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These 72 comments are related to an article called:

The wrong decision

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posted on 2/7/15

At this moment Dunge I would just take staying up. This is an incredibly risky decision from the owners who are rolling the dice with our PL status.

posted on 2/7/15

Could we have a word with Erwin Koeman, Ron's brother?

Those boys know how to manage a club on the brink of disaster!

posted on 2/7/15

Chesham my old man told me and he was told by the director who is his mate and colleague at LCFC. My dad has worked there since 1971 and so we've both known him for a long time. I trust my dad mate 👍

posted on 2/7/15

Well given he was in the meeting when the plans were put on the table which I posted an article about before the media knew about it, he's involved, very involved so stop being a priiick! Didn't take you long hey, it's been peaceful here without you.

posted on 2/7/15

What is wrong with people and human nature in general? People have to argue and disagree with everything and accuse people of spouting here say, when it's actually nothing of the sort because it's actually true and has actually come from someone that is involved at a very high level and this person gets invited to overseas trips, he's not the tea boy!

posted on 2/7/15

Tell me BS, how was I able to post an article on here about the stadium plans two days before the Mercury, if I wasn't told by someone very credible? I was doubted then and I said it was fact and surprise surprise two days later, it's in the paper. Shocking how I knew that hey.

posted on 2/7/15

Oh and my dad knows Andrew Neville very well too. They always used to sit in the control box too until he became a director. Neville won't ever disclose anything to do with signings but other stuff yeah.

posted on 2/7/15

Because arro mate, if someone came onto any forum and started talking about inside knowledge and claiming to know someone it could just be totally made up.

I'm not saying you are making it up but in the internet age when there are thousands of people who claim to know someone or have a source and are usually talking nonsense then its not a personal attack to ask for a degree of proof more than simply my Dad knows someone

posted on 2/7/15

Oh dear arro. I know emotions are running high but resorting to name calling already? I haven't said you have made it up. I've said its hearsay which it is.

It's gone from a directors mouth, to your dad, to you, to us. Ever heard of Chinese whispers?

posted on 2/7/15

posted 1 hour, 51 minutes ago
Oh and my dad knows Andrew Neville very well too

Great, can you ask him to punch Neville square in the jaw next time he sees him? Just for the Matt Mills signing alone.....

posted on 2/7/15

Yeah Chinese whispers is one thing but my dad told me exactly what he was told word for word and I've written what I was told. Like I said my old man told me two days before the Mercury knew about the stadium.

Both Kevin and Andrew have told my dad separately that Cambiasso wanted to stay, or at least he did but who knows now? Most likely not.

And if sacking Pearson wasnt bad enough, it could be the difference between Cambiasso staying or leaving and us staying up or going down. They should have at least waited until he'd signed and they'd got a quality replacement.

posted on 3/7/15

Arro Cambiaso did not want to stay i will raise your dad and neville and bet you a seen Txt message from Cambiasos phone.

posted on 3/7/15

This was at the end of the season Nev, maybe things have changed since then but he definitely did because both of them said the same thing. I trust you though so he's probably changed his mind.

BS - apologies, it just felt like the old days again and I got on the defensive. No interest in falling out with you mate 👍

posted on 3/7/15

Out of interest Nev, who was the text to and what exaclty did it say?

Seems odd that he'd enrol his son into school for another year if he doesn't want to stay. Also, where else is he going to go? He said he won't be going back to Argentina and turned West Ham down so I can't see him being interested in Villa. There aren't that many options on the table are there?

posted on 3/7/15

Not prepared to say who do the wording was thanking the person and i am looking for a new challenge.

posted on 3/7/15

Arro no worries pal

posted on 3/7/15

Nev so he said "thank you I'm looking for a new challenge"?

Cheers BS, glad you've come back to be honest 👍

posted on 3/7/15

What confuses me is that there are ppl saying he is staying and going (not just on here) and they have it confirmed from ppl in the club

For me he is probably leaving but I don't know that. I just felt from his interview with Argentine tv that he was talking about Leicester in the past tense, as if he had played in the PL and was now looking to the next challenge

Nev can you tell us more about this text?

posted on 3/7/15

Sorry i can't it would be easy to trace back to the recipient.

posted on 3/7/15

Understand that nev but are you saying someone at the club has shown you a text from Cambiasso saying he isn't staying?

posted on 3/7/15

A new challenge could also mean a coaching role?

Seriously though, what are his options? Villa? I highly doubt that having turned down a substantially better deal than he's currently from West Ham, so joining Villa makes no sense at all. So where else could he go?

posted on 3/7/15

My View is its a footballing challenge and he is in no rush. He is no longer a LCFC player and if you also if you saw the image of him on Twitter (i know it does not mean anything) when he was out for a run it wasn't in our kit.

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