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Hargreaves the traitor and souless City

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posted on 31/8/11

comment by Cityblueloz (U6305) posted 49 seconds ago

U are naive if you don't think Leeds are your rivals!


You're as deluded as they are if you think they are.

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

Citybluez it's not about a free agent justifying themselves to me. You're right, they don't have to. But on the other hand I don't have to agree with their selfish morals and I'm glad Hargreaves has gone. That's not to say there aren't more like him within the club I follow - there are. But City have a team full of them. Success is more important I guess? My point here is that I don't like the way football is going. It's not about United. I thought the way Nasir left Arsenal for money was a disgrace and showed what a shallow individual he was. I'm sure I'll be shot down for having these views but I stand firmly behind them and nobody will convince me they are wrong. I love football, I love the passion of a good match and most of those will come against City this year because of the passion stirred up by the likes of Hargreaves. When you look at it like that then in a way City have done us a favour. What spurs their mercenaries on though? They have no history to fight for, they have no players who care about the club, at the end of they day they are playing for the money. I wouldn't like that as a fan. I'm sure City fans love their club and wear their shirt with pride - if I was a City fan I would. But I wouldn't like what my club had become. Chelsea are much the same but at least you have the likes of John Terry to cling on to.

posted on 31/8/11

What a selfish viewpoint!
I should begin by pointing out that the accusations of disloyalty and greed aimed at Hargreaves are well wide of the mark; in fact Owen was so desperate to remain at OT that HE OFFERED TO PLAY FOR UNITED THIS SEASON FOR FREE!

I make no apology for shouting; people need to be aware of this fact before they demonise Hargreaves for still having ambition after United had refused to entertain his offer.

Why then, should he not seek to join a club which would offer him the prospect of returning to both European and International football?

As someone has already pointed out, if his problems at OT were ultimately mental more than physical, he will be better off at a smaller club with less pressure on him, so as far as I am concerned, thanks for your contribution Owen, and good luck to you.

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

I'm sure you'll be saying good luck to him when he piles in to Young or Nani when we meet and breaks their leg. I respect your opinion though and you should respect mine. Because I for one hope he breaks down and never kicks a football again. If he'd gone to any other club other than City or Liverpool I'd have understood but going to City takes the mickey out of the fans who follow clubs all over the country. Our club matters to us and so do the rivalries. You don't just leave one club and go to the neighbouring club and expect it to be ok. Some fans like you will swallow it and some won't. If he plays against United he should be booed and I shall boo with those that do. Those that don't can keep their mouths shut as is their right.

posted on 31/8/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

My credability goes because you decide? Dream on and bring something to the party instead of making conservative like statements.

Why would I want a potentially world class player to go to one of our rivals and perform. I don't wish him further serious injury I just hope Sir Alex's appraisal is correct. And his appraisal must be that Hargreaves is finished and won't play effectively again - which is what I hope for. Because if he does play again then we have made a big mistake i.e. City take Hargreaves off us for free and we still have Gibson and Carrick.

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 31/8/11

Nnnnnnnineteen, why would I be bitter, I am loving where city are at, I remember the bad times so why should I be bitter now "hopefully the good times are here"

You are like the spoilt kid with all the toys who still wants more and everyone else to have nothing, i couldn't care less about man u, your comments are bitter in nature, you like some others like you should lighten up your bitterness is obvious to anyone who's read your posts you should

posted on 31/8/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 31/8/11

I agree with the OP, it's really bad form on Hargreaves part, to leave looking to play regular football, he signs for city a team with about 6 class players in that position already!?!?
Personally I would have loved to see him sign for Arsenal or go back abroad but I guess when you release a player he can do what he wants!

posted on 31/8/11

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comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

I suppose in the truest sense of the word Owen Hargreaves is a United reject. And if City want our rejects then it shows what high esteem they hold us in, something Mancini never forgets to mention. I stand by hoping he never plays again but will filter it with more substance. I hope he never plays anywhere near to the standard he once was. Which I'm sure he won't. Hargreaves strengths were his non stop running and harrowing of opponents. I fear with knees as good as my great grandma those strengths will have diminished. In Sir Alex we trust.

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 31/8/11

comment by (U10436)

Because I for one hope he breaks down and never kicks a football again.


That is a terrible comment to make, how can you wish for somebody to recieve a career ending injury just because you dont agree with their career move?

I am quite frankly disgusted that you can view any player of any club, let alone a former player of your own club, in such a way.

posted on 31/8/11


well said fella

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 31/8/11

Cheers pal

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

Less of the backslapping and please take time to read the article Sid. A career ending injury is not what I was wishing for. I'm hoping he never returns to anything like his former self and his career as a top flight player is finished. Because if it isn't then we have made a huge mistake letting him go. Considering a fit Hargreaves is what United's midfield has been crying out for for years.

comment by Sid (U1868)

posted on 31/8/11

You are very bitter, not going to bother debating with you if you have such an attitude toward any player. Im out of this one

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

I'll end this discussion the way I started it then - as the victor. I do find peoples assumption that I'm bitter tiresome though. It's an opinion I have and thankfully we live in a society where we are all entitiled to one. Owen Hargreaves has done nothing wrong and I'm sure he'll sleep soundly tonight and not give us United fans a seconds thought. I can live with that. But in my mind he's just as bad as Tevez and anyone with half a brain would have realised that leaving the club that's supported you and paid you for nothing for the last three years deserves some respect. Loyalty and decency should still prevail in football but Owen has ignored that. What will he be left with? United fans won't hold him any esteem after this and his only chance with City fans is to give them some happy moments. The chances of that are slim with his injury record. At least he has his bank balance though. The sole motivation of 99.9% of footballers. And anyone who believes otherwise seriously has lost credibility.

posted on 31/8/11

(U10436): "If he plays against United he should be booed and I shall boo with those that do. Those that don't can keep their mouths shut as is their right"

You may indulge in your right to keep your idiot trap shut, but as I am no idiot I will indulge in my right to tell all you hypocritical ans hysterical boo-boys what idiots you are.
I have complete faith that in the event Hargreaves does return to OT with City that a) No-one will be breaking anyone's leg (what an asinine thing for you to say) and that b) you and your mindless ilk will be in the minority.

"Because I for one hope he breaks down and never kicks a football again"

Thank you for that comment; it leaves no-one in any doubt as to how contemptible you are and relieves me of any necessity to continue this dialogue.

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