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Why do people do these sort of things?

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posted on 14/7/15

Man, Some idiots just want to see the world burn....
they think they are safe, in their basement, tapping away on their keyboard...
Name and shame should be the way forward...
just doesn't make any sense..

posted on 14/7/15

People are confident sending abuse from the safety of their room. Most of the time they are utter cowards who wouldn't dare do it in real life. So pitiful, there's a few of them on ja606 to be fair

posted on 14/7/15

comment by The Godfather (U10154)
posted 35 minutes ago
People are confident sending abuse from the safety of their room. Most of the time they are utter cowards who wouldn't dare do it in real life. So pitiful, there's a few of them on ja606 to be fair
was going to say that there are people in here who are the equivalent of trolls, spewing out bile and anger and hatred to people they didn't know 10 minutes ago, but from the safety of their mum's house it is all too easy for them.

posted on 14/7/15

Everywhere you go on this planet there are always one or two idiots. Its just the way it is and I am surprised that you seem surprised. Petr Cech received death threats from Chelsea fans for moving to Arsenal for crying out loud. Idiocy is universal I am afraid.

comment by Szoboss (U6997)

posted on 14/7/15

These people have always existed, it's just now they've been given an outlet for their stupidity and, more importantly, a sense that someone gives a damn about their opinions/abuse.

These incidents get reported which gives a degree of notoriety to the abuse which encourages it. If everyone ignored Twitter then it would happen far less but that doesn't happen, it appears that we live in an age where what happens on Twitter matters for some reason!

Intelligence doesn't seem to be valued, idiocy rules.

posted on 14/7/15

These people have always existed, it's just now they've been given an outlet for their stupidity and, more importantly, a sense that someone gives a damn about their opinions/abuse.

These incidents get reported which gives a degree of notoriety to the abuse which encourages it. If everyone ignored Twitter then it would happen far less but that doesn't happen, it appears that we live in an age where what happens on Twitter matters for some reason!

Intelligence doesn't seem to be valued, idiocy rules.

A most excellent post.

Not surprising that the outlets continue to allow this trash to go unmonitored. The two depend on each other to progress in notoriety.

If you can post vids of people being beheaded well the abuse Sterling received is pretty small beer. The whole social media circus needs a shake up.

posted on 14/7/15

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posted on 14/7/15

The start of the end was tabloid news where the size of Kim Kardashian's ass became front page news, the we got the likes of Geordie Shore and all of a sudden the trash of society is glamorised and low and behold intelligence and decency aren't valued as high as yolo or a selfie.

Society is horrendous nowadays.

posted on 14/7/15

For me when it comes to Twitter the clus is in the 1st 4 letters.

Anyone with half a brain and is not a 16 year old idiot that uses Twitter seriously needs to re evaluate their life.

posted on 14/7/15

comment by Irishred (U2539)
posted 16 minutes ago
For me when it comes to Twitter the clus is in the 1st 4 letters.

Anyone with half a brain and is not a 16 year old idiot that uses Twitter seriously needs to re evaluate their life.

I don't use Twitter but it has it's uses, it's the best way to get hold of instant news, even things like train delays.

posted on 14/7/15

Scousers are 'Orrible

posted on 14/7/15

another one that rots todays mind..
Fox News.
Channel is just outrageous... but the comedy value it gives to the likes of John Stewart/Colbert and John Oliver is golden !
''fook it we'll do it live!!''

posted on 14/7/15


posted on 14/7/15

Firstly, twitter is amazing. It's the fastest way to find news, as it's happening, and opens you up to the world. Don't post often, only receive information.

Secondly, it's frustrating how the word "trolling" has been permanently attached to "abusing". Trolling is an art, and it's beautiful when it's done right.

Thirdly, it's a type of person. Victims are not exclusively footballers, as some would think. They're not also exclusively women, as others would suggest. It's 4chan's /b/ mentality but twisted. /b/ was the epitome of the playground bully. If you have a characteristic, it's there to be jumped upon. If you were not anonymous in character, you'd be humiliated into silence. Well, that was part of that mentality.

This isn't that, now I think about it. It's people lashing out. People attempting to gain control, and power, over their lives by how they can hurt others. It's a psychological phenomenon that manifests often enough in other areas. If you think about it, football is one area where the amount you care cannot tally with the amount of influence you have over events. Some people cannot handle that and so attempt to wrest some power via threats.

posted on 14/7/15

Twitter isn't the problem people are and anyway it's total rubbish this lad tweeting that to Sterling isn't going to do feck all to Sterling he's just some dope jacking off in a dark room.

Twitter is great, you can follow people you find interesting, get links to sites with articles you want to read, interact with people all over the world over issues, stories or events you want to discuss.

It's also an amazing marketing tool for small business if you use it correctly, you can advertise through it and get your business out to a wide range of people.

Anonymity breeds contempt, you can tell almost instantly if someone is genuine or a troll as if the person uses a real picture of themselves and there own name they are generally just using Twitter for the right reasons mentioned above, if they hide behind a picture of a footballer and have a name like LFCfan1 or some rubbish they're generally a troll of some sort.

And it's a great way to slag your mates

posted on 14/7/15

One of teh unfortunate drawbacks of the intternet age sadly. It empowers compete m0r0ns and gives the a platform for their pathetic cries for attention. Name and shame them

comment by (U20555)

posted on 14/7/15

comment by TheChameleonProject (U1847)
posted 22 minutes ago
Scousers are 'Orrible



posted on 14/7/15

There's nothing wrong with Twitter. The problem is the idiots who use it.

posted on 14/7/15

comment by Giröulski Alt-153 and Alt-160 forever (U14971)
posted 7 minutes ago
Firstly, twitter is amazing. It's the fastest way to find news, as it's happening, and opens you up to the world. Don't post often, only receive information.

Secondly, it's frustrating how the word "trolling" has been permanently attached to "abusing". Trolling is an art, and it's beautiful when it's done right.

Thirdly, it's a type of person. Victims are not exclusively footballers, as some would think. They're not also exclusively women, as others would suggest. It's 4chan's /b/ mentality but twisted. /b/ was the epitome of the playground bully. If you have a characteristic, it's there to be jumped upon. If you were not anonymous in character, you'd be humiliated into silence. Well, that was part of that mentality.

This isn't that, now I think about it. It's people lashing out. People attempting to gain control, and power, over their lives by how they can hurt others. It's a psychological phenomenon that manifests often enough in other areas. If you think about it, football is one area where the amount you care cannot tally with the amount of influence you have over events. Some people cannot handle that and so attempt to wrest some power via threats.
Great post totally agree

posted on 14/7/15

I've been on a bus for the last half an hour scared Twitter for most of it, caught up with latest stories on Greece, Iran, transfers and a few other things all through my Twitter timeline. It's great like that.

posted on 14/7/15

Scared Twitter I'm a massive troll!

Meant scanned

posted on 14/7/15

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posted on 14/7/15

I've found that I only use Twitter during transfer windows.

posted on 14/7/15

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comment by (U20555)

posted on 14/7/15

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