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So who still thinks Ken is saving Leeds?

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posted on 1/9/11

*tumbleweed rolls past*

posted on 1/9/11

I'm happy to discuss this with you over a nice Sweet & Sour pork meal!

posted on 1/9/11

well he has started saving me money cos i won't be going to another game after the Palace game ( already bought ticket weeks ago doh !! ) until after the next xfer window at xmas

posted on 1/9/11

hmmmmm thing is by then we may well be in deep doo doo & who will want to come to us

posted on 1/9/11

LeedsSouth - you're buying mate.
Lashed - every cloud, eh?

posted on 1/9/11

is full of water

posted on 1/9/11

Chicago seriuosly KWB is rotten to the core

posted on 1/9/11

I always thought a cloud was made out of candy floss, you learn something every day!

posted on 1/9/11

I think we gave KB a fair crack. Of course there were some who condemned him from the start, most were prepared to judge on his actions.

Which is what I have done. Not having a ST (Thank F) I can now reduce my expenditure to almost nil. I'll just keep the LUTV subscription going. Until such time as there is someone worth paying money to.

comment by Doc (U8918)

posted on 1/9/11

I stated a few weeks ago that we wouldn't get any players and that either max or Snodds would be sold. I also said that I'd had enough and wouldn't go to ER again until Bates turns his toes up or sells. Fook him

comment by NJS (U8272)

posted on 1/9/11

That's very easy Chicago...get back to you soon!

posted on 1/9/11

Leedsouth they are, i was wrong as usual

posted on 1/9/11

Take your time NJS, no hurry...

comment by NJS (U8272)

posted on 1/9/11

This forum is like a dentists waiting room...grim!

This forum wont be happy until it's an anti Bates/
Grayson site...football offers them no joy, only misery,
why bother with football?!
The owner of the club is Bates...he is a gamble...will
his legacy be good or bad, in simple terms?
The manager is Grayson...he is a gamble...will he
make a success of the team?

Scenario: The owner sells up, the manager gets the
sack...what next? Another gamble, will the owner make
a success...will the manager make the team a success?

So what do the fans who want the present incumbents
out want? All they want is another gamble when we
already have one, the present incumbents!
The anti-Bates crowd have nothing to contribute as an
alternative...imo the alternative is a club that is static,
a consistent Championship club floundering.

Five games into a football season and the white flags are out and dummies being thrown out of
the pram!
One member wants apologies already...another
member on that thread was very modest and said he
didnt want an apology....apologies for what?
Has a line been drawn in the sand? Is it the end of the
football season as we know it? Do we get our coats
and walk off into the sunset?

Is the club significantly any different from the others
in the Championship, bar the relegated teams and
Leicester, who have come into money?
I dont think so...probably marginally in better shape
than most!

posted on 1/9/11

I do.

posted on 1/9/11

Crikey NJS, send me some of your happy pills would you mate!

Don't you think that we are floundering right now?

comment by NJS (U8272)

posted on 1/9/11

Of course we're not floundering ffs...the football war
has barely started...we're not even at Dunkirk yet...
fight for LUFC...get rid of the dummies, stop
throwing in the towels...everything is to play for...the
other teams aren't bloody Barcelona are they?!

posted on 1/9/11

At last fans realizing what Bates is like

posted on 1/9/11

4 points from 5 games...a paper thin squad...best players sold...no replacements signed...other teams showing significantly more ambition than us (Brighton signing Vicente, Brighton FFS)...it might not be floundering but it hardly looks healthy, does it?

posted on 1/9/11

Here is what Bates is saving us from:

The delight of signing players,
The hope of being competitive,
The excitement of the team's prospects,
The anticipation of what we might achive,
The pride in our team,
Respect in the football community,
The over-exposure that the Premier League brings,
The sweet smell of success.

I could go on and on but I think you all get the picture.

comment by NJS (U8272)

posted on 1/9/11

5 games is a very small percentage of the games
played in a season, Chico, to base opinion on.
Last season we had some very bad early results, by
Xmas we were 2nd...people are too impatient and
allow a season to unfold to make a proper judgement.

The truth is no-one knows how the season is going to
pan out...what's the point of trying to run people and
players out of town at the beginning?

posted on 1/9/11

Pricing fans out of ER is the biggest sin of all

comment by (U2671)

posted on 1/9/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 1/9/11

I do. Bates and Grayson will prove you lot wrong...

comment by (U2671)

posted on 1/9/11

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

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