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These 17 comments are related to an article called:

Cook's replacement

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posted on 9/9/11

peter kenyon ?

posted on 9/9/11

curly watts.

posted on 9/9/11

Why not give In Good Kompany the job? He"s just proved on the arsenal board that he has all the qualities cook had and then some.Disgraceful.

posted on 9/9/11


Peter Kenyon left United as chief exec (i think) to take up a simelar post at Chelsea, when he thought that Chelsea were going to rule all before them, forever more. From memory he tried to take credit for Uniteds rise in turnover, yet they have done better without him, even allowing for the glazers.

posted on 9/9/11

I dont get it tiptop.You know the club is gonna get slated on here and the wise thing to do would be to cut cook adrift and disown him yet some of you bang on about United.

comment by LEE1PEN (U6707)

posted on 9/9/11

He was to Addidas as Cook was to Nike I think.

But Dein seems a good shout but not sure if he wants an Arsenal return.

posted on 9/9/11

The singing flame

I suggested that david dein was a good replacement and that peter kenyon should not bother applying. JHDI seemed to be unsure who Kenyon was, and i tried to give a little background. Nobody was banging on about United.

posted on 9/9/11

Was Kenyon not Uniteds answer to Cook, then left for Chelsea?

posted on 9/9/11


He was a simelar postion yes, but without the errors. Kenyon was very good at self glorification, and thought he had more contacts than anyone else on the planet. Since he moved to Chelsea, apart from the initial self fanfare, he has not done much to raise Chelsea's turnover, indeed Bruce Buck as chairman seemed to have done more in the increasing of revenue streams.

posted on 9/9/11

Surely John Williams is a shoe in

posted on 9/9/11

I think we should try to tempt David Bernstein back to the club. He's flogging a dead horse in trying to clean up and improve the FA (a situation not helped by FIFA, which he is powerless to stop).

Come back to City, David, and continue the good work you put into the club before Keegan helped to force you out, because he wanted to sign Robbie Fowler and you didn't think he was worth the extortionate wages.

posted on 9/9/11

I bet Lord Bernstein regrets that big mistake with fowler going on to be such a prolific striker for us

comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 9/9/11

Bernstien for me, the guy saved city and seems a decent bloke, kenyon get te f u ck!

posted on 9/9/11

Some of the best CEO's are often ones that you hear little about, and as such Williams might be such a guy, but i suspect that if senior people within say, Nike, Sony, Apple, Microsoft etc were talking to City, about sponsorship, or kit deals etc, that they may not take someone like williams as serious as they would a david dein etc.

I have to confess, I can not think of many alternatives to Dein, but it is not really my area of expertise. The ideal man would be David Bernstein, but he maybe more useful to us where he is.

I certainly would not want the likes of Kenyon, Parry, or Storie, and also think it should be an Englishman, with an excellent football knowledge

posted on 9/9/11

"I dont get it tiptop.You know the club is gonna get slated on here and the wise thing to do would be to cut cook adrift and disown him yet some of you bang on about United."

Oh the hypocrisy of rags, here we have a man u fan on the City board berating City fans for talking about man u??? Why are you on this board telling City fans what they should or should not be talking about you plank?

posted on 9/9/11

David Bernstein.........he isthe one, on so many levels.

he will never get drunk in a New York bar and ramble on about world domination..he understands the meaning behind the word " Typical" and he will always engage his brain before speaking........ or emailing..........he understand finance and the buying/selling of players...and he knows the FA and FIFA and UEFA..he can play them at their own game..

posted on 10/9/11

yep Bernie for me is and always will be a blue.

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