ever played

posted on 22/5/15

every passing year it's almost as if people forgot he ever played

With his haircut, I'd be surprised.

posted on 22/5/15

"I'd have Scholes ahead of Xavi for any team bar Xavi's own teams. What could Xavi do as an individual that Scholes couldn't do every bit as well?"

Of course you would mate. You're the same guy who said Carrick's currently better than Ramsey.

It's not that you're clueless. It's the fact that you're soooo biased you're blinded.

Xavi is the most dominant CM of all time. Not a slight on Scholes. But the Spaniard is just a beast. And was the main reason Barca was unplayable.

posted on 22/5/15

"Scholes is overrated like crazy. Fabregas and scholes would be a better comparison"

I actually agree. The Cesc at Arsenal was outrageously good. The guy was a one man midfield and dictated things on a level where only Xavi bettered at that time.
Don't look at the broken Cesc now.

posted on 22/5/15

With his haircut, I'd be surprised."

he wasn't valderama FFS

posted on 23/5/15

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 23/5/15

Valderama was a sexy man.

Nedved looked like a bowl cut.

posted on 23/5/15

He played for Juve .

He put the boot into Napoli.

posted on 23/5/15

He wasn't even on Pirlo's level let alone Xavi or Zidane.

A better comparison to Scholes would be Guti although Guti was more capable of that killer pass.

posted on 23/5/15

Guti was very talented. A shame he was such a mental midget.

posted on 23/5/15

Shouldn't be considered a top 10 player in the world unless they've proved it in the prem.

comment by Brain (U18701)

posted on 23/5/15

comment by DubbedTheNewWenger90 (U19529)
posted 53 minutes ago
"Scholes is overrated like crazy. Fabregas and scholes would be a better comparison"

I actually agree. The Cesc at Arsenal was outrageously good. The guy was a one man midfield and dictated things on a level where only Xavi bettered at that time.
Don't look at the broken Cesc now.
So masterful that he led his team to how many trophies? He was decent but please don't get carried away.

comment by Kyzr (U10805)

posted on 23/5/15

Clearly Dubbed as never seen him play

posted on 23/5/15

Scholes went from being one of the most underrated player's to one of the most overrated.

For years he didn't get the credit he deserved then all ofa ssudden people started realising it then it went too far the other way.

posted on 23/5/15

"So masterful that he led his team to how many trophies? He was decent but please don't get carried away."

Ah. The old trophy point. Cause Scholes dragged to all those trophies singlehandedly right? Had nothing to do with him playing in amazing sides.

posted on 23/5/15

comment by Brain (U18701)
posted 2 hours, 2 minutes ago
comment by DubbedTheNewWenger90 (U19529)
posted 53 minutes ago
"Scholes is overrated like crazy. Fabregas and scholes would be a better comparison"

I actually agree. The Cesc at Arsenal was outrageously good. The guy was a one man midfield and dictated things on a level where only Xavi bettered at that time.
Don't look at the broken Cesc now.
So masterful that he led his team to how many trophies? He was decent but please don't get carried away.
This trophy talk is BS. When players win loads of trophies playing in good teams, they get put down due to having quality players surrounding them. When they don't win, they get put down for not dragging their team to trophies...

posted on 23/5/15

Clearly it's nostalgia that's playing up. Because he's nowhere near Xavi. I'd place him alongside Pirlo.
He's been getting better ever since he retired.

I wouldn't say nowhere near but I do rate Xavi above Scholes and would have Scholes around Pirlo's level...

Which is a pretty exceptional level so I can't really see the problem....

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 23/5/15

"What could Xavi do as an individual that Scholes couldn't do every bit as well?"

This is a gem!

comment by wump (U5046)

posted on 23/5/15

Seriously apart from those long cross field passes, in what exactly did Scholes really excel in? Putting him in Xavi's (someone who ate other world class midfielders for breakfast) is blasphemy.

posted on 23/5/15

Mendieta is another player from that era that was a beaut to watch, don't know if he was in the same class as these guys but wasn't far off.

Xavi was better than Scholes for me. Zidane still better than both though.

posted on 23/5/15

Scholes rarely saw the triangles players like Xavi, Pirlo, Ronaldinho, Messi etc see. He was exceptional at picking out a player though, as in he was very accurate.

The truth is he didn't have anywhere close to the vision of many players he's compared to. He's actually very similar to Carrick(much better obviously) when it comes to awareness of who's in space and playing it directly to them but has a serious lack of that ability to play the high risk killer pass.

posted on 23/5/15

United never really played three cm's the other players you mentioned all played in teams with three
Cm's hence triangles were easier to create. Scholsies awareness of everything around him was 2nd to none in the premier league era.

posted on 23/5/15

Lots of Arsenal fans who can't stomach Scholes being among the very best midfields of modern football. Bitter & jealous, not not even close to being subtle with it. It's also sad seeing them all be so transparent with their adoration of Xavi to get some reflective glory on Arsenal.

Arsenal aren't Barca. Arsenal have nothing in common with Barca. In recent years, Arsenal have been made to look like a pathetic joke by Barca both on, and more seriously, off the field.

If you can't accept Scholes was among the very best, thats fine. The peole who've player the game all do. The masses do as well. You're entitled to think what you want. But maybe you should think about WHY you think what you do. It's apparent it's only out of resentment and biased, it's not even a touch difficult to see.

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