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Arkham Knight

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comment by Tu Meke (U3732)

posted on 21/6/15

I'll buy it for you bro, gotta give zakaat.

In all seriousness, if it's like the first 2 games, it'll be great. Batmobile will be an interesting addition

posted on 21/6/15

Jesus you need to play the first 2! Origins was the worse of the 3 by a mile (but was still great) the second one had so much to do that I spent nearly 3 months completing everything!

posted on 21/6/15

I'm not a gaming nerd so much now, I've not been into video games for three years. I just play FIFA from time to time. But this game caught my eye and I've got a boring summer ahead so I might as well play it.

posted on 21/6/15

I want to get it, but I don't wanna buy the same game again tbh

posted on 21/6/15

Do you have a ps3 / 360 as said above go and play the 1st 2 first, will prob cost you a tenner for both, and both better than the 3rd. This will help leviate the summer boredom as well as not costing a small fortune, then by the time you have done that knight should be cheaper

posted on 21/6/15

I only have a PS4 actually

posted on 21/6/15

Playstation now?

posted on 21/6/15

Drive the Batmobile for the first time? Pretty sure I drove it on the Atari ST back in the 90s. You had to grapple onto lampposts to turn corners.

posted on 21/6/15

Will be getting it on PC ,

I actually liked Origins as it had a darker theme than City & Asylum but it just felt a DLC expansion to Arkham city rather than a stand alone game.

posted on 22/6/15

comment by Toxteth Blueboy (U1320)
posted 55 minutes ago
Will be getting it on PC ,

I actually liked Origins as it had a darker theme than City & Asylum but it just felt a DLC expansion to Arkham city rather than a stand alone game.

But its always worth remembering that rocksteady didnt do origins - my feeling was the guys doing it were trying too hard to be a rocksteady game rather than putting their own stamp on it, i will ge honest it looked nice but origins always struck me as a chinese knock off, looked good from a distance but it always felt a little "off" to me.

posted on 22/6/15

And the voice actors weren't the originals either

posted on 22/6/15

Mata's Left Foot's comments sum up Origins to me:

If people hadn't already played Asylum and City, the reviews would've been amazing and gamers would've been praising it. It's only really because it's 'more of the same' that it isn't viewed as favourably as the first two games I feel even though, IMO, Origins has easily the best story.

WB Games did a good job IMO. Their task was to produce a prequel game in Rocksteady's franchise, that's why they used Rocksteady's engine and that's what they did. I'd be happy with another game by them after Arkham Knight. Just hoping AK arrives early by some small miracle! Been frantically trying to avoid spoilers for the last week since some jammy *******s got it early somehow.

posted on 22/6/15

Also, thought the voice actors in Origins were top notch, and the future of Batman/Joker in games/animated films. They were voicing younger versions of the characters, and what with Conroy (Batman in AA/AC) and Hamill (Joker in AA/AC) being 50+, it was necessary to re-cast in my opinion

posted on 22/6/15

I pre-ordered Arkham Knight from Amazon last year when it was 35 quid.

Just got the e-mail to say it has been dispatched

comment by Joejoe (U7141)

posted on 22/6/15

comment by Nemanja's Body Count (U17355)
posted 15 minutes ago
Also, thought the voice actors in Origins were top notch, and the future of Batman/Joker in games/animated films. They were voicing younger versions of the characters, and what with Conroy (Batman in AA/AC) and Hamill (Joker in AA/AC) being 50+, it was necessary to re-cast in my opinion
Hamill was a genius piece of casting.. He was awesome as Joker and really one of the best pieces of voice acting on consoles. Just my personal opinion but i thought he was really top notch. I know the guys who made the game were really impressed with how much Hamill put into the performance.

I know you aint dissing Hamills performance i just had to throw that in ..One of the best games/acting/characters there has been for me.

posted on 22/6/15

comment by Jalisco Red - It'll shine when it shines (U4195)
posted 16 hours, 1 minute ago
Drive the Batmobile for the first time? Pretty sure I drove it on the Atari ST back in the 90s. You had to grapple onto lampposts to turn corners.
Wow I remember that!!

posted on 22/6/15

Hamill had been voicing the Joker on the animated series for years before the video games

comment by Joejoe (U7141)

posted on 22/6/15

yeah i know and he was awesome as it ... both the dark animated series and the games .... i think he is awesome as the joker and actually portays the original joker better than the rest including the big screens (ie nicholson and Ledger and the other guy from the series but dont know his name)

posted on 22/6/15

comment by wiretapper (U5071)
posted 1 hour, 34 minutes ago
I pre-ordered Arkham Knight from Amazon last year when it was 35 quid.

Just got the e-mail to say it has been dispatched
fack, it's nearly £50 everywhere else. Lucky caaant

posted on 22/6/15

I never got around completing Arkham Origins. Got about half way through and lost interest. I just found the map wayyy to big to navigate around. I only thing I remember was fighting Deathstroke, man that fight was a major pain on the ass. The first two games were great though, and since this one is being made my Rocksteady, I'll probably pick it up.

posted on 22/6/15


The launch trailer for those interested.

posted on 23/6/15

I agree, Mark Hamill is incredible as The Joker. It's just a shame that he's said he's not voicing him anymore. Luckily, in my opinion, Troy Baker is a very able replacement, especially as his Joker voice is basically an homage/imitation of Hamill's.

Anyway, the game just turned up but i'm at work so can't play 'til later luckily the girlfriend just told me to 'spend the whole week on your game' so happy days! Enjoy, gents!

comment by Joejoe (U7141)

posted on 23/6/15

comment by Nemanja's Body Count (U17355)
posted 29 minutes ago
'spend the whole week on your game' so happy days! Enjoy, gents!
jammy bassa !! its a thin line pi$$in you mrs off just enough so you get to avoid and sit in your man cave but not enough so that you end up papped out the door !!

posted on 23/6/15

Haha, I did wonder what I'd done wrong when she said 'why don't we just see each other at the weekend?' - was about to say, 'why's that? Have I done something wrong?' then thought, 'actually, this suits me'

posted on 23/6/15

I might actually get this

Im only 50% drawn in, however there are very few games on the PS4 that have drawn me 100% in

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